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Author Archives: Renee

From the Archives…

As I was reminiscing reading through ancient posts on my old myspace blog, I decided that I needed to repost some here since they are things I just don’t want to forget. Haylee was about the age that Wade is now. Very interesting to look back and remember how SHE was at the precocious age…

In case somebody HASN’T heard of Pinterest…

{via} Pinterest is a new internet sensation that has everybody jumping with glee.  I’m serious.  People are actually jumping with Glee.  :) {via} Basically it’s a plethora of virtual corkboards where you can Pin the awesome stuff you run across on the web that you wanna remember or share.  Pinterest makes everything So Very Easy. …

Happy Birthday Haylee!

Our cartwheel obsessed firstborn celebrated her BIG eight years on the planet doing one of her very most favorite things… Gymnastics. The girl l.o.v.e.s anything and everything gymnastics related.  :) Our experience this year wasn’t quite the fabulous par-tay that we had last year, but I tried to keep remembering that the Birthday Girl was…

A Shaklee Giveaway!

{via} Remember my Shaklee post?  It seemed like an issue that lots of us worry wart moms are concerned about.  We, of course, want to make sure that we are providing the safest possible environment for our families, but it is not always easy to do.  AND… it always seems like there is constantly something…

Menu Monday… low cal Meatball Subs!

Up on the menu  this week… Monday… Broiled Tilapia Parmesan Tuesday… Cheeseburger Pie Wednesday… Meatball Subs Thursday… Favorites Buffet Friday… Family Birthday Dinner  :) Saturday… Brown Pork Chops {leftover from last week}   I have to just say that the Poppy Seed Chicken elicited LOTS of comments from everyone last week, and I am happy…

a Peek into our Week…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say.  Here’s a peek into our week…  We spent the evening last Saturday celebrating Father’s Day with PawPaw Howard.  :)   Sunday the Davis Man spent some quality time with Daddy during church.  It was Father’s Day after all.  :)   Wade was so excited…

From the Archives…

As I was reminiscing reading through ancient posts on my old myspace blog, I decided that I needed to repost some here since they are things I just don’t want to forget. This week’s is more on the Blast from the Haylee Past… {August 17, 2006} Yesterday, Haylee stayed with Nana (Chris’s mom)…. Nana bought…

A Wealth of Confusing Knowledge

One day out of the clear blue Wade said… “This is Saturn… It’s in the sky.” I looked in shock to see he had this in his hand… Uh, no idea where he picked up that nugget of knowledge unless it was from his super nice teacher…   Again out of the clear blue {apparently…

9 months in. 9 months out.

Davis has now reached the BIG nine month milestone.   He is 9 months old TODAY!! He continues to brighten our days with his smiles and squeals, and I really love to see him spot me and start his determined crawling as fast as he can go to get to me.    He has started pulling up…

Deep breath… I did it. I switched to my OWN domain!

I’ve recently been tweaking stuff around here.  Trying to make some better, more visually appealing elements and choices.  Back when I started this blog I really didn’t know better when I came up with the name and the blog address.  But now that I’ve learned a thing or two, it can be very skeeeery to…

Author Archives: Renee

From the Archives…

As I was reminiscing reading through ancient posts on my old myspace blog, I decided that I needed to repost some here since they are things I just don’t want to forget. Haylee was about the age that Wade is now. Very interesting to look back and remember how SHE was at the precocious age…

In case somebody HASN’T heard of Pinterest…

{via} Pinterest is a new internet sensation that has everybody jumping with glee.  I’m serious.  People are actually jumping with Glee.  :) {via} Basically it’s a plethora of virtual corkboards where you can Pin the awesome stuff you run across on the web that you wanna remember or share.  Pinterest makes everything So Very Easy. …

Happy Birthday Haylee!

Our cartwheel obsessed firstborn celebrated her BIG eight years on the planet doing one of her very most favorite things… Gymnastics. The girl l.o.v.e.s anything and everything gymnastics related.  :) Our experience this year wasn’t quite the fabulous par-tay that we had last year, but I tried to keep remembering that the Birthday Girl was…

A Shaklee Giveaway!

{via} Remember my Shaklee post?  It seemed like an issue that lots of us worry wart moms are concerned about.  We, of course, want to make sure that we are providing the safest possible environment for our families, but it is not always easy to do.  AND… it always seems like there is constantly something…

Menu Monday… low cal Meatball Subs!

Up on the menu  this week… Monday… Broiled Tilapia Parmesan Tuesday… Cheeseburger Pie Wednesday… Meatball Subs Thursday… Favorites Buffet Friday… Family Birthday Dinner  :) Saturday… Brown Pork Chops {leftover from last week}   I have to just say that the Poppy Seed Chicken elicited LOTS of comments from everyone last week, and I am happy…

a Peek into our Week…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say.  Here’s a peek into our week…  We spent the evening last Saturday celebrating Father’s Day with PawPaw Howard.  :)   Sunday the Davis Man spent some quality time with Daddy during church.  It was Father’s Day after all.  :)   Wade was so excited…

From the Archives…

As I was reminiscing reading through ancient posts on my old myspace blog, I decided that I needed to repost some here since they are things I just don’t want to forget. This week’s is more on the Blast from the Haylee Past… {August 17, 2006} Yesterday, Haylee stayed with Nana (Chris’s mom)…. Nana bought…

A Wealth of Confusing Knowledge

One day out of the clear blue Wade said… “This is Saturn… It’s in the sky.” I looked in shock to see he had this in his hand… Uh, no idea where he picked up that nugget of knowledge unless it was from his super nice teacher…   Again out of the clear blue {apparently…

9 months in. 9 months out.

Davis has now reached the BIG nine month milestone.   He is 9 months old TODAY!! He continues to brighten our days with his smiles and squeals, and I really love to see him spot me and start his determined crawling as fast as he can go to get to me.    He has started pulling up…

Deep breath… I did it. I switched to my OWN domain!

I’ve recently been tweaking stuff around here.  Trying to make some better, more visually appealing elements and choices.  Back when I started this blog I really didn’t know better when I came up with the name and the blog address.  But now that I’ve learned a thing or two, it can be very skeeeery to…