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Author Archives: Renee

The Much Procrastinated Curriculum Choice

Oh my. I put off my curriculum choices for the Fall as long as I could… until the fourth of July loomed close, and I had a moment of panic that the summer was OVER and I HAD to decide already! I’m all about agonizing over making choices… a fault of mine that I just…

Birthday Favor Tags!

It’s not like it’s hard or anything, I know. BUT… these tips would’ve helped me making the tags for Haylee’s party favor bags, so I thought I would pass on the learning curve.  :) I started off by downloading a free circle label template for Word and Printshop.  I ended up using Printshop but you…

Menu Monday… Back to Reality!

We are packing up and heading back home today!   It has been so nice to get away from everything and have a bit of time and relaxation with these special people.  :) I went uber-planning-crazy trying to figure out enough menus and meals in advance before we left so I wouldn’t have to worry with…

From the Archives…

{As I was reminiscing reading through ancient posts on my old myspace blog, I decided that I needed to repost some here since they are things I just don’t want to forget.} This week’s is more on the Blast from the Haylee Past… {Originally posted August 17, 2006} I’m doing Winsor Pilates these days with…

Vacation begins in three…two…ONE!

We are on our way to Lake Lure today! We are VEEERY excited to get a few days away in a cute little place in the mountains!  The kiddos are getting dropped off with Nana shortly {after we meet at the eye doctor to get Haylee’s glasses fixed again!}, and we will meet halfway to…

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Giveaway #1 Winner of the Shaklee Sample Pack is… Jessica!!!   Giveaway Winner #2 of the Cinch Starter Kit is… Michele! Congrats to you both!  Email me with your info so I can get your shaklee awesomeness out to you!  

A Glimpse of Reality…

It can be shocking to learn our kids’ perception of reality.  Rachel surveyed her daughter on this list of things that is real or pretend and asked others to do the same. I agree with her that it is VERY interesting to see things through the eyes of our kids. So I present to you…

Giveaway Ends TONIGHT!

  The Shaklee Giveaway ends tonight at midnight!  :)  Remember four ways to enter… 1) Follow my blog on Google Friend Connect.  If you are already a follower, leave a comment and let me know. 2) “Like” Living Laughing & Loving on Facebook.  If you are already a fan, let me know… 3) Share the giveaway on Facebook….

Menu Monday… Happy 4th of July!

Happy Independence Day!!!  I hope all of us will be able to enjoy a customary 4th of July burger or hotdog fresh from the grill today!   We will be spending the day at Nana and Pop’s celebrating not only the country’s birthday, but also my little nephew Ty’s big TWO year old birthday!  He is…

A Peek into our Week…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say. Here’s a peek into our week… Saturday night we went out for ice cream with Nana & Pop and the fam…  I think most of us were AMAZED to see this platter of beauty and wonderfulness appear… TWENTY-FOUR scoops of ICE CREAM to share! …

Author Archives: Renee

The Much Procrastinated Curriculum Choice

Oh my. I put off my curriculum choices for the Fall as long as I could… until the fourth of July loomed close, and I had a moment of panic that the summer was OVER and I HAD to decide already! I’m all about agonizing over making choices… a fault of mine that I just…

Birthday Favor Tags!

It’s not like it’s hard or anything, I know. BUT… these tips would’ve helped me making the tags for Haylee’s party favor bags, so I thought I would pass on the learning curve.  :) I started off by downloading a free circle label template for Word and Printshop.  I ended up using Printshop but you…

Menu Monday… Back to Reality!

We are packing up and heading back home today!   It has been so nice to get away from everything and have a bit of time and relaxation with these special people.  :) I went uber-planning-crazy trying to figure out enough menus and meals in advance before we left so I wouldn’t have to worry with…

From the Archives…

{As I was reminiscing reading through ancient posts on my old myspace blog, I decided that I needed to repost some here since they are things I just don’t want to forget.} This week’s is more on the Blast from the Haylee Past… {Originally posted August 17, 2006} I’m doing Winsor Pilates these days with…

Vacation begins in three…two…ONE!

We are on our way to Lake Lure today! We are VEEERY excited to get a few days away in a cute little place in the mountains!  The kiddos are getting dropped off with Nana shortly {after we meet at the eye doctor to get Haylee’s glasses fixed again!}, and we will meet halfway to…

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Giveaway #1 Winner of the Shaklee Sample Pack is… Jessica!!!   Giveaway Winner #2 of the Cinch Starter Kit is… Michele! Congrats to you both!  Email me with your info so I can get your shaklee awesomeness out to you!  

A Glimpse of Reality…

It can be shocking to learn our kids’ perception of reality.  Rachel surveyed her daughter on this list of things that is real or pretend and asked others to do the same. I agree with her that it is VERY interesting to see things through the eyes of our kids. So I present to you…

Giveaway Ends TONIGHT!

  The Shaklee Giveaway ends tonight at midnight!  :)  Remember four ways to enter… 1) Follow my blog on Google Friend Connect.  If you are already a follower, leave a comment and let me know. 2) “Like” Living Laughing & Loving on Facebook.  If you are already a fan, let me know… 3) Share the giveaway on Facebook….

Menu Monday… Happy 4th of July!

Happy Independence Day!!!  I hope all of us will be able to enjoy a customary 4th of July burger or hotdog fresh from the grill today!   We will be spending the day at Nana and Pop’s celebrating not only the country’s birthday, but also my little nephew Ty’s big TWO year old birthday!  He is…

A Peek into our Week…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say. Here’s a peek into our week… Saturday night we went out for ice cream with Nana & Pop and the fam…  I think most of us were AMAZED to see this platter of beauty and wonderfulness appear… TWENTY-FOUR scoops of ICE CREAM to share! …