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Author Archives: Renee

Menu Monday Madness!

Basil Chicken via All Recipes {The Amazing} Crockpot French Dip Subs From the Freezer… Crockpot Cream Cheese Chicken via The Larson Lingo   From the Freezer… Shrimp Scampi Bake via All Recipes I made a fun new button this weekend, so if I have featured your recipe today {or any other day in the past}…

Beautify your Blog… Favorite WordPress Plugins!

Everybody knows one of the coolest things about WordPress is the plugins.  Really it’s the “candy” that keeps me plucking my eyes out over this crazy WP learning curve.  :) Okay.  It’s really not THAT bad.  Maybe.  It’s just different, and sometimes different ends up hard and making you feel quite the moron. But wait,…

Birthday News & Sponsor Love

Today our Wild Wadester is FOUR years old!  I can hardly believe it!  He has been itching to finally be FOUR for so long.  For a while now, when you asked him how old he is, he would sadly answer, “Stiiiiill three.”  Poor guy.  :) He is one crazy dude that definitely keeps us hopping….

The Toys are Taking Over…

Most of you know our unique living arrangement.  We are family of five living in a cozy TWO bedroom house… all up in each other’s bizness.  Our three kids all share a room and have for about a year or so.  They don’t have a large room, either, so fitting all the furniture in is…

Menu Monday…

Dinner with Mom tonight since I’m at her house today!  :) Asian Chicken Wings via 5 Dinners 1 Hour Ranch Pork Chops Wade’s BIG #4!  We’re celebrating with our free Super bowl pizza from Papa John’s! Did you get yours?? Can’t beat F-R-E-E!! From the Freezer… Lime Chicken & Black Bean Burritos via If You…

Fashion Friday!

Are you ready for some more Fashion Fun?  Maybe one of these days I’ll be cool and set up a tripod or get someone to take pics for me, but until then… it’s these “lovely” self shots in the mirror wonders.  :) At least this month, the mirror is semi clean for most of the…

Quick Steps on how to Coupon & Keep your Sanity!

After a few years off from couponing, I have dived back into the fray wrought with paper cuts and uptight cashiers. My Coupon Queen Mother got me started in the madness back in 2005.  I faithfully clipped, sorted and filed my stacks of coupons in a binder with plastic pages for about THREE years and…

What’s for Dinner??

{source} Chicken & Spinach Pasta Bake via Saving Money Living Life {source} Garlic & Brown Sugar Chicken via {source} From the Freezer… Roasted Shrimp & Feta /2 via Make 5 Dinners in 1 Hour We survived our THIRD WEEK of the crazy couponing!  We went to three stores with THREE kids and lived to…

Thoughts on Forgiveness

{source} I’ve had my share of the technical blog talk of late… as I’m sure all of you have too!  Thank you for indulging me in my last post.  You all are the best!   :)  I’m focusing on the fact that whatever will be, will be on the little blog o’ mine.  :) So instead…

Something New & a Big FAT Plea!

As if I don’t have enough blog technical issues right now, my photobucket account decided to get cheeky. Due to bandwidth limits or whatever, all my nav bar, sidebar titles, blog buttons, and more got replaced with a lovely little photobucket message instead.  :( Boo!! It happened right before Kristi was set to start moving…

Author Archives: Renee

Menu Monday Madness!

Basil Chicken via All Recipes {The Amazing} Crockpot French Dip Subs From the Freezer… Crockpot Cream Cheese Chicken via The Larson Lingo   From the Freezer… Shrimp Scampi Bake via All Recipes I made a fun new button this weekend, so if I have featured your recipe today {or any other day in the past}…

Beautify your Blog… Favorite WordPress Plugins!

Everybody knows one of the coolest things about WordPress is the plugins.  Really it’s the “candy” that keeps me plucking my eyes out over this crazy WP learning curve.  :) Okay.  It’s really not THAT bad.  Maybe.  It’s just different, and sometimes different ends up hard and making you feel quite the moron. But wait,…

Birthday News & Sponsor Love

Today our Wild Wadester is FOUR years old!  I can hardly believe it!  He has been itching to finally be FOUR for so long.  For a while now, when you asked him how old he is, he would sadly answer, “Stiiiiill three.”  Poor guy.  :) He is one crazy dude that definitely keeps us hopping….

The Toys are Taking Over…

Most of you know our unique living arrangement.  We are family of five living in a cozy TWO bedroom house… all up in each other’s bizness.  Our three kids all share a room and have for about a year or so.  They don’t have a large room, either, so fitting all the furniture in is…

Menu Monday…

Dinner with Mom tonight since I’m at her house today!  :) Asian Chicken Wings via 5 Dinners 1 Hour Ranch Pork Chops Wade’s BIG #4!  We’re celebrating with our free Super bowl pizza from Papa John’s! Did you get yours?? Can’t beat F-R-E-E!! From the Freezer… Lime Chicken & Black Bean Burritos via If You…

Fashion Friday!

Are you ready for some more Fashion Fun?  Maybe one of these days I’ll be cool and set up a tripod or get someone to take pics for me, but until then… it’s these “lovely” self shots in the mirror wonders.  :) At least this month, the mirror is semi clean for most of the…

Quick Steps on how to Coupon & Keep your Sanity!

After a few years off from couponing, I have dived back into the fray wrought with paper cuts and uptight cashiers. My Coupon Queen Mother got me started in the madness back in 2005.  I faithfully clipped, sorted and filed my stacks of coupons in a binder with plastic pages for about THREE years and…

What’s for Dinner??

{source} Chicken & Spinach Pasta Bake via Saving Money Living Life {source} Garlic & Brown Sugar Chicken via {source} From the Freezer… Roasted Shrimp & Feta /2 via Make 5 Dinners in 1 Hour We survived our THIRD WEEK of the crazy couponing!  We went to three stores with THREE kids and lived to…

Thoughts on Forgiveness

{source} I’ve had my share of the technical blog talk of late… as I’m sure all of you have too!  Thank you for indulging me in my last post.  You all are the best!   :)  I’m focusing on the fact that whatever will be, will be on the little blog o’ mine.  :) So instead…

Something New & a Big FAT Plea!

As if I don’t have enough blog technical issues right now, my photobucket account decided to get cheeky. Due to bandwidth limits or whatever, all my nav bar, sidebar titles, blog buttons, and more got replaced with a lovely little photobucket message instead.  :( Boo!! It happened right before Kristi was set to start moving…