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A Dark & Noisy Night

I’m a self diagnosed worry wart and the power of suggestion is a VERY powerful thing to my over active imagination.  Darn all those years devouring books and stretching my fantasy world.

A few weeks ago, we had a pretty interesting night that all started when Chris and I innocently went to bed naively expecting a quiet night of sleep.  After all, our crazy kids were sleeping over at mom’s so it meant guaranteed uninterrupted slumber with the possibility of sleeping in if I so wished.

We went to bed around 10:30, and of course Chris started snoozing right away.  My mind was still going ninety to nothing as it most nights, but just as I was dozing off I heard a noise.  I opened my eyes and listened intently… nothing.  I rationalized my creeping fears and just as I was dozing off again… another noise. A LOUD noise.

What made this all much worse in my mind was that my kids weren’t home, and Chris was out like a light right next to me, so I knew there wasn’t a logical explanation for ANY noises.

The noises and I played this back and forth teasing game for quite a while.  I kept hearing them on and off but couldn’t quite convince myself that my overactive imagination wasn’t at fault.

Finally about midnight, I couldn’t take it any longer.  My imagination had run the gamet, and I was WIDE awake ready for the murderer to come bursting in the room.

I jostled my poor peacefully sleeping hubby and whispered… “I keep hearing noises.”


Well, maybe he grunted.

I tried again with another whisper… “LOUD noises!”

That got me a sort of gravelly, monotone, “What do you want me to do.

I answered with a feeble, “I’m having a really hard time going to sleep.”


So up my devoted hubby got and bravely, albeit groggily, stumbled out to face whatever unknown lay out there making those dern noises.

I sat up huddled in bed anxiously awaiting the results of my 2 hours of wildly uncontrollable paranoia. I waited, eyes peeled out toward the hallway and waited and waited.  Nothing.

I secretly was happy he was not trotting right back to bed because that surely meant HE had heard something too.

Suddenly out of nowhere he came bounding back to the bedroom.  Did I say bounding?  I meant some sort of high stepping, knees to the chin sprint that was a sight to see from my previously sound asleep  hubby at midnight.

You have no idea how badly I wish I had that on video.  I have attempted to re-enact it a few times, though Chris insists that is NOT how he looked.  He chose to explain it away as a type of football drill.  I think he just knew he had won the argument at “football drill.”

So back to the REASON for the tragically unrecorded midnight hubby high step.

I’m sure my eyes were as big as saucers when he joined me on the safety of the bed. I uttered a stunned but loud whisper, “What was it?!

He didn’t ease much of my paranoia when he said, “I don’t know, but it had a tail this long!”  He held up his hand showing about 12 inches.

The offending long tailed “intruder” was sitting in front of our washer on a pack of pepsis. Can you imagine the nerve? Just sitting there breathing in and out.

At that point, I started to panic that my laid back hubby was about to suggest we just close our bedroom door and go happily on to dream land.  His plan ended up being at least closing the laundry room door and stuffing a towel at the bottom.

I wasn’t feeling that idea, so he appeased me by stuffing more towels, a case of water bottles, and a kitchen chair to the door.

Though he tried to reassure me by saying that there was NO way the long tailed intruder would be able to squeeze under the laundry room door.


The next day, Chris had to meet with a wildlife guy who was confident that a) our long tailed intruder was a possum, and b) it would still be in the laundry room.

He was half right because it was a possum, but our guest was no longer residing with us.

Wildlife Nature guy set some traps for us and promised to come back and check them.  Apparently our possum had crawled up through the dryer vent and gotten it dislodged from the back of the dryer.  He was then climbing around and falling willy nilly all over the random things shoved on either side of our washer/dryer.  It’s shocking really that he managed to escape back out of there alive.

Our cages stayed empty for about a week until Wildlife guy texted Chris this picture showing that our possum house guest had officially been evicted.


Hoo to the Ray.

The moral of the story is this… find yourself a man that will get up at midnight and perform football drills for you.

That’s when you know you’ve got a keeper, folks.

Or, at least, that’s what the possum told me.

Linking up with these fab peeps… Weekend Bloggy Link upFive Days Five Ways, & Positively Splendid.

21 Responses to A Dark & Noisy Night
  1. Heather Collins
    August 3, 2012 | 8:40 am

    This is absolutely hilarious….and I have no problem imagining Chris doing the “high step football drill!” Glad you were able to catch the critter. Who would have thought a possum would climb up your dryer vent? LOL

    • Renee
      August 3, 2012 | 1:21 pm

      It was definitely an experience we won’t forget anytime soon. That high step football drill image will happily be with me awhile. :)

  2. Ellen
    August 3, 2012 | 9:26 am

    I am laughing so hard right now!!

  3. Ellen
    August 3, 2012 | 9:34 am

    Oh, … and who would have thought a possum could crawl through your dryer vent?!? Glad you finally caught him!!

    • Renee
      August 3, 2012 | 1:23 pm

      I know! So freaky to think that!

      Wildlife Guy gave Chris a list of things to get at Lowes and instructions on getting a new vent secured that would be possum-proof, so hopefully we won’t be seeing our guest again!

  4. MaryEllen
    August 3, 2012 | 9:38 am

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That’s great! :)

  5. Bette
    August 3, 2012 | 9:38 am

    Can’t decide if I like the written version or the telling it live version best…even though I already knew the ending, I had to read this with my feet off the floor!

    • Renee
      August 3, 2012 | 1:16 pm

      Lol, mom! At least I know I get it honestly. :)

  6. Sherri
    August 3, 2012 | 9:43 am


    We’ve haven’t yet had a possum visit us, but raccoons have certainly woken me up a time or two messing in our dog food container on the back porch! ;-)

    • Renee
      August 3, 2012 | 1:30 pm

      The wildlife guy was telling Chris how dirty and dangerous raccoons could be. It was crazy!!! Hopefully we don’t have any of those lurking around.

  7. Ginny @
    August 3, 2012 | 9:46 am

    Oh. My. Word. I am cracking up! What a great story – it was hilarious. :D I have had the same experience of hearing something at night and making my groggy husband go check things out. I can totally picture the “hubby high step.” You must have laughed so hard! Thanks for the laugh!

    • Renee
      August 3, 2012 | 1:18 pm

      I can still get a chuckle thinking about him careening back in with his knees to his chin!

  8. Ana (@MommysBundle)
    August 3, 2012 | 9:59 am

    Found you via @Organizing HomeLife – What an entertaining story!! I always try to get my husband up when I hear the slightest noise at night…gives me peace of mind!

  9. Melanie
    August 3, 2012 | 11:18 am

    loved this story! I can so see that happening at my house!

  10. Steph
    August 3, 2012 | 11:41 am

    Found this post through Serenity Now….too funny!! I would have totally done the same thing, that’s what men are for right? I can only imagine your poor husband finding a possum in your laundry room in the middle of the night lol I would have “high stepped” it back into bed too!

    • Renee
      August 3, 2012 | 1:20 pm

      So true. Hard to to fault him for anything after he willingly got up to face the unknown for his scaredy cat wife!

  11. Alicia
    August 3, 2012 | 1:39 pm

    Nice!!!! I would have freaked out. Knowing Josh we would have had a hole in the laundry room because he would have gotten the shot gun out to get rid of it. Thanks for the laugh!

  12. Heidi Rew
    August 3, 2012 | 2:22 pm

    Renee, when I read this my mouth went from dropped wide open to “lol’ing”! :p Such a funny & crazy story! My heart even beat a little faster thinking about what I would do if I saw that in my laundry room! Ah! Thanks for sharing your story! :p <3 Heidi Rew

  13. Leah
    August 5, 2012 | 7:39 am

    HiLARious! And way to go, Chris. So glad you caught the furry nuisance.

  14. Christina @ The Frugal Homemaker
    August 6, 2012 | 12:05 pm

    oh my word!! this makes me glad my laundry room is on the second floor :) cannot believe you just went back to bed!? did you hear him crawling around still all night? can’t believe he called back out too!

    David would have probably shot it, thus putting a bullet hole in the wall which would have meant I would have HAD to install some type of DIY wall treatment in there – LOL! :)

    I do have a similar story though. One morning (a Saturday) I was getting ready in our bathroom which shares a wall with the laundry room and I could hear all kinds of noises in the wall. Couldn’t figure out what it was and the cat was going crazy too. figured out it was coming from the laundry room later and the cat was going wild by this point. there was something in the dryer tube and it was trying to tear it’s way out! I called my FIL to help since David was at work. It ended up being a bird – a large sparrow?? that had somehow gotten in the outside dryer vent and down into the wall out into the dryer tube. We disconnected the tube from both ends, blocked the ends, took it outside and the bird flew out and away!

    Crazy what can get in those dryer vents!

  15. Rachel @ Grasping for Objectivity
    August 18, 2012 | 11:48 pm

    That’s awesome!

    (off to check the security of our dryer vent)

A Dark & Noisy Night

I’m a self diagnosed worry wart and the power of suggestion is a VERY powerful thing to my over active imagination.  Darn all those years devouring books and stretching my fantasy world.

A few weeks ago, we had a pretty interesting night that all started when Chris and I innocently went to bed naively expecting a quiet night of sleep.  After all, our crazy kids were sleeping over at mom’s so it meant guaranteed uninterrupted slumber with the possibility of sleeping in if I so wished.

We went to bed around 10:30, and of course Chris started snoozing right away.  My mind was still going ninety to nothing as it most nights, but just as I was dozing off I heard a noise.  I opened my eyes and listened intently… nothing.  I rationalized my creeping fears and just as I was dozing off again… another noise. A LOUD noise.

What made this all much worse in my mind was that my kids weren’t home, and Chris was out like a light right next to me, so I knew there wasn’t a logical explanation for ANY noises.

The noises and I played this back and forth teasing game for quite a while.  I kept hearing them on and off but couldn’t quite convince myself that my overactive imagination wasn’t at fault.

Finally about midnight, I couldn’t take it any longer.  My imagination had run the gamet, and I was WIDE awake ready for the murderer to come bursting in the room.

I jostled my poor peacefully sleeping hubby and whispered… “I keep hearing noises.”


Well, maybe he grunted.

I tried again with another whisper… “LOUD noises!”

That got me a sort of gravelly, monotone, “What do you want me to do.

I answered with a feeble, “I’m having a really hard time going to sleep.”


So up my devoted hubby got and bravely, albeit groggily, stumbled out to face whatever unknown lay out there making those dern noises.

I sat up huddled in bed anxiously awaiting the results of my 2 hours of wildly uncontrollable paranoia. I waited, eyes peeled out toward the hallway and waited and waited.  Nothing.

I secretly was happy he was not trotting right back to bed because that surely meant HE had heard something too.

Suddenly out of nowhere he came bounding back to the bedroom.  Did I say bounding?  I meant some sort of high stepping, knees to the chin sprint that was a sight to see from my previously sound asleep  hubby at midnight.

You have no idea how badly I wish I had that on video.  I have attempted to re-enact it a few times, though Chris insists that is NOT how he looked.  He chose to explain it away as a type of football drill.  I think he just knew he had won the argument at “football drill.”

So back to the REASON for the tragically unrecorded midnight hubby high step.

I’m sure my eyes were as big as saucers when he joined me on the safety of the bed. I uttered a stunned but loud whisper, “What was it?!

He didn’t ease much of my paranoia when he said, “I don’t know, but it had a tail this long!”  He held up his hand showing about 12 inches.

The offending long tailed “intruder” was sitting in front of our washer on a pack of pepsis. Can you imagine the nerve? Just sitting there breathing in and out.

At that point, I started to panic that my laid back hubby was about to suggest we just close our bedroom door and go happily on to dream land.  His plan ended up being at least closing the laundry room door and stuffing a towel at the bottom.

I wasn’t feeling that idea, so he appeased me by stuffing more towels, a case of water bottles, and a kitchen chair to the door.

Though he tried to reassure me by saying that there was NO way the long tailed intruder would be able to squeeze under the laundry room door.


The next day, Chris had to meet with a wildlife guy who was confident that a) our long tailed intruder was a possum, and b) it would still be in the laundry room.

He was half right because it was a possum, but our guest was no longer residing with us.

Wildlife Nature guy set some traps for us and promised to come back and check them.  Apparently our possum had crawled up through the dryer vent and gotten it dislodged from the back of the dryer.  He was then climbing around and falling willy nilly all over the random things shoved on either side of our washer/dryer.  It’s shocking really that he managed to escape back out of there alive.

Our cages stayed empty for about a week until Wildlife guy texted Chris this picture showing that our possum house guest had officially been evicted.


Hoo to the Ray.

The moral of the story is this… find yourself a man that will get up at midnight and perform football drills for you.

That’s when you know you’ve got a keeper, folks.

Or, at least, that’s what the possum told me.

Linking up with these fab peeps… Weekend Bloggy Link upFive Days Five Ways, & Positively Splendid.

21 Responses to A Dark & Noisy Night
  1. Heather Collins
    August 3, 2012 | 8:40 am

    This is absolutely hilarious….and I have no problem imagining Chris doing the “high step football drill!” Glad you were able to catch the critter. Who would have thought a possum would climb up your dryer vent? LOL

    • Renee
      August 3, 2012 | 1:21 pm

      It was definitely an experience we won’t forget anytime soon. That high step football drill image will happily be with me awhile. :)

  2. Ellen
    August 3, 2012 | 9:26 am

    I am laughing so hard right now!!

  3. Ellen
    August 3, 2012 | 9:34 am

    Oh, … and who would have thought a possum could crawl through your dryer vent?!? Glad you finally caught him!!

    • Renee
      August 3, 2012 | 1:23 pm

      I know! So freaky to think that!

      Wildlife Guy gave Chris a list of things to get at Lowes and instructions on getting a new vent secured that would be possum-proof, so hopefully we won’t be seeing our guest again!

  4. MaryEllen
    August 3, 2012 | 9:38 am

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That’s great! :)

  5. Bette
    August 3, 2012 | 9:38 am

    Can’t decide if I like the written version or the telling it live version best…even though I already knew the ending, I had to read this with my feet off the floor!

    • Renee
      August 3, 2012 | 1:16 pm

      Lol, mom! At least I know I get it honestly. :)

  6. Sherri
    August 3, 2012 | 9:43 am


    We’ve haven’t yet had a possum visit us, but raccoons have certainly woken me up a time or two messing in our dog food container on the back porch! ;-)

    • Renee
      August 3, 2012 | 1:30 pm

      The wildlife guy was telling Chris how dirty and dangerous raccoons could be. It was crazy!!! Hopefully we don’t have any of those lurking around.

  7. Ginny @
    August 3, 2012 | 9:46 am

    Oh. My. Word. I am cracking up! What a great story – it was hilarious. :D I have had the same experience of hearing something at night and making my groggy husband go check things out. I can totally picture the “hubby high step.” You must have laughed so hard! Thanks for the laugh!

    • Renee
      August 3, 2012 | 1:18 pm

      I can still get a chuckle thinking about him careening back in with his knees to his chin!

  8. Ana (@MommysBundle)
    August 3, 2012 | 9:59 am

    Found you via @Organizing HomeLife – What an entertaining story!! I always try to get my husband up when I hear the slightest noise at night…gives me peace of mind!

  9. Melanie
    August 3, 2012 | 11:18 am

    loved this story! I can so see that happening at my house!

  10. Steph
    August 3, 2012 | 11:41 am

    Found this post through Serenity Now….too funny!! I would have totally done the same thing, that’s what men are for right? I can only imagine your poor husband finding a possum in your laundry room in the middle of the night lol I would have “high stepped” it back into bed too!

    • Renee
      August 3, 2012 | 1:20 pm

      So true. Hard to to fault him for anything after he willingly got up to face the unknown for his scaredy cat wife!

  11. Alicia
    August 3, 2012 | 1:39 pm

    Nice!!!! I would have freaked out. Knowing Josh we would have had a hole in the laundry room because he would have gotten the shot gun out to get rid of it. Thanks for the laugh!

  12. Heidi Rew
    August 3, 2012 | 2:22 pm

    Renee, when I read this my mouth went from dropped wide open to “lol’ing”! :p Such a funny & crazy story! My heart even beat a little faster thinking about what I would do if I saw that in my laundry room! Ah! Thanks for sharing your story! :p <3 Heidi Rew

  13. Leah
    August 5, 2012 | 7:39 am

    HiLARious! And way to go, Chris. So glad you caught the furry nuisance.

  14. Christina @ The Frugal Homemaker
    August 6, 2012 | 12:05 pm

    oh my word!! this makes me glad my laundry room is on the second floor :) cannot believe you just went back to bed!? did you hear him crawling around still all night? can’t believe he called back out too!

    David would have probably shot it, thus putting a bullet hole in the wall which would have meant I would have HAD to install some type of DIY wall treatment in there – LOL! :)

    I do have a similar story though. One morning (a Saturday) I was getting ready in our bathroom which shares a wall with the laundry room and I could hear all kinds of noises in the wall. Couldn’t figure out what it was and the cat was going crazy too. figured out it was coming from the laundry room later and the cat was going wild by this point. there was something in the dryer tube and it was trying to tear it’s way out! I called my FIL to help since David was at work. It ended up being a bird – a large sparrow?? that had somehow gotten in the outside dryer vent and down into the wall out into the dryer tube. We disconnected the tube from both ends, blocked the ends, took it outside and the bird flew out and away!

    Crazy what can get in those dryer vents!

  15. Rachel @ Grasping for Objectivity
    August 18, 2012 | 11:48 pm

    That’s awesome!

    (off to check the security of our dryer vent)