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We went to the Columbia Zoo last Wednesday and had loads of fun. It was a little bit of a drive down there 1.5+ hours, but thankfully Wade slept on the way and back. Haylee was sooo excited about the trip… reminding me day by day that we were going to zoo on Wednesday. :) It was pretty hot, but we brought some spray fans to keep us cool.

I’ve not been to very many “real” zoos in my life, and I have to say that this one made me sad! I’m not a pita type person at all, but you can’t help feel bad for the animals! I’ve heard that the Asheboro Zoo has the animals more in their natural habitat which would be good. The poor elephants were not grey at all…. they were actually orange from our lovely Carolina clay.

Okay… despite the sad animals it really was fun. We were able to see one of the gorillas which was cool. Their area is really big and it’s not all visible like most of the other animals. I actually saw on their website before we left that they had a “gorilla incident” in June! One of them escaped! It was only for a little while though… and only one food service employee was injured! Crazy, huh?

We tried B’s monkey leash thing on Wade though it didn’t work as well for us! We were just starting out our day and were trying to go inside the gorilla building which said “no strollers.” Soooo, we unloaded the kids, strapped on the leash backpack and one step later we had our first injury of the day. He tripped or something and banged his head on the post of the building. It didn’t really look that bad of a fall, but he was screaming like crazy. Lo and behold, Chris noticed a huge, horrific, bluish-white bubble swelling on the top of his poor little ear! It looked like something out of CSI. We managed to calm him down and headed into the gorilla building… only to find an empty room with a baby gorilla (we think) behind glass which clearly we COULD have taken our stroller into!

We rode the little train and carousel/merry go round they had too which the kids LOVED… especially Wade. It’s fun letting him do stuff like that now that he’s getting older. He was so thrilled and excited with everything and called lots of the animals doggies! :)

A fun, fun family day…. Chris and I even tried to sneak some DQ blizzards on the way home while the kiddos were both sleeping. We almost successfully completed our mission too… :)

Here’s more pics of the day as well as some other July pics…

3 Responses to Zoo-rama!
  1. Sam
    July 12, 2009 | 4:18 pm

    That train looks so much fun.

  2. Ellen
    July 12, 2009 | 11:34 pm

    Sounds like such a fun day!!! Claire wants to go to a zoo soooooooo bad! And Lil's SUCH an animal lover, I know she'd love it. I'm not even entirely sure where the closest zoo is to us?! I literally laughed out loud about trying to sneak the blizzards while the kids were sleeping — who "caught" you, Haylee? Too funny… we've tried stuff like that before too, … sometimes it's successful, sometimes it's not. LOL. Oh the things we do as parents! ;) Glad you got such a great family day in….

  3. Rachel
    July 13, 2009 | 11:45 am

    Sounds like you had fun! We're planning a trip to the zoo in a couple of weeks too…it's good to know about that monkey leash thing b/c I've always wondered if it would work for Lucas or not! =) Do you still like elephants??? (I remember you collecting them or something…) ANYway glad you all had a GREAT time!


We went to the Columbia Zoo last Wednesday and had loads of fun. It was a little bit of a drive down there 1.5+ hours, but thankfully Wade slept on the way and back. Haylee was sooo excited about the trip… reminding me day by day that we were going to zoo on Wednesday. :) It was pretty hot, but we brought some spray fans to keep us cool.

I’ve not been to very many “real” zoos in my life, and I have to say that this one made me sad! I’m not a pita type person at all, but you can’t help feel bad for the animals! I’ve heard that the Asheboro Zoo has the animals more in their natural habitat which would be good. The poor elephants were not grey at all…. they were actually orange from our lovely Carolina clay.

Okay… despite the sad animals it really was fun. We were able to see one of the gorillas which was cool. Their area is really big and it’s not all visible like most of the other animals. I actually saw on their website before we left that they had a “gorilla incident” in June! One of them escaped! It was only for a little while though… and only one food service employee was injured! Crazy, huh?

We tried B’s monkey leash thing on Wade though it didn’t work as well for us! We were just starting out our day and were trying to go inside the gorilla building which said “no strollers.” Soooo, we unloaded the kids, strapped on the leash backpack and one step later we had our first injury of the day. He tripped or something and banged his head on the post of the building. It didn’t really look that bad of a fall, but he was screaming like crazy. Lo and behold, Chris noticed a huge, horrific, bluish-white bubble swelling on the top of his poor little ear! It looked like something out of CSI. We managed to calm him down and headed into the gorilla building… only to find an empty room with a baby gorilla (we think) behind glass which clearly we COULD have taken our stroller into!

We rode the little train and carousel/merry go round they had too which the kids LOVED… especially Wade. It’s fun letting him do stuff like that now that he’s getting older. He was so thrilled and excited with everything and called lots of the animals doggies! :)

A fun, fun family day…. Chris and I even tried to sneak some DQ blizzards on the way home while the kiddos were both sleeping. We almost successfully completed our mission too… :)

Here’s more pics of the day as well as some other July pics…

3 Responses to Zoo-rama!
  1. Sam
    July 12, 2009 | 4:18 pm

    That train looks so much fun.

  2. Ellen
    July 12, 2009 | 11:34 pm

    Sounds like such a fun day!!! Claire wants to go to a zoo soooooooo bad! And Lil's SUCH an animal lover, I know she'd love it. I'm not even entirely sure where the closest zoo is to us?! I literally laughed out loud about trying to sneak the blizzards while the kids were sleeping — who "caught" you, Haylee? Too funny… we've tried stuff like that before too, … sometimes it's successful, sometimes it's not. LOL. Oh the things we do as parents! ;) Glad you got such a great family day in….

  3. Rachel
    July 13, 2009 | 11:45 am

    Sounds like you had fun! We're planning a trip to the zoo in a couple of weeks too…it's good to know about that monkey leash thing b/c I've always wondered if it would work for Lucas or not! =) Do you still like elephants??? (I remember you collecting them or something…) ANYway glad you all had a GREAT time!