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Yum, Yum!

Wade is pushing 7 months old, but just had his first bite of cereal yesterday! He was sick September 1st, so we decided to wait. He is still congested, but we started anyway…

Ready for my first bite! It’s amazing those fat rolls fit into his Bumbo Seat! :)

He liked the spoon!

The first bite!

Big sis was watching intently!

Get it in there!

He actually seemed to like it.

Maybe he won’t be as picky of an eater as Haylee!

Haylee even got a turn!

5 Responses to Yum, Yum!
  1. Amy's Journal
    September 24, 2008 | 2:30 pm

    Wade is good! My little chunkers were eating cereal before bed at 4 months.. Formula just wasn’t feeling them up (and they would sleep all night). :) Then after a few weeks I would mix in some fruit in the cereal in the morning and you would think they were getting steak. Glad he is enjoying REAL food. :) He is just a doll!

  2. Ellen
    September 24, 2008 | 5:38 pm

    Soooo cute! :D

  3. Bette Anne
    September 25, 2008 | 4:22 am

    I love pics of their first “real” food! And you keeping up the tradition of the Suzy Zoo bowl.. Seems that’s what Haylee had for her first cereal too, but maybe I’m just imagining that! :)

    Love his chubby legs in the Bumbo! :)

  4. Heather
    October 1, 2008 | 3:55 pm

    Hurray for chubby babies!!!! EVERYONE knows my love for chubby babies!!! Wooohooo!!! Very cute!

  5. Rachel
    October 9, 2008 | 9:39 pm

    I can’t believe how BIG he’s getting! Wow! Hope the feeding goes well – it’s always a bit difficult those first few tries!

Yum, Yum!

Wade is pushing 7 months old, but just had his first bite of cereal yesterday! He was sick September 1st, so we decided to wait. He is still congested, but we started anyway…

Ready for my first bite! It’s amazing those fat rolls fit into his Bumbo Seat! :)

He liked the spoon!

The first bite!

Big sis was watching intently!

Get it in there!

He actually seemed to like it.

Maybe he won’t be as picky of an eater as Haylee!

Haylee even got a turn!

5 Responses to Yum, Yum!
  1. Amy's Journal
    September 24, 2008 | 2:30 pm

    Wade is good! My little chunkers were eating cereal before bed at 4 months.. Formula just wasn’t feeling them up (and they would sleep all night). :) Then after a few weeks I would mix in some fruit in the cereal in the morning and you would think they were getting steak. Glad he is enjoying REAL food. :) He is just a doll!

  2. Ellen
    September 24, 2008 | 5:38 pm

    Soooo cute! :D

  3. Bette Anne
    September 25, 2008 | 4:22 am

    I love pics of their first “real” food! And you keeping up the tradition of the Suzy Zoo bowl.. Seems that’s what Haylee had for her first cereal too, but maybe I’m just imagining that! :)

    Love his chubby legs in the Bumbo! :)

  4. Heather
    October 1, 2008 | 3:55 pm

    Hurray for chubby babies!!!! EVERYONE knows my love for chubby babies!!! Wooohooo!!! Very cute!

  5. Rachel
    October 9, 2008 | 9:39 pm

    I can’t believe how BIG he’s getting! Wow! Hope the feeding goes well – it’s always a bit difficult those first few tries!