Wild Man Wade is the Big TWO!
Aunt B was in town the week before our cruise, and she took Wade’s 2 year old pics while she was here. He does not like to cooperate with picture taking endeavors and is especially ornery when Daddy is not there to make him mind. :)
He was actually much better than our attempts in the past, as I guess the older he’s getting the more he’s listening??? Maybe? Please let it be?? One of the problems is that his definition of smile is to caustically yell, “CHEESE” at you with his chin thrust attractively out. And… he will say cheese with his head pointed at you, but his eyes will seldom be looking… Ah, fun.
Daddy joined us for the end of the photo session which was a HUGE help, and we got some great shots that I think capture his personality.
Thanks, Aunt B!