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Living with my Wild Wade usually proves very interesting.

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Shame on me for NOT recording more of the mind blowing things that come out of his mouth, or the crazy things he gets into…

photo (28)

For example…

Last night as he shifted and “danced” in front of me, our convo went something like this…


Me: Wade, do you have to go potty?

Wade: No.

Me: Are you sure?  Then why are you dancing?

Wade: {pause} I’m just dancing for you.



Oh, okay then.

He has recently starting coming up with these elaborate ‘get ups’ that somehow make him a ‘Supah Hero’.

I pray he’ll forgive me when he’s older for this one…

photo (22)

Yes, those are roller skates.  And boxing gloves. 

He is the child that we prayed and longed for, for so long.  Looking back now I think perhaps God knew we weren’t quite ready yet.

He is our ‘almost born on Leap Year baby’ who is incredibly impatient in waiting for his big day turning four. 

If you ask him how old he is now, he will answer in a low, disappointed tone… “Still three.”


Still hoping we can survive parenting this child.  :)


feelscript sig smiley

3 Responses to Wadester
  1. Kristi L
    January 10, 2012 | 1:59 pm

    Haha!! Hillarious pic!! Love it. :)

  2. Susy the Lamb
    January 10, 2012 | 3:45 pm

    hahah too cute!!!!

  3. Rhonda @ Abide at Home
    January 10, 2012 | 6:25 pm

    So cute! I know he (and your other kids) make your life rich and full (and probably a bit crazy!) haha! Thanks for sharing about your family! (I think he looks like you, btw!)


photo (27)

Living with my Wild Wade usually proves very interesting.

photo (24)

Shame on me for NOT recording more of the mind blowing things that come out of his mouth, or the crazy things he gets into…

photo (28)

For example…

Last night as he shifted and “danced” in front of me, our convo went something like this…


Me: Wade, do you have to go potty?

Wade: No.

Me: Are you sure?  Then why are you dancing?

Wade: {pause} I’m just dancing for you.



Oh, okay then.

He has recently starting coming up with these elaborate ‘get ups’ that somehow make him a ‘Supah Hero’.

I pray he’ll forgive me when he’s older for this one…

photo (22)

Yes, those are roller skates.  And boxing gloves. 

He is the child that we prayed and longed for, for so long.  Looking back now I think perhaps God knew we weren’t quite ready yet.

He is our ‘almost born on Leap Year baby’ who is incredibly impatient in waiting for his big day turning four. 

If you ask him how old he is now, he will answer in a low, disappointed tone… “Still three.”


Still hoping we can survive parenting this child.  :)


feelscript sig smiley

3 Responses to Wadester
  1. Kristi L
    January 10, 2012 | 1:59 pm

    Haha!! Hillarious pic!! Love it. :)

  2. Susy the Lamb
    January 10, 2012 | 3:45 pm

    hahah too cute!!!!

  3. Rhonda @ Abide at Home
    January 10, 2012 | 6:25 pm

    So cute! I know he (and your other kids) make your life rich and full (and probably a bit crazy!) haha! Thanks for sharing about your family! (I think he looks like you, btw!)