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Summer is in full swing, though I’m afraid it is slipping away from between my fingers despite my attempts to hold on with all my might! A teacher always knows that when the dreaded 4th of July rolls around, summer is sadly over… or so it seems.

I keep waiting for the relaxing… even boring days to come around, but somehow I am still waiting! We’ve had a blast though running here and there doing this and that swimming at Grandma’s, Carowinds trips and even the Zoo! I have lots of pics to catch up on posting probably starting with Haylee’s Kindergarten graduation!

Wade is our little Monster never stopping to take a breath always seeking his next target for destruction! He is surprisingly been an extremely picky eater which makes for fun, fun meal times. :) Things actually seem to be looking up, but I don’t want to jinx it by assuming we are in the clear. :) He is utterly infatuated with any all sized balls… basketballs, baseball, footballs. Even things that aren’t really balls just circularly shaped. He also LOVES his blankie crocheted by my fabulous Grandma Bunts.

I am taking two correspondence classes this summer… hoping upon hope that I can finish them before school starts, but progress seems to be slow. :( I was able to CLEP one class last month (Freshman Composition) which was nice to get it out of the way short and sweet!

Other big news for me is career shift… In case you’ve been living under a rock, the poor economy has affected many things, one of which is private school enrollment which directly affects the teachers at those private schools. We had some layoffs and some a lot of shifting going on which leads me to my news. I was fortunate to get offered a job, but it was in a different position… drum roll please…. Computer Teacher!

It’s okay. Feel free to voice what you’re thinking because everyone else has! Oh, okay. I’ll say it for you…

“Are you qualified to teach that??” Of course, you must say it with your eyebrow scrunched and doubtful look in your eyes. :)

I was quite shocked at first, but I am really excited about the change. I will definitely miss fifth grade (remember I said that fifth grade was my FAVORITE?) and all that being a classroom teacher entails. Things are different for an Enrichment class teacher in some ways that may mean an easier stress level for me and the family which will be nice. I’ll be teaching Kindergarten to Fifth grade once a week for 45 minutes as well as a Keyboarding/Computer middle school combined class of 6th/7th/8th graders.

I’ve been brainstorming on lesson plan ideas and room decorations which is both fun and overwhelming! Picture someone asking you to teach History to Kindergarten through 8th grade, which means you must research and decide which elements of History to teach!

Someone did point out to me that most kids like Computer class so the motivation/excitement factor teachers usually have to work hard for will already be there… which will be fun. There are so many fun projects and things possible in a Technology class with a room full of Computers for the kids to use! I was able to spend some of my classroom money on a digital camera and a flip video camera (for the older ones to create movies with) and I also hope to have some of the grades work on building a website.

Here are some decor ideas I like…

Giant Keyboard made out of Restaurant to go boxes! Cool, huh??
Giant Monitor with icons and open window message… Tech KnowledgeY

Love this caption… may pick a different image since my brother, Mack, says that it’s ridiculous to use a floppy disk image because he thinks they’re outdated or something! :)

Gotta be back at school in a little over 4 weeks! More updates hopefully coming soon…

3 Responses to Update…
  1. Sam
    July 11, 2009 | 12:03 am

    Oh so cool. Maybe I can help with this years bulletin boards too. I hope at least one of them says welcome though.

  2. Ellen
    July 11, 2009 | 12:17 am

    Love it! I have a few links I'll send your way for some great lesson ideas w/ computers… internet safety… etc., etc.

  3. Heather
    July 11, 2009 | 4:38 am

    I really like the keyboard idea. And you will be a great computer teacher!


Summer is in full swing, though I’m afraid it is slipping away from between my fingers despite my attempts to hold on with all my might! A teacher always knows that when the dreaded 4th of July rolls around, summer is sadly over… or so it seems.

I keep waiting for the relaxing… even boring days to come around, but somehow I am still waiting! We’ve had a blast though running here and there doing this and that swimming at Grandma’s, Carowinds trips and even the Zoo! I have lots of pics to catch up on posting probably starting with Haylee’s Kindergarten graduation!

Wade is our little Monster never stopping to take a breath always seeking his next target for destruction! He is surprisingly been an extremely picky eater which makes for fun, fun meal times. :) Things actually seem to be looking up, but I don’t want to jinx it by assuming we are in the clear. :) He is utterly infatuated with any all sized balls… basketballs, baseball, footballs. Even things that aren’t really balls just circularly shaped. He also LOVES his blankie crocheted by my fabulous Grandma Bunts.

I am taking two correspondence classes this summer… hoping upon hope that I can finish them before school starts, but progress seems to be slow. :( I was able to CLEP one class last month (Freshman Composition) which was nice to get it out of the way short and sweet!

Other big news for me is career shift… In case you’ve been living under a rock, the poor economy has affected many things, one of which is private school enrollment which directly affects the teachers at those private schools. We had some layoffs and some a lot of shifting going on which leads me to my news. I was fortunate to get offered a job, but it was in a different position… drum roll please…. Computer Teacher!

It’s okay. Feel free to voice what you’re thinking because everyone else has! Oh, okay. I’ll say it for you…

“Are you qualified to teach that??” Of course, you must say it with your eyebrow scrunched and doubtful look in your eyes. :)

I was quite shocked at first, but I am really excited about the change. I will definitely miss fifth grade (remember I said that fifth grade was my FAVORITE?) and all that being a classroom teacher entails. Things are different for an Enrichment class teacher in some ways that may mean an easier stress level for me and the family which will be nice. I’ll be teaching Kindergarten to Fifth grade once a week for 45 minutes as well as a Keyboarding/Computer middle school combined class of 6th/7th/8th graders.

I’ve been brainstorming on lesson plan ideas and room decorations which is both fun and overwhelming! Picture someone asking you to teach History to Kindergarten through 8th grade, which means you must research and decide which elements of History to teach!

Someone did point out to me that most kids like Computer class so the motivation/excitement factor teachers usually have to work hard for will already be there… which will be fun. There are so many fun projects and things possible in a Technology class with a room full of Computers for the kids to use! I was able to spend some of my classroom money on a digital camera and a flip video camera (for the older ones to create movies with) and I also hope to have some of the grades work on building a website.

Here are some decor ideas I like…

Giant Keyboard made out of Restaurant to go boxes! Cool, huh??
Giant Monitor with icons and open window message… Tech KnowledgeY

Love this caption… may pick a different image since my brother, Mack, says that it’s ridiculous to use a floppy disk image because he thinks they’re outdated or something! :)

Gotta be back at school in a little over 4 weeks! More updates hopefully coming soon…

3 Responses to Update…
  1. Sam
    July 11, 2009 | 12:03 am

    Oh so cool. Maybe I can help with this years bulletin boards too. I hope at least one of them says welcome though.

  2. Ellen
    July 11, 2009 | 12:17 am

    Love it! I have a few links I'll send your way for some great lesson ideas w/ computers… internet safety… etc., etc.

  3. Heather
    July 11, 2009 | 4:38 am

    I really like the keyboard idea. And you will be a great computer teacher!