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Triples you say??

Triple, Triple, Triple. If that word alone doesn’t spark excitement than you must have never experienced a good Triple Coupon Sale.

I thought the bulk of my couponing was over with for this week when I received a call early this morning informing me that Lowes Food was tripling today, tomorrow and Friday.

The grocery game list was not up until later this evening so that meant working up my own list. Ahhh. What work that takes. It makes me very thankful for my list every week.

I was met with the thrill of seeing my first grocery total go down, down, down to minus 55 cents!! I then put my $1.79 bread on there, and rang up my second order which descended down to 91 cents! Woot Woot! What a rush that is!

Together my totals were $67.64 down to $2.53 (and that’s including my $1.79 bread.) You can see our happy shopper faces!
Here’s the goods I got for a mere $2.53…

3 Responses to Triples you say??
  1. Jia
    March 29, 2007 | 5:01 am

    Less than $3!? That’s insane! Awesome girl, you rock!

  2. Peppita
    April 3, 2007 | 3:41 pm

    OMG that’s crazy!!
    You lucky girl!! :D

  3. Dana
    April 5, 2007 | 2:01 pm

    I wish I had the patience for that! Half the time I just run through the store and don’t even realize what I am putting in my basket.

Triples you say??

Triple, Triple, Triple. If that word alone doesn’t spark excitement than you must have never experienced a good Triple Coupon Sale.

I thought the bulk of my couponing was over with for this week when I received a call early this morning informing me that Lowes Food was tripling today, tomorrow and Friday.

The grocery game list was not up until later this evening so that meant working up my own list. Ahhh. What work that takes. It makes me very thankful for my list every week.

I was met with the thrill of seeing my first grocery total go down, down, down to minus 55 cents!! I then put my $1.79 bread on there, and rang up my second order which descended down to 91 cents! Woot Woot! What a rush that is!

Together my totals were $67.64 down to $2.53 (and that’s including my $1.79 bread.) You can see our happy shopper faces!
Here’s the goods I got for a mere $2.53…

3 Responses to Triples you say??
  1. Jia
    March 29, 2007 | 5:01 am

    Less than $3!? That’s insane! Awesome girl, you rock!

  2. Peppita
    April 3, 2007 | 3:41 pm

    OMG that’s crazy!!
    You lucky girl!! :D

  3. Dana
    April 5, 2007 | 2:01 pm

    I wish I had the patience for that! Half the time I just run through the store and don’t even realize what I am putting in my basket.