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trick or treating 2010


We had great fun going trick or treating this year with our favorite neighbors, Sam, Heather and Emerald. 

Wade was now old enough to get more of what we were doing and after hearing the explanation of "Say trick or treat and you get candy" he’s been ready to go for a while!

He is a lover of Dora and Diego, and since I didn’t think I should let him dress up as Dora, we went with Diego.  I ordered the piece of junk quality costume off ebay, and was really disgusted with what I ended up with.  It was supposed to be a size 2T/3T, but the waist of the shorts was ridiculously HUGE and was made with only half elastic.  There was no way that was staying up.  The shirt was also ridiculous, but it was incredibly SMALL… especially compared to the largeness of the shorts! It was extremely short, so combined with the sagging shorts, it left him with an exposed midrift.  Hmmm, not exactly what I was going for.

Soooo, I found a shirt he could wear under it, and we found a pair of navy pants to wear instead of the huge shorts and all was well… or at least, well enough.

Haylee was hard to shop for this year, though we finally agreed on a little known person… Mitchie from a Disney movie, Camp Rock. 

What?  You’ve never heard of her??  Haylee definitely was one of those kids you see and wonder what in the world they are supposed to be.  She was happy, though, so I guess that’s the important thing. 

I decided against a costume for Davis since I knew most of them are sized 0-3 or even worse 0-6 mo’s and I knew it would swallow him.  Aunt Linda and PawPaw had given him a cute Halloween onesie so we decided to stick with that. 


I did have a moment of "genius" when I remembered a teddy bear jacket/suit he had been given that would serve as a costume and would keep him warm on the chilly night!  I thought he was so cute!


Wade had me cracking up at the doors because he would just stand and stare at the people AFTER they had given the treat, like, um, hello… that was great but I see you’ve got a whole bucket there.  The sad thing is his staring worked.  He was able to score more candy for himself by giving them the guilt stare.  He also scared me to death when he took a tumble off someone’s front steps.  We expected wailing, but he was only concerned with getting back his bucket of candy.  :)

It was great fun!  Next year we’ll have three buckets of candy to help the kids eat!  Whoo hoo!


2 Responses to trick or treating 2010
  1. Pam
    November 14, 2010 | 9:32 pm


  2. Rachel
    November 15, 2010 | 10:51 pm

    They're too adorable!!

    And I feel your pain about the Amazon costume. I wasn't too fond of mine, either.

trick or treating 2010


We had great fun going trick or treating this year with our favorite neighbors, Sam, Heather and Emerald. 

Wade was now old enough to get more of what we were doing and after hearing the explanation of "Say trick or treat and you get candy" he’s been ready to go for a while!

He is a lover of Dora and Diego, and since I didn’t think I should let him dress up as Dora, we went with Diego.  I ordered the piece of junk quality costume off ebay, and was really disgusted with what I ended up with.  It was supposed to be a size 2T/3T, but the waist of the shorts was ridiculously HUGE and was made with only half elastic.  There was no way that was staying up.  The shirt was also ridiculous, but it was incredibly SMALL… especially compared to the largeness of the shorts! It was extremely short, so combined with the sagging shorts, it left him with an exposed midrift.  Hmmm, not exactly what I was going for.

Soooo, I found a shirt he could wear under it, and we found a pair of navy pants to wear instead of the huge shorts and all was well… or at least, well enough.

Haylee was hard to shop for this year, though we finally agreed on a little known person… Mitchie from a Disney movie, Camp Rock. 

What?  You’ve never heard of her??  Haylee definitely was one of those kids you see and wonder what in the world they are supposed to be.  She was happy, though, so I guess that’s the important thing. 

I decided against a costume for Davis since I knew most of them are sized 0-3 or even worse 0-6 mo’s and I knew it would swallow him.  Aunt Linda and PawPaw had given him a cute Halloween onesie so we decided to stick with that. 


I did have a moment of "genius" when I remembered a teddy bear jacket/suit he had been given that would serve as a costume and would keep him warm on the chilly night!  I thought he was so cute!


Wade had me cracking up at the doors because he would just stand and stare at the people AFTER they had given the treat, like, um, hello… that was great but I see you’ve got a whole bucket there.  The sad thing is his staring worked.  He was able to score more candy for himself by giving them the guilt stare.  He also scared me to death when he took a tumble off someone’s front steps.  We expected wailing, but he was only concerned with getting back his bucket of candy.  :)

It was great fun!  Next year we’ll have three buckets of candy to help the kids eat!  Whoo hoo!


2 Responses to trick or treating 2010
  1. Pam
    November 14, 2010 | 9:32 pm


  2. Rachel
    November 15, 2010 | 10:51 pm

    They're too adorable!!

    And I feel your pain about the Amazon costume. I wasn't too fond of mine, either.