My baby sister left for the hospital yesterday evening to hopefully have her first little one, Elijah Luke. At church, Sunday, the pastor told everyone to pray for Bette Anne as she was going in the hospital that day to have Goliath. :) The really funny part is mom thought for a split second that he had forgotten the real name, then reality hit and she realized the humor. :) This is a shot of B yesterday afternoon when we got to mom’s for Sunday lunch. At last week’s ultrasound, the baby was measuring 9lbs 8 oz! Her P.U.P.P.S. rash is doing much better with the steroids she was given last week.
This is her moments before heading out… As of this morning, she started the Pitocin at 7:30 am and is 75% effaced and dilated to 1cm.
Her hubby, Ryan, is flying in to Charlotte at 10:15 am this morning so it is looking like he will make it for the birth!
How GREAT that her husband will make it!!! I pray her delivery goes quickly and safely. -Will look forward to the post announcing the arrival of your new nephew! :)
Oh, I hope hope hope he makes it! I’ll be praying for a safe delivery (I’ve been praying for her pregnancy, too.) I just can’t help it; “OH MY GOODNESS SHE’S HUGE!!!!”
(Well, not Bette Anne, but that BABY! WOW, Goliath indeed!