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Time flies…

February 2005
Haylee 20 mo’s & Jared 13 mo’s

October 2008

Haylee 5 & Jared 4

Where has the time gone??

One Response to Time flies…
  1. Twinmama
    October 26, 2008 | 5:05 am

    wow, that is some serious growing those kids have been doing! cute pics!

Time flies…

February 2005
Haylee 20 mo’s & Jared 13 mo’s

October 2008

Haylee 5 & Jared 4

Where has the time gone??

One Response to Time flies…
  1. Twinmama
    October 26, 2008 | 5:05 am

    wow, that is some serious growing those kids have been doing! cute pics!