Our little guy is now 6 weeks old! This would be the “normal” time for me to go back to work, but I could not imagine surviving that at this point. Wade is still getting up 2 times or so in the night and working a full day without a good night’s sleep would I think result in Chris having a bonafide crazy on his hands. :) I am very thankful to have these extra several months before I have to go back.
I read on babycenter.com all these tips for getting your baby to sleep… pages and pages of tips. So… we’re trying something new. We’ll see if it works or not. We’re giving him only an ounce or two at his night feedings instead of a full bottle. Just enough to get him to go back to sleep. I think this goes along with the theory that if you woke someone up in the middle of the night and every time you did, they would throw you a party and give you a fabulous meal, then you are surely going to make sure you wake up for that! So… if we start giving him less and less in the night, then maybe he’ll gradually lose his reasons for getting up?
I think that some of these sleep principles may be good, but I think a lot of it has to just do with the baby’s personality and makeup. Some babies will sleep through the night easier and faster than others. It could be Wade is one of those that’s not so quick and easy. I can only hope that he’ll at least be sleeping better by the fall.
He’s definitely doing better for me during the day though, which is completely fabulous. He is growing like crazy and it’s really hard to believe how big he is getting already. It’s funny when I hear people say that he is soooo small when I think about how much bigger he is now! He’s actually starting to fit into more of the 0-3 mo clothes which is nice. One of my fellow teachers had her baby about 3 days before me, and she said that he is already growing OUT of his 0-3 and into his 3-6 mo clothes! She is already back to work as of last week, and I give major kudos to her for being able to do it!
Wade has also finally made the transition from Newborn diapers to Size 1. It’s nice to have tangible evidence that he is indeed growing and it provides something to celebrate as well. :) We also moved his cradle from our room to the living room Saturday. I don’t know if it affects HIS sleeping, but I think that it will help ours, at least since we won’t be as affected by all his grunts and groans of which he has many, btw!
Last week, we made a very exciting trip to visit Haylee’s class and mine too. Haylee was soooo excited to see her teacher, Mrs. Dehart as well as her friends. She was definitely the celebrity walking into her classroom amids cries of “Haylee, Haylee!” and “Is Haylee going to stay?” We then were flocked by a throng of 4 year olds clamoring to see both Haylee and her new baby brother. I took him out of his car seat and she was THRILLED when she got to hold him and show him off to everyone!
We had a few minutes to play on the playground with them too, and I found it quite amusing to see her running from place to place with her friends trailing along after her.
We got to see my class too, though they weren’t as animated as the preschoolers!
I didn’t get quite the rock star greeting as Haylee did, but I did hear some “Mrs. Cauthen’s!”
This morning I decided to get some pictures of my two youngsters… Wade’s “Sleepy” shirt is from his Aunt B… (I have to give her credit you know, otherwise, I’ll hear much complaining via the comment section. hehe…)
Congrats on a growing little boy! Hang in there, you’ll make it through the all-nighters! My MiL, who’s raised 9 babies, says that babies don’t really start sleeping through the night until they reach about 10 pounds. After that, if they keep you up, it’s for the party, ha ha!
I loved your party analogy, btw! Very funny!
Yeah, I hope Wade’s better than Eli cause he didn’t start sleeping through the night till like 6 months or something ridiculous! That was mostly my fault though, so hopefully Wade will catch on a little faster! And cracking up, cause when I saw the “Sleepy” shirt, I thought, oh yay, that’s one of the ones I got him! And I prolly would have said something about me getting it for him! You know me too well! ;)
What a handsome little guy!! He’s really changing and filling out… I LOVE the top pic w/ Haylee kissing him. TOO CUTE. Both of our girls were sleeping through the night around this stage… keep up your efforts, you’ll find something that works! We are night people, so we just wouldn’t let either sleep much during their afternoon naps, tank them up with a good feeding around 10 and call it good. Praying you’ll find a method he agrees with.
Well I thought I made up the feeding less to my kids.. So its in a book so I wasn’t . ha ha but it worked for Sage great.. He would go down about 9ish and get up about 3ish and I started giving him less and less enought to get him to go back to sleep and finally he would go till 5 or 6.. 9-3 (6 hours)is good but I was working amd if I woke up at 3 I could not go back to sleep … So I hope it works for you!!!! He is so cute!
Yup, that’s my boy! However, I think that shirt should’ve been given to his parents—he isn’t the sleepy one, WE ARE!
I can’t wait to come home and help babysit. Until then I here my wife is good with kids.
Is that good for Wade to get less than he is suppposed to at this age? I’ve never heard of depriving your baby to get him to sleep. Doctors don’t recommend sleep training until 3 months. Babies need their nourishment more often at smaller amounts b/c of their stomach size. You shouldn’t try something so drastic w/o talking to his doctor first.