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The View from the Other Side

Thought it would be funny to share some pics of me taken from my student’s viewpoint…

reading to the class…

Collecting papers… I don’t claim to have the best method, but if it’s something that we’re all finishing at the same time (like a timed quiz or assignment) then I call them up in number order a few at a time… ( like 1-5, then next five and next five etc). That way the papers are already in number order which makes it easier on me when I record and file them. (Not like any of you were dying to know any of that. Oh well.) :)

The always fun and very exciting restroom break…

I think this is English…

Science Time… I’m not sure what I’m “praying” for. Maybe for a painless lesson?

3 Responses to The View from the Other Side
  1. Ellen
    November 20, 2008 | 3:20 am

    Too funny. Love it. :)

  2. Bette Anne
    November 20, 2008 | 3:03 pm

    Too cute… Eli and I loved it… He was sitting here and as I was making the pictures bigger he was saying, Nay Nay, Nay Nay… Then I scrolled down and showed him the picture of Haylee getting an award and he about jumped off my lap saying Hay-ee, Hay-ee!! So I think he remembers you guys! ;)

  3. Rachel
    December 16, 2008 | 9:07 pm

    You must be such a great teacher. I love all the cool things you do with your class – guess you get it from your mom!

The View from the Other Side

Thought it would be funny to share some pics of me taken from my student’s viewpoint…

reading to the class…

Collecting papers… I don’t claim to have the best method, but if it’s something that we’re all finishing at the same time (like a timed quiz or assignment) then I call them up in number order a few at a time… ( like 1-5, then next five and next five etc). That way the papers are already in number order which makes it easier on me when I record and file them. (Not like any of you were dying to know any of that. Oh well.) :)

The always fun and very exciting restroom break…

I think this is English…

Science Time… I’m not sure what I’m “praying” for. Maybe for a painless lesson?

3 Responses to The View from the Other Side
  1. Ellen
    November 20, 2008 | 3:20 am

    Too funny. Love it. :)

  2. Bette Anne
    November 20, 2008 | 3:03 pm

    Too cute… Eli and I loved it… He was sitting here and as I was making the pictures bigger he was saying, Nay Nay, Nay Nay… Then I scrolled down and showed him the picture of Haylee getting an award and he about jumped off my lap saying Hay-ee, Hay-ee!! So I think he remembers you guys! ;)

  3. Rachel
    December 16, 2008 | 9:07 pm

    You must be such a great teacher. I love all the cool things you do with your class – guess you get it from your mom!