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The verdict is in…

We are officially going to have one Crazy houseful. 

I did receive some “not so fun” news which I’ll share more on later…

2 Responses to The verdict is in…
  1. Ellen
    May 3, 2010 | 11:33 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Poor Haylee, though. :( Was she counting on getting a sister? ;) Hope things are going good — your last comment has me concerned. SO EXCITED for you! :)

  2. Amy
    May 4, 2010 | 4:47 pm

    Totally agree with you on the whole being the only girl and getting completely spoiled. I grew up in between two brothers. I never knew I was the middle kid:). Hope all goes well with your pregnancy.

The verdict is in…

We are officially going to have one Crazy houseful. 

I did receive some “not so fun” news which I’ll share more on later…

2 Responses to The verdict is in…
  1. Ellen
    May 3, 2010 | 11:33 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Poor Haylee, though. :( Was she counting on getting a sister? ;) Hope things are going good — your last comment has me concerned. SO EXCITED for you! :)

  2. Amy
    May 4, 2010 | 4:47 pm

    Totally agree with you on the whole being the only girl and getting completely spoiled. I grew up in between two brothers. I never knew I was the middle kid:). Hope all goes well with your pregnancy.