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The Organizing Finale…

The grand finale of all this organizing madness is the Master Closet.  For the age and size of our house, I am very thankful for the size closet we have!  When we renovated, Chris combined the closet space from both bedrooms to make ours and designed the space with a closet organizer. 

Here’s the closet right after we first moved in…


It’s funny looking at the shoes and seeing which ones we still have and are still wearing!

This area was very hard for me to work on since this is where Davis naps, and his naptime is virtually the only time I have to work on this kind of thing.

So I was THRILLED when Nana took the older two chilluns for the day, and Baby Davis got to nap in the kids’ room.

Here was the mess…

closet before

And the other side…

closet left before 2

I organized it not long ago. I think sometime after the baby was born since I needed to weed out the maternity clothes. {Though I admit I did clean up the pile of clothes and shoes that was about to take over before I took this picture… sue me.}  I had already purged quite a bit the last time I cleaned it out, but I was feeling brutal.  I ended up with 3 trash bags to give away, and that is primarily just my stuff with only a few things of Chris’s.

With our limited closet space, we decided to rearrange a year or two ago.  I got the Master Closet {so, yes, that is all my mess}, Chris got the kids’ closet, and we got a wardrobe for the kids’.

Here is the Grand Finale After!

closet after

Oh. my.

I so love it.

I really wanted to try something I always see on organizing shows… having matching hangers!  The problem was I didn’t have enough.  I couldn’t drop everything and go get them, and I didn’t want to spend the money on a boat load of hangers.

closet after close

I figured I had the most amount of the white hangers, so I started collecting those.  I ended up having categories that matched within themselves, ie… dresses, pants, shirts, jackets/sweaters.  I had to do some scrounging around in the other closets of the house, swapping hangers out for all the ones I needed, but I made it work!

I love how the uniformity lends such a calming look to everything. It just makes the mess of a closet look neater and tidier.

The other side…

closet left after 2

I had some inspiration for my jewelry that previously was jumbled on my curtain rod.

closet jewelry before

Nice, huh?

I’m not sure why I didn’t think of this before.  I love being able to see everything and I love keeping them jumble-free.

closet jewelry after zoom 


It is not rocket science, for sure, but I do find it quite novel, myself.  :)

I just used cute pushpins {that I already had} in a zig zag pattern.

In theory, even if the clothes cover them up, I don’t think it will mess with the jewelry since they seem pretty secure with the ‘lip’ of the pushpin keeping them on.

 closet jewelry after


Here’s Chris’s side of the shelves…closet left before

This was mostly his stuff, and I purged some and labeled the shoe boxes and found some room for more of my stuff.  Wahoo!  Now there is room for my curlers and my laminator!

closet left after 

My side before…

closet right before


And the after…

closet right after 2 

I downloaded these super cute labels from I heart Organizing.  I was drooling after them when she first posted them, and was so excited when she shared them! 

closet label


closet label after

Aren’t they so cute?  She actually made these in Word! I just printed them on regular paper.  I used clear packaging tape to attach to the boxes, and laminated the rest.

There is this weird little nook in the closet that housed some miscellaneous things like scrapbooking supplies and candles and was basically a disaster area.  I did a major overhaul of my scrapbooking basket, and it’s amazing knowing where things are in there now.

closet nook after   

This project was sooooo much work. Going through every piece of clothing and putting it on the right hanger.  Agh!

But it was soooo worth it having such a big change. A change that I love to just look at now.  :)  I know it’s not the glamorous closet like I’ve seen {and wanted} elsewhere, but I’m thankful for the closet I have, and happy that with all my hard work now I have a much better closet that actually rises up to meet me… as Oprah would say, ha!

closet collage

closet after close

♥ it! 

Check out Bowl Full of Lemons for more Closet Goodies…

One Response to The Organizing Finale…
  1. Meredith
    February 22, 2011 | 4:58 am

    Great job! Your closet looks amazing!
    Isn't it nice to have some order where once there was only chaos? ;)
    Found you via Thrifty Decor Chick!
    :) Meredith @ Welcome to Heardmont

The Organizing Finale…

The grand finale of all this organizing madness is the Master Closet.  For the age and size of our house, I am very thankful for the size closet we have!  When we renovated, Chris combined the closet space from both bedrooms to make ours and designed the space with a closet organizer. 

Here’s the closet right after we first moved in…


It’s funny looking at the shoes and seeing which ones we still have and are still wearing!

This area was very hard for me to work on since this is where Davis naps, and his naptime is virtually the only time I have to work on this kind of thing.

So I was THRILLED when Nana took the older two chilluns for the day, and Baby Davis got to nap in the kids’ room.

Here was the mess…

closet before

And the other side…

closet left before 2

I organized it not long ago. I think sometime after the baby was born since I needed to weed out the maternity clothes. {Though I admit I did clean up the pile of clothes and shoes that was about to take over before I took this picture… sue me.}  I had already purged quite a bit the last time I cleaned it out, but I was feeling brutal.  I ended up with 3 trash bags to give away, and that is primarily just my stuff with only a few things of Chris’s.

With our limited closet space, we decided to rearrange a year or two ago.  I got the Master Closet {so, yes, that is all my mess}, Chris got the kids’ closet, and we got a wardrobe for the kids’.

Here is the Grand Finale After!

closet after

Oh. my.

I so love it.

I really wanted to try something I always see on organizing shows… having matching hangers!  The problem was I didn’t have enough.  I couldn’t drop everything and go get them, and I didn’t want to spend the money on a boat load of hangers.

closet after close

I figured I had the most amount of the white hangers, so I started collecting those.  I ended up having categories that matched within themselves, ie… dresses, pants, shirts, jackets/sweaters.  I had to do some scrounging around in the other closets of the house, swapping hangers out for all the ones I needed, but I made it work!

I love how the uniformity lends such a calming look to everything. It just makes the mess of a closet look neater and tidier.

The other side…

closet left after 2

I had some inspiration for my jewelry that previously was jumbled on my curtain rod.

closet jewelry before

Nice, huh?

I’m not sure why I didn’t think of this before.  I love being able to see everything and I love keeping them jumble-free.

closet jewelry after zoom 


It is not rocket science, for sure, but I do find it quite novel, myself.  :)

I just used cute pushpins {that I already had} in a zig zag pattern.

In theory, even if the clothes cover them up, I don’t think it will mess with the jewelry since they seem pretty secure with the ‘lip’ of the pushpin keeping them on.

 closet jewelry after


Here’s Chris’s side of the shelves…closet left before

This was mostly his stuff, and I purged some and labeled the shoe boxes and found some room for more of my stuff.  Wahoo!  Now there is room for my curlers and my laminator!

closet left after 

My side before…

closet right before


And the after…

closet right after 2 

I downloaded these super cute labels from I heart Organizing.  I was drooling after them when she first posted them, and was so excited when she shared them! 

closet label


closet label after

Aren’t they so cute?  She actually made these in Word! I just printed them on regular paper.  I used clear packaging tape to attach to the boxes, and laminated the rest.

There is this weird little nook in the closet that housed some miscellaneous things like scrapbooking supplies and candles and was basically a disaster area.  I did a major overhaul of my scrapbooking basket, and it’s amazing knowing where things are in there now.

closet nook after   

This project was sooooo much work. Going through every piece of clothing and putting it on the right hanger.  Agh!

But it was soooo worth it having such a big change. A change that I love to just look at now.  :)  I know it’s not the glamorous closet like I’ve seen {and wanted} elsewhere, but I’m thankful for the closet I have, and happy that with all my hard work now I have a much better closet that actually rises up to meet me… as Oprah would say, ha!

closet collage

closet after close

♥ it! 

Check out Bowl Full of Lemons for more Closet Goodies…

One Response to The Organizing Finale…
  1. Meredith
    February 22, 2011 | 4:58 am

    Great job! Your closet looks amazing!
    Isn't it nice to have some order where once there was only chaos? ;)
    Found you via Thrifty Decor Chick!
    :) Meredith @ Welcome to Heardmont