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The Great Toybox Purge of ’08

Room is, shall we say, tight, especially in the kid’s room, so it seems I am constantly sorting through things, purging and organizing what I can.

Haylee’s birthday is coming up the end of this month, and her toybox was once again overflowing. I bravely decided to send her into her room to get started sorting through her stash while I fed Wade.
I was very pleasantly surprised when I inspected her work. Her keep and give-away piles were actually quite even!
This…believe it or not… is the GIVE-AWAY pile! Maybe if I start now, I can raise her to not be a packrat like her momma likes to be sometimes! ;)
7 Responses to The Great Toybox Purge of ’08
  1. Ellen
    May 14, 2008 | 3:31 am

    I’m impressed… she did a good job sorting by herself. It is difficult to get the kids to part with their toys… I seem to go through ours in the fall…. telling the kids that Lil’s bday is right around the corner, soon to be followed by Christmas and we’re making room for the new. LOL. That generally helps to make it a little easier.

    Just out of curiosity — what do you do w/ the toys you clean out? I always seem to struggle w/ finding the best option… I’ve looked for people who could really use the nice toys, but I’m never really successful. It’s frustrating. Sometimes we’ve set the stuff aside for a yard sale, but I don’t like to hold onto that clutter for 6 mons or so.

  2. Renee
    May 14, 2008 | 9:23 am

    Right now they are in the out building…but I’ll probably end up just taking them to Goodwill. It would be nice to do something more worthwhile w/them, though…

  3. Rachel
    May 14, 2008 | 2:04 pm

    Oooo, I just LOVE toy giveaway time! I might sound crazy, but I figure if my kids can’t fit all their toys into two large plastic bins, then they’ve got too many toys. Out go the oldies!

    Good for you, mommy, to help her learn anti-packrat techniques! (Packrat doesn’t apply to yarn stashes, though. Nope.)

  4. Mack Swaringen
    May 14, 2008 | 5:55 pm

    Hey, We are having a yard sale…next Saturday the 24th if you want to bring stuff to sell. Let me know.

    See you at CEC for the BIG party!!!

  5. Bette Anne
    May 14, 2008 | 7:46 pm

    Also, Emmanuel is trying to get used toys for VBS if you really want a “worthwhile” outlet for them! ;) Seriously that is a big pile for her to be willing to give away! Way to go Haylee!

  6. Sam
    May 15, 2008 | 10:20 pm

    Oh, stop by my house before you go to the yard sale. We were just talking about how we need to down size bad.

  7. […] take over {see above} and the annoying twitching starts again.  :) There have been many, many toy box clean outs in our five years here.  Most of the time the discarded toys haven’t been entirely cast […]

The Great Toybox Purge of ’08

Room is, shall we say, tight, especially in the kid’s room, so it seems I am constantly sorting through things, purging and organizing what I can.

Haylee’s birthday is coming up the end of this month, and her toybox was once again overflowing. I bravely decided to send her into her room to get started sorting through her stash while I fed Wade.
I was very pleasantly surprised when I inspected her work. Her keep and give-away piles were actually quite even!
This…believe it or not… is the GIVE-AWAY pile! Maybe if I start now, I can raise her to not be a packrat like her momma likes to be sometimes! ;)
7 Responses to The Great Toybox Purge of ’08
  1. Ellen
    May 14, 2008 | 3:31 am

    I’m impressed… she did a good job sorting by herself. It is difficult to get the kids to part with their toys… I seem to go through ours in the fall…. telling the kids that Lil’s bday is right around the corner, soon to be followed by Christmas and we’re making room for the new. LOL. That generally helps to make it a little easier.

    Just out of curiosity — what do you do w/ the toys you clean out? I always seem to struggle w/ finding the best option… I’ve looked for people who could really use the nice toys, but I’m never really successful. It’s frustrating. Sometimes we’ve set the stuff aside for a yard sale, but I don’t like to hold onto that clutter for 6 mons or so.

  2. Renee
    May 14, 2008 | 9:23 am

    Right now they are in the out building…but I’ll probably end up just taking them to Goodwill. It would be nice to do something more worthwhile w/them, though…

  3. Rachel
    May 14, 2008 | 2:04 pm

    Oooo, I just LOVE toy giveaway time! I might sound crazy, but I figure if my kids can’t fit all their toys into two large plastic bins, then they’ve got too many toys. Out go the oldies!

    Good for you, mommy, to help her learn anti-packrat techniques! (Packrat doesn’t apply to yarn stashes, though. Nope.)

  4. Mack Swaringen
    May 14, 2008 | 5:55 pm

    Hey, We are having a yard sale…next Saturday the 24th if you want to bring stuff to sell. Let me know.

    See you at CEC for the BIG party!!!

  5. Bette Anne
    May 14, 2008 | 7:46 pm

    Also, Emmanuel is trying to get used toys for VBS if you really want a “worthwhile” outlet for them! ;) Seriously that is a big pile for her to be willing to give away! Way to go Haylee!

  6. Sam
    May 15, 2008 | 10:20 pm

    Oh, stop by my house before you go to the yard sale. We were just talking about how we need to down size bad.

  7. […] take over {see above} and the annoying twitching starts again.  :) There have been many, many toy box clean outs in our five years here.  Most of the time the discarded toys haven’t been entirely cast […]