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The Game we call Grocery

Yesterday was grocery shopping day which has become such an ordeal with the arrival of the Wadester. Shopping has to be carefully planned and executed with precision around his feedings. Not to mention that you can’t find a grocery cart that the infant carrier will fit into anymore. Harris Teeter just changed their carts on me, so after wrestling with the cart and seat for a bit, I just gave up and stuck him in the back. A fine alternative if it weren’t for the fact that no groceries will fit in the cart once the seat is in there. :)

I had some issues with my bogo Harris Teeter items, but they ended up giving me what I wanted when I kept arguing my point with them…

I still have some things to get at CVS, but since it’s already Wednesday, who knows if they will still be in stock or not. I’ve been reading some new Coupon Blogs lately which are some good resources for finding that ever-desirable great buy. You can check them out too on my sidebar…

Haven’t done this in a while, but here are my stats…

Harris Teeter

  • Shelf Price: $59.11
  • Out of Pocket: $19.57
  • Savings: $39.54

Lowes Food

  • Shelf Price: $64.46
  • Out of Pocket: $42.43
  • Savings: $22.03

*This includes a $25 can of formula… I did use a $5 Q, so I only had to pay about $20. The crazy thing is that the formula was actually CHEAPER at Lowes than at Walmart. We’re talking Lowes! Where everything is ridiculously overpriced and you had better not buy anything that’s not on sale or with a Q!

I also picked up some free items at Walmart… Johnson’s Buddies soap and some girly items.

So, is anyone else disgusted with the price of gas and milk? Where we filled up, it was $3.59/gal, and I got milk at HT for about that same price. The bad thing is that they say gas is only going to go up this summer. AHH!

What are your gas/milk prices?

10 Responses to The Game we call Grocery
  1. Heather
    May 14, 2008 | 11:18 pm

    I know, right?! Crazy gas prices and crazy H.T.!!!! I was frustrated at H.T. too…I know I should never complain about the stress of grocery shopping, when you have to worry about bringing TWO children, one being an infant. In a word, Renee, you are: Amazing. =)

  2. Ellen
    May 15, 2008 | 1:47 am

    Well, maybe this will help you feel better — our gas is currently anywhere between $3.81 and 3.87!!! It’s pretty depressing. Skim milk, which we buy, is the cheapest milk available at $3.59 as well. Eggs are actually something that is killing us here. How much are you paying for a dozen there? It’s averaging $2.60/doz. here. Thanks for the chance to gripe about prices! LOL.

    I can COMPLETELY understand your struggles when it comes to shopping w/ two in tow. And yes, they do not make carts that accomodate baby seats… it’s quite frustrating.

    I am always in awe of your savings… you go girl! Kudos to you for working to save your family money!!

  3. Pumpkinhead-Michelle
    May 15, 2008 | 7:37 am

    Girl, I know your pain. Since we are in the UK, the dollar is BAD! It costs us about $2 to get £1. It costs us about $8 a gallon to fill up with gas. Milk is about $2 a liter…do the math…I can’t. I am always doing bargain shopping!
    I totally understand shopping with little ones. They are really good here at out grocery store about making carts for the multi-child parents. Makes shopping a little less frustrating.

  4. Amy Blackburn
    May 15, 2008 | 7:48 am

    Wow, I thought I had it bad until I read Michelle’s comment. Gas is almost $5 a gallon now and milk is over $3 and that is for about 3 liters – not even a gallon. The sad thing is that our other prices are sky high! Milk is one item that is relatively cheap here. Mayo was about $4.60 for a jar! At least the dollar is a bit stronger here – I don’t know how Michelle does it!!!

  5. Rachel
    May 15, 2008 | 4:57 pm

    Hee hee, I saw a sign that said, “Beer is now cheaper than gas. Drink, don’t drive”. Couldn’t resist the humor, lol!

  6. Rachel
    May 15, 2008 | 5:00 pm

    Have you tried using a sling for Wade? It’s revolutionized my shopping experience with two, and I’ll definitely use it again with this baby!

  7. Mack Swaringen
    May 15, 2008 | 7:04 pm

    Rachel had a good idea about the sling. I have one if you want to borrow it…let me know.

    Bi-lo’s milk (clear value) is around 3.59 right now and their doz. eggs are .78!!! Stock up on eggs. Here in Monroe gas is at 3.71 last night.

    Hey at least toothpaste is still free after coupons.

  8. Sam
    May 15, 2008 | 10:26 pm

    Too bad you can’t buy some gas over here. It’s around .50 cents a gal. Oh, that’s right because it comes out of the ground right down the street.

  9. Bakershalfdozen
    May 16, 2008 | 4:09 am

    [quote]I had some issues with my bogo Harris Teeter items, but they ended up giving me what I wanted when I kept arguing my point with them…[quote/]

    Ugh! I had the worst cashier today. She nitpicked EVERYTHING I had and made issue of things that have never been an issue before. When did they start getting so picky with the BOGO thing??? It isn’t really free, you know! GRR! She made an issue of that as well as some coupons I had that said, “Do not double” but started with a “5”, not a “9”. She wouldn’t double them, let alone triple them. She wouldn’t double my internet coupons – even though managers have done that before. She also refused to let me have more than 3 like coupons on anything even though I have had multiple cashiers tell me that it isn’t a big deal and even had one manager tell me that can take anything as long as it is not over 20 doubled.

    I was so upset, I took my coupons back from her, put everything back in my cart and went to a different cashier (who was the asst. manager, BTW) and she put everything through w/o any negative comments whatsoever.

  10. Bakershalfdozen
    May 16, 2008 | 4:11 am

    Haha, BTW, I shop with all 4 of my kids. It is interesting to say the least, what with all the cookies, balloons and free samples HT has to offer. OY!

The Game we call Grocery

Yesterday was grocery shopping day which has become such an ordeal with the arrival of the Wadester. Shopping has to be carefully planned and executed with precision around his feedings. Not to mention that you can’t find a grocery cart that the infant carrier will fit into anymore. Harris Teeter just changed their carts on me, so after wrestling with the cart and seat for a bit, I just gave up and stuck him in the back. A fine alternative if it weren’t for the fact that no groceries will fit in the cart once the seat is in there. :)

I had some issues with my bogo Harris Teeter items, but they ended up giving me what I wanted when I kept arguing my point with them…

I still have some things to get at CVS, but since it’s already Wednesday, who knows if they will still be in stock or not. I’ve been reading some new Coupon Blogs lately which are some good resources for finding that ever-desirable great buy. You can check them out too on my sidebar…

Haven’t done this in a while, but here are my stats…

Harris Teeter

  • Shelf Price: $59.11
  • Out of Pocket: $19.57
  • Savings: $39.54

Lowes Food

  • Shelf Price: $64.46
  • Out of Pocket: $42.43
  • Savings: $22.03

*This includes a $25 can of formula… I did use a $5 Q, so I only had to pay about $20. The crazy thing is that the formula was actually CHEAPER at Lowes than at Walmart. We’re talking Lowes! Where everything is ridiculously overpriced and you had better not buy anything that’s not on sale or with a Q!

I also picked up some free items at Walmart… Johnson’s Buddies soap and some girly items.

So, is anyone else disgusted with the price of gas and milk? Where we filled up, it was $3.59/gal, and I got milk at HT for about that same price. The bad thing is that they say gas is only going to go up this summer. AHH!

What are your gas/milk prices?

10 Responses to The Game we call Grocery
  1. Heather
    May 14, 2008 | 11:18 pm

    I know, right?! Crazy gas prices and crazy H.T.!!!! I was frustrated at H.T. too…I know I should never complain about the stress of grocery shopping, when you have to worry about bringing TWO children, one being an infant. In a word, Renee, you are: Amazing. =)

  2. Ellen
    May 15, 2008 | 1:47 am

    Well, maybe this will help you feel better — our gas is currently anywhere between $3.81 and 3.87!!! It’s pretty depressing. Skim milk, which we buy, is the cheapest milk available at $3.59 as well. Eggs are actually something that is killing us here. How much are you paying for a dozen there? It’s averaging $2.60/doz. here. Thanks for the chance to gripe about prices! LOL.

    I can COMPLETELY understand your struggles when it comes to shopping w/ two in tow. And yes, they do not make carts that accomodate baby seats… it’s quite frustrating.

    I am always in awe of your savings… you go girl! Kudos to you for working to save your family money!!

  3. Pumpkinhead-Michelle
    May 15, 2008 | 7:37 am

    Girl, I know your pain. Since we are in the UK, the dollar is BAD! It costs us about $2 to get £1. It costs us about $8 a gallon to fill up with gas. Milk is about $2 a liter…do the math…I can’t. I am always doing bargain shopping!
    I totally understand shopping with little ones. They are really good here at out grocery store about making carts for the multi-child parents. Makes shopping a little less frustrating.

  4. Amy Blackburn
    May 15, 2008 | 7:48 am

    Wow, I thought I had it bad until I read Michelle’s comment. Gas is almost $5 a gallon now and milk is over $3 and that is for about 3 liters – not even a gallon. The sad thing is that our other prices are sky high! Milk is one item that is relatively cheap here. Mayo was about $4.60 for a jar! At least the dollar is a bit stronger here – I don’t know how Michelle does it!!!

  5. Rachel
    May 15, 2008 | 4:57 pm

    Hee hee, I saw a sign that said, “Beer is now cheaper than gas. Drink, don’t drive”. Couldn’t resist the humor, lol!

  6. Rachel
    May 15, 2008 | 5:00 pm

    Have you tried using a sling for Wade? It’s revolutionized my shopping experience with two, and I’ll definitely use it again with this baby!

  7. Mack Swaringen
    May 15, 2008 | 7:04 pm

    Rachel had a good idea about the sling. I have one if you want to borrow it…let me know.

    Bi-lo’s milk (clear value) is around 3.59 right now and their doz. eggs are .78!!! Stock up on eggs. Here in Monroe gas is at 3.71 last night.

    Hey at least toothpaste is still free after coupons.

  8. Sam
    May 15, 2008 | 10:26 pm

    Too bad you can’t buy some gas over here. It’s around .50 cents a gal. Oh, that’s right because it comes out of the ground right down the street.

  9. Bakershalfdozen
    May 16, 2008 | 4:09 am

    [quote]I had some issues with my bogo Harris Teeter items, but they ended up giving me what I wanted when I kept arguing my point with them…[quote/]

    Ugh! I had the worst cashier today. She nitpicked EVERYTHING I had and made issue of things that have never been an issue before. When did they start getting so picky with the BOGO thing??? It isn’t really free, you know! GRR! She made an issue of that as well as some coupons I had that said, “Do not double” but started with a “5”, not a “9”. She wouldn’t double them, let alone triple them. She wouldn’t double my internet coupons – even though managers have done that before. She also refused to let me have more than 3 like coupons on anything even though I have had multiple cashiers tell me that it isn’t a big deal and even had one manager tell me that can take anything as long as it is not over 20 doubled.

    I was so upset, I took my coupons back from her, put everything back in my cart and went to a different cashier (who was the asst. manager, BTW) and she put everything through w/o any negative comments whatsoever.

  10. Bakershalfdozen
    May 16, 2008 | 4:11 am

    Haha, BTW, I shop with all 4 of my kids. It is interesting to say the least, what with all the cookies, balloons and free samples HT has to offer. OY!