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The Coolest of Coolness Baby Gadgets…

Baby Gadgets

I clicked and clicked and searched and searched the mighty world wide web for the latest and greatest of the new–or at least new to me–“baby gadgets” and started a list that I may wanna register for… 

  • Boon Squirt… Baby Spoon that holds the food in it! Just squeeze and it will supposedly squirt out. This would be awesome when you’re out without a highchair and are doing the ever popular feed the baby on your lap, balancing the food and baby while simultaneously managing to avoid getting splattered with peas all over your front.
    • Handsfree Bottle Kit… Don’t know if this would really work or not, but the concept of them being able to feed themselves especially when you’re desperate sounds alluring…
      • Booginhead SippiGrip Cup… This tethers the sippy cup to car seat or stroller… AMAZING!  I’m sure this has been out a while, but HOW did I not know of its existence?  I mean, realistically, once the little stinker gets old enough to figure out he can undo the velcro, it has lost its purpose, BUT… there would be a nice window of time where it would be awesome!    At least 2 or 3 weeks, to be sure.  :)
      • My Little Seat… Cloth Foldable Travel High Chair… not a necessity but I think it would be nice when you’re traveling or visiting friends w/o a highchair.
      • Bath Sling… I know this is nothing new, but with my two I just used the sink for the early baths.  I know that this tub is not a necessity, but it’s pretty cheap.  Chris always did the one handed thing in the sink awesomely, me… not so much.  So I can see how this would make early bath times much easier on mommy’s hands.
      • Pea Pod Pop Up Travel Bed … This is just cool.  TOTALLY not anywhere close to a necessity, but I just think it’s cool!  Instead of traveling with your ginormously heavy pack and play, you just fold up this bed, and when you’re ready to use it… wala!  It pops up! Tell me that’s not cool.
      • Stroller Organizer … We have a Chicco umbrella stroller that I love, but I hate that there’s no cup holder.  Enter this handy dandy strap on stroller organizer.  While I’m smart enough to know that it’s probably not ideal, and drinks w/o lids probably slosh when you stroll, BUT… it’s better than nothing.  Being out with drinks and phone in hand while trying to push the stroller through traffic… ‘people traffic’, not actual ‘traffic-traffic’ is no fun, for sure.
      • Avent BPA free Bottles … I’m still on the fence on this one, since I have tons of my bottles from Wade still, but with the recent headlines about the chemical BPA that’s released from the plastic when it’s heated that can be hazardous to baby, I would love to get these new ones. It’s quite an expense to just get all new bottles, but I know that I would feel safer going that route.  (If I know my hubby at all, I’m sure he will be rolling his eyes reading this.)  :) 
      • I’m also thinking about trying out an Ergo Carrier.  I know they are a bit pricey at about $100, but I’ve heard great things about them being the most comfy on your back and shoulders.  I think that it would have helped with Wade’s uber fussy stage he seemed to go through until he hit about 4 months old.  It seems to be a good idea too when I think about going shopping with all three kiddos.  Having the baby in a carrier and Wade in the front of the cart may work better than any other alternative I can think of… barring having Chris do all the shopping, of course!  :)

      Hmmm… sounds like a good plan to me. Whaddya say, hon?   :)
      Any other cool baby gadgets you know of?

      One Response to The Coolest of Coolness Baby Gadgets…
      1. Ellen
        March 31, 2010 | 4:21 pm

        You are too funny — so glad you're enjoying the search and "newness" of finding and having the latest, greatest gadgets. FUN. ;) These are neat things. :)

      The Coolest of Coolness Baby Gadgets…

      Baby Gadgets

      I clicked and clicked and searched and searched the mighty world wide web for the latest and greatest of the new–or at least new to me–“baby gadgets” and started a list that I may wanna register for… 

      • Boon Squirt… Baby Spoon that holds the food in it! Just squeeze and it will supposedly squirt out. This would be awesome when you’re out without a highchair and are doing the ever popular feed the baby on your lap, balancing the food and baby while simultaneously managing to avoid getting splattered with peas all over your front.
        • Handsfree Bottle Kit… Don’t know if this would really work or not, but the concept of them being able to feed themselves especially when you’re desperate sounds alluring…
          • Booginhead SippiGrip Cup… This tethers the sippy cup to car seat or stroller… AMAZING!  I’m sure this has been out a while, but HOW did I not know of its existence?  I mean, realistically, once the little stinker gets old enough to figure out he can undo the velcro, it has lost its purpose, BUT… there would be a nice window of time where it would be awesome!    At least 2 or 3 weeks, to be sure.  :)
          • My Little Seat… Cloth Foldable Travel High Chair… not a necessity but I think it would be nice when you’re traveling or visiting friends w/o a highchair.
          • Bath Sling… I know this is nothing new, but with my two I just used the sink for the early baths.  I know that this tub is not a necessity, but it’s pretty cheap.  Chris always did the one handed thing in the sink awesomely, me… not so much.  So I can see how this would make early bath times much easier on mommy’s hands.
          • Pea Pod Pop Up Travel Bed … This is just cool.  TOTALLY not anywhere close to a necessity, but I just think it’s cool!  Instead of traveling with your ginormously heavy pack and play, you just fold up this bed, and when you’re ready to use it… wala!  It pops up! Tell me that’s not cool.
          • Stroller Organizer … We have a Chicco umbrella stroller that I love, but I hate that there’s no cup holder.  Enter this handy dandy strap on stroller organizer.  While I’m smart enough to know that it’s probably not ideal, and drinks w/o lids probably slosh when you stroll, BUT… it’s better than nothing.  Being out with drinks and phone in hand while trying to push the stroller through traffic… ‘people traffic’, not actual ‘traffic-traffic’ is no fun, for sure.
          • Avent BPA free Bottles … I’m still on the fence on this one, since I have tons of my bottles from Wade still, but with the recent headlines about the chemical BPA that’s released from the plastic when it’s heated that can be hazardous to baby, I would love to get these new ones. It’s quite an expense to just get all new bottles, but I know that I would feel safer going that route.  (If I know my hubby at all, I’m sure he will be rolling his eyes reading this.)  :) 
          • I’m also thinking about trying out an Ergo Carrier.  I know they are a bit pricey at about $100, but I’ve heard great things about them being the most comfy on your back and shoulders.  I think that it would have helped with Wade’s uber fussy stage he seemed to go through until he hit about 4 months old.  It seems to be a good idea too when I think about going shopping with all three kiddos.  Having the baby in a carrier and Wade in the front of the cart may work better than any other alternative I can think of… barring having Chris do all the shopping, of course!  :)

          Hmmm… sounds like a good plan to me. Whaddya say, hon?   :)
          Any other cool baby gadgets you know of?

          One Response to The Coolest of Coolness Baby Gadgets…
          1. Ellen
            March 31, 2010 | 4:21 pm

            You are too funny — so glad you're enjoying the search and "newness" of finding and having the latest, greatest gadgets. FUN. ;) These are neat things. :)