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Taking the Plunge in the Workbox World!

(Sorry… this is ANOTHER post on homeschooling… Feel free to scroll on down if you aren’t as enthused as I am on the topic… Unfortunately for you, there are more hs’ing posts in your future. Hope you don’t totally lose interest!)


I have done much researching on workboxes and think I am going to give it a try using the file folder box variation.  Each folder is labeled with a subject that she’ll work on one by one with all materials needed for each subject (that will fit) inside each folder.
Stuff that won’t fit, I’ll probably just make up an index card for so she’ll know to go and get whatever it is.  I plan to put all teacher materials in there as well… like flashcards, keys etc. 
It will be a way for me to make sure I have all the materials gathered that I’ll need for the day.
The box itself I already had, but I think it will work well since number one… it’s PINK!!!  And, then of course, it has a cool organizer on top for miscellaneous things that will be nice to have right on hand. I had some pens in there as well, but the Wadester has already managed to sneak it out and draw on the cute pink box.  :( 
In all my searching on workboxes I found a blog using an assignment sheet in combination with their workbox.  I decided this assignment sheet would be a good idea to try with Haylee so I made up one of my own.  She can use her assignment sheet to work from folder to folder in her workbox.  This way she and I both will know what is coming and what we have left to do before we’re DONE each day!
Assingment Schedule screenshot
My thinking is that I can write up all the assignment sheets for the week ahead of time as well as pull  papers  etc for the week and just load the folders each night or morning.  That shouldn’t be TOO hard, right?  :) At the very least, if the workbox method falls by the wayside, we can still use just the assignment sheet since I think it will help us both to get through the day.

Here it is for download, FYI… Just click “Asignment Sheet” to go to scribd.  From there you will have to create an account, and then you will be able to download it and save it to your computer.  You will even be able to make changes to make it fit with your subjects as well… 

Assignment Sheet

Here’s my “new” shelves that I braved much grodiness to repurpose for our HS’ing needs.  

You can’t tell it now, but it previously lived in the shed for many, many moons and stored miscellaneous cords and screws and other junk.  I emptied the contents fairly painlessly into another box, but the fun part came in trying to clean off the “life in the shed filthiness” that my lovely shelves were covered in.  I took all the drawers out and hosed it all thoroughly outside… trying to make the inside cleaning job as easy as possible.  Once it had dried a bit in the scorching sun, it came inside and got sprayed with some cleaner and wiped down.  I am very proud of myself for doing this dirty deed in order to score myself some more storage without having to run to the store and shell out the moolah. Are you proud of me for facing the grossness, honey?

I decided to get crafty and make some cute labels for the drawers. 

While I was on a roll, I made a label for the workbox too…  :)
I know, I know.  I tend to go overboard especially when I’m tackling a new project in my life.  It’s somewhat of a sickness… an uncontrollable urge or impulse to research EVERYTHING and plan out as much as possible and try to do, do, do until my brain is fried.

On top of the shelves is my cute basket of papers to be pulled and put in the workboxes.

The pink folders are mainly tests and quizzes and the blue folders are daily papers.  The basket (that I love, btw!) is a goodwill find!  :)

Just one week until our FIRST DAY!

2 Responses to Taking the Plunge in the Workbox World!
  1. Carrie
    July 27, 2010 | 7:15 pm

    Renee! I've been scrolling through your last few posts, and I think I've found my long, lost twin!! Girl, You ROCK!!

    LOVE the assignment sheet you created! I don't do workboxes, but I do have a file box similar to yours I call my Rainbow Box – mine's purple! ;)

    Looks like you are well on your way to a great year!

  2. Renee
    July 27, 2010 | 8:58 pm

    Wow, thanks for visiting me! I've loved reading your blog… it's already on my sidebar! :) Glad you liked the assignment sheet. Hopefully it will be something that works for us!

Taking the Plunge in the Workbox World!

(Sorry… this is ANOTHER post on homeschooling… Feel free to scroll on down if you aren’t as enthused as I am on the topic… Unfortunately for you, there are more hs’ing posts in your future. Hope you don’t totally lose interest!)


I have done much researching on workboxes and think I am going to give it a try using the file folder box variation.  Each folder is labeled with a subject that she’ll work on one by one with all materials needed for each subject (that will fit) inside each folder.
Stuff that won’t fit, I’ll probably just make up an index card for so she’ll know to go and get whatever it is.  I plan to put all teacher materials in there as well… like flashcards, keys etc. 
It will be a way for me to make sure I have all the materials gathered that I’ll need for the day.
The box itself I already had, but I think it will work well since number one… it’s PINK!!!  And, then of course, it has a cool organizer on top for miscellaneous things that will be nice to have right on hand. I had some pens in there as well, but the Wadester has already managed to sneak it out and draw on the cute pink box.  :( 
In all my searching on workboxes I found a blog using an assignment sheet in combination with their workbox.  I decided this assignment sheet would be a good idea to try with Haylee so I made up one of my own.  She can use her assignment sheet to work from folder to folder in her workbox.  This way she and I both will know what is coming and what we have left to do before we’re DONE each day!
Assingment Schedule screenshot
My thinking is that I can write up all the assignment sheets for the week ahead of time as well as pull  papers  etc for the week and just load the folders each night or morning.  That shouldn’t be TOO hard, right?  :) At the very least, if the workbox method falls by the wayside, we can still use just the assignment sheet since I think it will help us both to get through the day.

Here it is for download, FYI… Just click “Asignment Sheet” to go to scribd.  From there you will have to create an account, and then you will be able to download it and save it to your computer.  You will even be able to make changes to make it fit with your subjects as well… 

Assignment Sheet

Here’s my “new” shelves that I braved much grodiness to repurpose for our HS’ing needs.  

You can’t tell it now, but it previously lived in the shed for many, many moons and stored miscellaneous cords and screws and other junk.  I emptied the contents fairly painlessly into another box, but the fun part came in trying to clean off the “life in the shed filthiness” that my lovely shelves were covered in.  I took all the drawers out and hosed it all thoroughly outside… trying to make the inside cleaning job as easy as possible.  Once it had dried a bit in the scorching sun, it came inside and got sprayed with some cleaner and wiped down.  I am very proud of myself for doing this dirty deed in order to score myself some more storage without having to run to the store and shell out the moolah. Are you proud of me for facing the grossness, honey?

I decided to get crafty and make some cute labels for the drawers. 

While I was on a roll, I made a label for the workbox too…  :)
I know, I know.  I tend to go overboard especially when I’m tackling a new project in my life.  It’s somewhat of a sickness… an uncontrollable urge or impulse to research EVERYTHING and plan out as much as possible and try to do, do, do until my brain is fried.

On top of the shelves is my cute basket of papers to be pulled and put in the workboxes.

The pink folders are mainly tests and quizzes and the blue folders are daily papers.  The basket (that I love, btw!) is a goodwill find!  :)

Just one week until our FIRST DAY!

2 Responses to Taking the Plunge in the Workbox World!
  1. Carrie
    July 27, 2010 | 7:15 pm

    Renee! I've been scrolling through your last few posts, and I think I've found my long, lost twin!! Girl, You ROCK!!

    LOVE the assignment sheet you created! I don't do workboxes, but I do have a file box similar to yours I call my Rainbow Box – mine's purple! ;)

    Looks like you are well on your way to a great year!

  2. Renee
    July 27, 2010 | 8:58 pm

    Wow, thanks for visiting me! I've loved reading your blog… it's already on my sidebar! :) Glad you liked the assignment sheet. Hopefully it will be something that works for us!