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Take the test… Are you happy?

Oprah did a show on Happiness the other day. I thought it quite interesting. See how happy you are…..
take the test

I think the concept is that you can affect your happiness by your outlook on life and the circumstances you face. The pessimist and the optimist are both right about life. They focus on the the bad or the good respectively so that their lives are either good or bad depending on what they choose to focus on.
I think this is a basic Biblical principal of contentment. They also mentioned a kind of complainer that is afraid to be truly happy, because his fear is that as soon as he admits things are really good, then something horrible will inevitably happen. So he would rather live with things being quite good and complain than recognize that he’s happy.
I think this is somewhat true of me. I do think I feel like if things are too good, then of course it can’t last. Something bad must happen eventually. How much better I would be if I would choose to be content and happy with life as it is, and deal with the problems as they come.
So… take the test, comment and tell me your score…
Mine was 27…

4 Responses to Take the test… Are you happy?
  1. Kitten
    April 20, 2007 | 12:59 pm

    my score was 9..ooops…not very good is it!

    oh well…

  2. Ellen
    April 20, 2007 | 7:55 pm

    My score was 26… …interesting. I could relate to your sentiments.

  3. AmyQ
    April 21, 2007 | 12:31 pm

    My score was a 32. I do agree that this is very much a principle of Biblical contentment.

  4. Bette Anne
    April 26, 2007 | 1:54 am

    Got a 29… Didn’t realize I was so happy! ;) j/k

Take the test… Are you happy?

Oprah did a show on Happiness the other day. I thought it quite interesting. See how happy you are…..
take the test

I think the concept is that you can affect your happiness by your outlook on life and the circumstances you face. The pessimist and the optimist are both right about life. They focus on the the bad or the good respectively so that their lives are either good or bad depending on what they choose to focus on.
I think this is a basic Biblical principal of contentment. They also mentioned a kind of complainer that is afraid to be truly happy, because his fear is that as soon as he admits things are really good, then something horrible will inevitably happen. So he would rather live with things being quite good and complain than recognize that he’s happy.
I think this is somewhat true of me. I do think I feel like if things are too good, then of course it can’t last. Something bad must happen eventually. How much better I would be if I would choose to be content and happy with life as it is, and deal with the problems as they come.
So… take the test, comment and tell me your score…
Mine was 27…

4 Responses to Take the test… Are you happy?
  1. Kitten
    April 20, 2007 | 12:59 pm

    my score was 9..ooops…not very good is it!

    oh well…

  2. Ellen
    April 20, 2007 | 7:55 pm

    My score was 26… …interesting. I could relate to your sentiments.

  3. AmyQ
    April 21, 2007 | 12:31 pm

    My score was a 32. I do agree that this is very much a principle of Biblical contentment.

  4. Bette Anne
    April 26, 2007 | 1:54 am

    Got a 29… Didn’t realize I was so happy! ;) j/k