Sweet Smiles…
After church Sunday, I thought Chris and Wade looked so cute together, I had to take their picture.
My two boys…
Haylee got in on the fun too….
Wade is four months old today! It’s hard to believe that four months have passed since our little one made his way into the world. He is growing so much and is about 16 lbs according to our scale. He is smiling more and more the older he gets.
He has done better recently sleeping mostly from around 9 pm to around 6:30 am or so…
*Of course, I am physically unable to continue without “knocking on wood” in order not to jinx myself. :)*
I really think he might be teething since he is constantly gnawing the life out of his fingers… or anything else that happens to come within tongue reach. As I was holding him yesterday afternoon, he was doing this funny thing keeping his tongue hanging out looking for anything he could latch onto.
He goes through these cycles where he cries for a bit before going back to sleep. Twice now I’ve gone in to check on him and found the poor little guy wailing with his blanket completely over his face! It’s his silly habit of pulling his blanket up to gnaw on it that does it to him. His occasional jerk of the blanket goes a bit farther, over-reaching his mouth, and covers his his whole head.
He is still Mr. Ornery, but with all his smiles, somehow the fussiness doesn’t seem quite as bad. :)
Too cute! The little guy really is chunking up! I can’t wait a couple more months when all the kids can REALLY play with each other! ;)
Four months old already!? Wow. He is chunking up and the chubby cheeks are so cute on him… :)
He is really a cutie, Renee. I know you are tired of the fussing, but SOON! Soon it will all be past. Of course, then he will be old enough to whine and talk back, but don’t think of that right now!! :-)
When you said that he was four months. I got scared and thought we had missed his birthday, but then I realized that it wasn’t his birthday.