Surprise, Surprise!

This birthday of mine has kept going and going and going. :) That’s the way I like them to be of course! Bette Anne is in town for a wedding this week and she and Heather came over this weekend for some laughs.
They were both there to see my HUGE belated birthday gift from my dear hubby. He brought out my gift to open which he shockingly actually wrapped with actual wrapping paper. He even managed to dig up a fancy bow to stick on top!
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing beneath the wrapping paper. It was a piano bench. And where there is a piano bench, there should be a PIANO! Tucked in an envelope was a picture of this beautiful piano he had gotten. At this point, Chris ran outside and dragged in the enormous box holding the piano.
I was sooo surprised. I have been wanting a piano probably our whole marriage… minus the year we bought a house that came with a piano. When we moved though, Chris didn’t want to take it with us b/c it weighed a ton. :(
But much to my delight (and to Haylee’s… I think she might like it as much as I do!) I now finally have one.
Thank you to my sweet Hubby…
Yay! That’s a really good pic of you and your new toy… I wonder who took it? ;)
That’s an incredible gift! You’ve had quite the celebration. Hope you enjoy your new piano and get lots of use out of it. We want a piano really bad too, but I think we’re going to have to wait until I’m done school. Enjoy!!
What an incredible birthday present! Your man is surely a keeper!
That is such a great gift! Enjoy your piano!
Hurray for pianos!!!! Hurray for you!!! Hurray for Chris!!! HURRAY!!! =)