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Soooo… whaddya know…

It’s funny how life happens, isn’t it?  I’m a person who likes her life to be planned just so.  I know. I make most of you sick.  But planning things out makes me happy and feel centered and calm.  There are things in life that you just can’t always plan perfectly, however!

Like…. pregnancy! Sometimes it throws you for a loop, and either is elusive no matter how desperately you want it.  Or it’s shocking and staring you in the face, no matter how much YOU would have planned out things “better” with different times and circumstances!

So we received the shocking news that somehow we are expecting Baby #3 in September!  Not sure how we’re going to do it, but it wasn’t my plan, now was it?  We are excited though and just have to remember it was God’s plan, so he knows I can handle it!

pregnancy cartoon
2 Responses to Soooo… whaddya know…
  1. denise
    March 8, 2010 | 4:47 pm

    Congratulations! I am smiling really BIG for you today!!!! I remember all to clearly the schock of finding out number 3 was on the way! Funny, when I was reading your blog last time, I had a thought that was along the line of I wonder if there will be another!

  2. Rachel
    March 9, 2010 | 11:16 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! (I'm totally squealing with excitement over here.)

Soooo… whaddya know…

It’s funny how life happens, isn’t it?  I’m a person who likes her life to be planned just so.  I know. I make most of you sick.  But planning things out makes me happy and feel centered and calm.  There are things in life that you just can’t always plan perfectly, however!

Like…. pregnancy! Sometimes it throws you for a loop, and either is elusive no matter how desperately you want it.  Or it’s shocking and staring you in the face, no matter how much YOU would have planned out things “better” with different times and circumstances!

So we received the shocking news that somehow we are expecting Baby #3 in September!  Not sure how we’re going to do it, but it wasn’t my plan, now was it?  We are excited though and just have to remember it was God’s plan, so he knows I can handle it!

pregnancy cartoon
2 Responses to Soooo… whaddya know…
  1. denise
    March 8, 2010 | 4:47 pm

    Congratulations! I am smiling really BIG for you today!!!! I remember all to clearly the schock of finding out number 3 was on the way! Funny, when I was reading your blog last time, I had a thought that was along the line of I wonder if there will be another!

  2. Rachel
    March 9, 2010 | 11:16 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! (I'm totally squealing with excitement over here.)