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Some Outdoor Fun…

The other night we decided to enjoy the beautiful evening by spending some time outdoors. Haylee rode her bike in the street while we strolled along. We ended up on the deck feeding Wade while Haylee took pictures of anything and everything.

She did a pretty good job, though we were cracking up when she kept trying to do self-poses of her and others with the camera pointed OUT. :)

We are excited to be heading out for Pigeon Forge this weekend. We’ll be staying in a three bedroom condo with Chris’s sis & fam and his parents. There will be a total of 11 people 5 of which are kids, and 2 of which are babies under 7 months. :) It should be interesting for sure. :)

I tried to be pro-active and called the resort hoping to score a rocker in our room, but they nicely told me they did not have any. :)
I know that four days without a rocking chair could be very long indeed!

2 Responses to Some Outdoor Fun…
  1. Ellen
    July 2, 2008 | 2:33 pm

    Haylee does pretty well with the camera, huh? Claire’s just starting to use ours too… it’s funny. Your vacation sounds like fun! Hope you have a wonderful time with family!
    –And please, – your comment on your last pic?!!?! You ARE so skinny – you don’t need to try to look skinnier!! ;)

  2. Bette Anne
    July 3, 2008 | 2:19 am

    Haylee did a pretty good job… I’m so proud! ;)

Some Outdoor Fun…

The other night we decided to enjoy the beautiful evening by spending some time outdoors. Haylee rode her bike in the street while we strolled along. We ended up on the deck feeding Wade while Haylee took pictures of anything and everything.

She did a pretty good job, though we were cracking up when she kept trying to do self-poses of her and others with the camera pointed OUT. :)

We are excited to be heading out for Pigeon Forge this weekend. We’ll be staying in a three bedroom condo with Chris’s sis & fam and his parents. There will be a total of 11 people 5 of which are kids, and 2 of which are babies under 7 months. :) It should be interesting for sure. :)

I tried to be pro-active and called the resort hoping to score a rocker in our room, but they nicely told me they did not have any. :)
I know that four days without a rocking chair could be very long indeed!

2 Responses to Some Outdoor Fun…
  1. Ellen
    July 2, 2008 | 2:33 pm

    Haylee does pretty well with the camera, huh? Claire’s just starting to use ours too… it’s funny. Your vacation sounds like fun! Hope you have a wonderful time with family!
    –And please, – your comment on your last pic?!!?! You ARE so skinny – you don’t need to try to look skinnier!! ;)

  2. Bette Anne
    July 3, 2008 | 2:19 am

    Haylee did a pretty good job… I’m so proud! ;)