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Solitude + Companionship = J-O-Y

I’m sitting on the couch in our condo in complete silence minus the humming of the fridge and the clicking of my nails on the keys as I type. Chris is napping, and I am enjoying the rarity known as solitude. If I had to experience this said solitude in very large doses, I am 100% sure I would detest and abhor it. But these days I am constantly running to and fro juggling my two little ones, my dear husband and my 16 students.

I am so enjoying our little getaway. Our time away is so short, Wednesday to Sunday, but I am trying hard to grab onto to each moment and enjoy it to the fullest. I was able to actually take 2 days off work, which as any teacher knows, is often a curse in disguise. I am an uber-planner, so I tackled planning for my sub with just as much gusto as ever. I had several typed pages of lesson plans for the two days with an extra typed page titled, “Additional Info.” I figure that more info is better than not enough info when you’re a sub. :)

I also had to plan and pack my things for the weekend as well as both Haylee and Wade’s things. I was relieved to finally get to the point where we could finally be on our way. Chris was off so he came to eat lunch with me at school for the first time ever. As in ever. I don’t think he has ever come to eat with me at any school I’ve taught at. Anyway, he took Haylee and Wade with him as he left and took Wade to the doctor for his one year check up and then dropped off the kiddos with his mom. As I was finally leaving school, I got to the car and was so happy to see that Chris had left a card in my seat. It was a beautiful card and so very sweet. We have finally learned in these 9 years, that Chris likes the funny cards and I like the mushy, gushy cards. We used to get each other the kind that we ourselves liked, but now that we’re an old married couple, we’ve figured at least that out. :)

We left around 4 pm Wednesday and got in around 8:30 or so. We are right on the beach, and it so completely amazing to just listen to the sound of the waves and think about how majestic God’s creation really is as you gaze on the miles and miles of water.

We haven’t stayed on the ocean since our Honeymoon nine years ago in Cancun! We’ve been back to the beach… Hilton Head, but we weren’t ocean-front… It was quite memorable waking up our first morning here and watching the sunrise while we stayed cozily in bed.

We got in late Wedesday, but we did manage to sneak out for a quick dinner at Outback since Wednesday was our actual anniversary. It was so nice to eat a meal OUT with no one to worry about but yourself! I am not a fan of eating out with Wade in tow. I would much rather just get take out and eat at home, since I am not going to be able to take in and enjoy the ambiance or the “moment” of a great restaurant while I am worrying about him and trying to keep him happy and quiet. :) So… dinner alone… priceless.

Thursday, we went putt-putting and had quite a competitive game. My mini-golf skills are just like any other athletic activity when it comes to the randomness that is Renee. Some days I’m decent to fairly good. Some days I stink like the true book worm that I am. Thursday was one of my good days, and I quickly pulled ahead with some solid 2’s and even an early hole in one! Chris is not one to be threatened by my occasional and unpredictable skill, so he enjoyed our competitiveness. We did have an odd nosy couple playing behind us at a crazy lightning speed constantly coming up on our heels. They had no sense of boundaries WHATSOEVER, if you know what I mean. You know those people you run across out and about… complete strangers that act as though they know you and cross all lines of space and decorum. This couple kept catching up to us and then coming right up to the hole we were on and just watching. Watching. Watching us. Watching us. They even started stopping to watch us on our hole, before they were done with theirs. Weird, I say.

So we did what any true introvert, privacy loving American would do. We casually walked right by them (Can you say, awkward?? I was following Chris’s plan against my will.) and went backwards on the course and replayed an earlier hole, waiting for the weird couple to play on and leave us alone. They just stood there and watched us walk by. Watched us. Stared at us. Can you tell we were freaked out by them? So once we got away from “weird couple” we finished our game and our competition came down to the last hole. We were actually tied. I decided to talk trash which I usually try to avoid since I have little to back it up with. :) And in true Renee fashion I choked. I got a four and Chris got a two. Oh well, it’s good for his ego to win, and I really don’t care that much. :)

After golf, we went shopping to spend some free money for doing a “owner update” with our timeshare… then dinner and back to the resort… A good day…

Perhaps more will come tomorrow… Here’s some more pics

2 Responses to Solitude + Companionship = J-O-Y
  1. Sam
    March 21, 2009 | 5:02 am

    Writing a blog on Vacation? Hhmmm. I’m not sure that should be allowed, but I guess in your case we can make an exception. I’m glad you got a break. You deserve it. Have fun. See you Sunday.

  2. Rachel
    March 28, 2009 | 2:50 pm

    Ha ha, I love it that “his ego needed it but you could care less”. That’s exactly like Andy and I, ha ha!

    Sounds like you had a great time!

Solitude + Companionship = J-O-Y

I’m sitting on the couch in our condo in complete silence minus the humming of the fridge and the clicking of my nails on the keys as I type. Chris is napping, and I am enjoying the rarity known as solitude. If I had to experience this said solitude in very large doses, I am 100% sure I would detest and abhor it. But these days I am constantly running to and fro juggling my two little ones, my dear husband and my 16 students.

I am so enjoying our little getaway. Our time away is so short, Wednesday to Sunday, but I am trying hard to grab onto to each moment and enjoy it to the fullest. I was able to actually take 2 days off work, which as any teacher knows, is often a curse in disguise. I am an uber-planner, so I tackled planning for my sub with just as much gusto as ever. I had several typed pages of lesson plans for the two days with an extra typed page titled, “Additional Info.” I figure that more info is better than not enough info when you’re a sub. :)

I also had to plan and pack my things for the weekend as well as both Haylee and Wade’s things. I was relieved to finally get to the point where we could finally be on our way. Chris was off so he came to eat lunch with me at school for the first time ever. As in ever. I don’t think he has ever come to eat with me at any school I’ve taught at. Anyway, he took Haylee and Wade with him as he left and took Wade to the doctor for his one year check up and then dropped off the kiddos with his mom. As I was finally leaving school, I got to the car and was so happy to see that Chris had left a card in my seat. It was a beautiful card and so very sweet. We have finally learned in these 9 years, that Chris likes the funny cards and I like the mushy, gushy cards. We used to get each other the kind that we ourselves liked, but now that we’re an old married couple, we’ve figured at least that out. :)

We left around 4 pm Wednesday and got in around 8:30 or so. We are right on the beach, and it so completely amazing to just listen to the sound of the waves and think about how majestic God’s creation really is as you gaze on the miles and miles of water.

We haven’t stayed on the ocean since our Honeymoon nine years ago in Cancun! We’ve been back to the beach… Hilton Head, but we weren’t ocean-front… It was quite memorable waking up our first morning here and watching the sunrise while we stayed cozily in bed.

We got in late Wedesday, but we did manage to sneak out for a quick dinner at Outback since Wednesday was our actual anniversary. It was so nice to eat a meal OUT with no one to worry about but yourself! I am not a fan of eating out with Wade in tow. I would much rather just get take out and eat at home, since I am not going to be able to take in and enjoy the ambiance or the “moment” of a great restaurant while I am worrying about him and trying to keep him happy and quiet. :) So… dinner alone… priceless.

Thursday, we went putt-putting and had quite a competitive game. My mini-golf skills are just like any other athletic activity when it comes to the randomness that is Renee. Some days I’m decent to fairly good. Some days I stink like the true book worm that I am. Thursday was one of my good days, and I quickly pulled ahead with some solid 2’s and even an early hole in one! Chris is not one to be threatened by my occasional and unpredictable skill, so he enjoyed our competitiveness. We did have an odd nosy couple playing behind us at a crazy lightning speed constantly coming up on our heels. They had no sense of boundaries WHATSOEVER, if you know what I mean. You know those people you run across out and about… complete strangers that act as though they know you and cross all lines of space and decorum. This couple kept catching up to us and then coming right up to the hole we were on and just watching. Watching. Watching us. Watching us. They even started stopping to watch us on our hole, before they were done with theirs. Weird, I say.

So we did what any true introvert, privacy loving American would do. We casually walked right by them (Can you say, awkward?? I was following Chris’s plan against my will.) and went backwards on the course and replayed an earlier hole, waiting for the weird couple to play on and leave us alone. They just stood there and watched us walk by. Watched us. Stared at us. Can you tell we were freaked out by them? So once we got away from “weird couple” we finished our game and our competition came down to the last hole. We were actually tied. I decided to talk trash which I usually try to avoid since I have little to back it up with. :) And in true Renee fashion I choked. I got a four and Chris got a two. Oh well, it’s good for his ego to win, and I really don’t care that much. :)

After golf, we went shopping to spend some free money for doing a “owner update” with our timeshare… then dinner and back to the resort… A good day…

Perhaps more will come tomorrow… Here’s some more pics

2 Responses to Solitude + Companionship = J-O-Y
  1. Sam
    March 21, 2009 | 5:02 am

    Writing a blog on Vacation? Hhmmm. I’m not sure that should be allowed, but I guess in your case we can make an exception. I’m glad you got a break. You deserve it. Have fun. See you Sunday.

  2. Rachel
    March 28, 2009 | 2:50 pm

    Ha ha, I love it that “his ego needed it but you could care less”. That’s exactly like Andy and I, ha ha!

    Sounds like you had a great time!