My room is pretty much done as far as the major things go. Now I’m just down to the nitty gritty details. I was successful in setting up a supplemental student computer complete with internet access with the help of our fabulous volunteer tech support. This will be what my students can use to work on the blogging project as well as some fun learning games like the ones I linked to in an earlier post. I am really excited about this opportunity and hopeful I can set up a good system to make full advantage of it.
Haylee has been going to “Day Camp” all week doing all kinds of super fun activities and having a blast. Monday they swam on campus and at the Y. Tuesday they went to the Spraygrounds at the park. Today they went to the movies!!! This was Haylee’s first time ever at the actual theater. They saw a Veggie Tales movie, but she didn’t seem all that impressed with the movie experience. The one thing she was excited about was the cool chairs that fold when you stand up! :)
Only one more week until our first day of school… whether we’re ready or not!
(I will try to take and post some pics later on of all my hard work so you can comment and say “Ooooh! Ahhhh!”)
She Lives!!! ;)
J/k! Glad to have you come back to the blogging world! I’ve definitely missed you and your comments!
Hope that your life can settle down a little, but I doubt it! ;)
See you in a couple weeks!
I don’t understand. What could a teacher possibly have to do. It’s the kids that have all that homework. ; )
Great job, Renee! You’re a wonderful teacher, I bet. Wanna teach mine, lol?