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Seriously? It’s November?

I cannot believe that it’s November already. There are only 2 & 1/2 weeks until Thanksgiving and a mere 6 & 1/2 weeks until Christmas! I know it always has a way of creeping up on us, but seriously.

Wade is now a whopping 8 months old and cracking us up as always. He is itching to be on the move and is rolling, rolling, rolling all over the place. One funny thing he likes to do is oddly shake his head “no” from side to side. It’s so intense and wild that you just can’t help but laugh. It is even funnier, in fact, when he happens to do it right after being asked a question like, “Are you ready for bed, Wade?”

He has decided that he does indeed like solids. His teacher at school mentioned how he didn’t make a mess when he ate. I think he just doesn’t want any of it to go to waste. :) He is still quite the ham for attention, giving lots of cheesy smiles away to all who will stop to show him some love.

Haylee got her first Kindergarten report card last week, believe it or not. I had my very first parent-teacher conference with her teacher and all went well. She is a “pleaser” like her mama so no behavior issues…

I do DESPERATELY hope and pray that I will be able to maintain my pledge to always and forever respect and honor her teacher’s opinion as much as humanly possible. How much better to err on the teacher’s side instead of setting the bad example of questioning authority in front of Haylee. IF her teacher did treat Haylee unjustly one time, there were probably MANY times that Haylee did something and got away with it. *Okay, end rant* I should note that there are OF COURSE times when a parent must intervene and express their concerns and/or criticisms to teachers, but those should (hopefully) be instances few and far between… a card played only rarely and OUT of earshot of the student/child. *Okay, end rant, for real.* :)

We had our Junior Jamboree at school Friday (Basically a carnival sponsored by the junior class to raise money for their class trip, I think.) and I was able to go out when Haylee’s class was out there, while my class was at their special. It was fun to play the mommy role this time. She had lots of fun jumping in the bounce house (she even shared her tickets so her friend Anna could go with her!) getting her hair braided, colored and glittered, playing some other games and getting her face painted. I unforgiveably neglected to bring my camera. I know. How could I?

It was a crazy day for me, since we had classes until 10:30, went outside until 11:30, then inside for lunch and special (during which I went back outside with Haylee) then back outside until 2:00, inside for cookie cake for a birthday, then finally packup and dismissal at 2:40.
It was fun, though, and I know the kids enjoyed it…

That was on Friday…

On Saturday, Chris had a soccer game, and since he thought that our lives weren’t crazy enough, managed to bang up his foot/ankle pretty well. He tried his own methods of icing, wrapping and elevating it Saturday afternoon and evening, but woke up this morning unable to walk on it and with it quite swollen and grotesque (sorry, honey!)
Soooo, off to the wonderful ER we went. The prognosis ended up being a possible torn ligament which meant a sprain. It’s splinted/casted/wrapped up now, and he is hobbling around on crutches and pretty much NOT letting me help him! The doc prescribed one of those wonderfully attractive orthopedic boots, so once we can manage to find one (so far, no luck), he will ditch the splint/wrap and opt for the more convenient and oh-so-attractive boot.

My poor fallen knight! :)

It’s been two visits to the ER in two weeks. I’m a bit nervous to see who’ll be taking us there next week. :) Hopefully, the near future will be uneventful… well, as uneventful as the Holiday season can be, that is. :)
5 Responses to Seriously? It’s November?
  1. Ellen
    November 10, 2008 | 12:08 am

    I know… Seriously?? It’s November?! I can’t believe it either. :)

    Sounds like things are going well your way, despite a few bumps in the road… (Sorry about Chris!) -I’ve been there and totally understand… did the same to my knee in high school. Not fun.

    You are so funny in your rant — so, what did the teacher do? LOL.

    Hope things continue to go well. Wade is growing and changing so much! :)

  2. Renee
    November 10, 2008 | 12:14 am

    Haylee’s teacher didn’t do anything! She’s great. Sorry, I guess that was a tad misleading. My rant had more to do with my experiences on the receiving end of teacher critiquing. :) I just don’t see the point of most complaints made. I better stop before I really get going! :)

  3. Danny, Sherri, Sammi & Lawrie
    November 10, 2008 | 4:06 am

    Busy, busy! I feel ya there… Sounds like things are going great though, er, well… except for Chris!!!

    He & Eli should get together to keep each other company while they're invalids! LOL!

  4. Heather
    November 11, 2008 | 4:45 am

    Wow! You sure know how to fit a lot of events in one blog! Very talented I must say! :) Wade is as cute as ever and I am sure you are happy that Haylee is such a good, compilable student. I can’t believe all the ER trips among all these people! It’s crazy! Let’s cross our fingers that this little pattern has ended!

  5. Leah
    November 11, 2008 | 8:51 pm

    It’s crazy how fast time is flying by. I wish Emma-Grace was more of a teacher pleaser. she is a friend pleaser. So she would rather talk to her friends and not make them mad than listen to her teacher. hmmmm….
    Wade us such a cutie. Those little cheeks!
    Way to go, Chris. I get the not letting you help. Fred is that way. Drives you crazy. Well, here’s hoping your next few months are not hospital ridden.

Seriously? It’s November?

I cannot believe that it’s November already. There are only 2 & 1/2 weeks until Thanksgiving and a mere 6 & 1/2 weeks until Christmas! I know it always has a way of creeping up on us, but seriously.

Wade is now a whopping 8 months old and cracking us up as always. He is itching to be on the move and is rolling, rolling, rolling all over the place. One funny thing he likes to do is oddly shake his head “no” from side to side. It’s so intense and wild that you just can’t help but laugh. It is even funnier, in fact, when he happens to do it right after being asked a question like, “Are you ready for bed, Wade?”

He has decided that he does indeed like solids. His teacher at school mentioned how he didn’t make a mess when he ate. I think he just doesn’t want any of it to go to waste. :) He is still quite the ham for attention, giving lots of cheesy smiles away to all who will stop to show him some love.

Haylee got her first Kindergarten report card last week, believe it or not. I had my very first parent-teacher conference with her teacher and all went well. She is a “pleaser” like her mama so no behavior issues…

I do DESPERATELY hope and pray that I will be able to maintain my pledge to always and forever respect and honor her teacher’s opinion as much as humanly possible. How much better to err on the teacher’s side instead of setting the bad example of questioning authority in front of Haylee. IF her teacher did treat Haylee unjustly one time, there were probably MANY times that Haylee did something and got away with it. *Okay, end rant* I should note that there are OF COURSE times when a parent must intervene and express their concerns and/or criticisms to teachers, but those should (hopefully) be instances few and far between… a card played only rarely and OUT of earshot of the student/child. *Okay, end rant, for real.* :)

We had our Junior Jamboree at school Friday (Basically a carnival sponsored by the junior class to raise money for their class trip, I think.) and I was able to go out when Haylee’s class was out there, while my class was at their special. It was fun to play the mommy role this time. She had lots of fun jumping in the bounce house (she even shared her tickets so her friend Anna could go with her!) getting her hair braided, colored and glittered, playing some other games and getting her face painted. I unforgiveably neglected to bring my camera. I know. How could I?

It was a crazy day for me, since we had classes until 10:30, went outside until 11:30, then inside for lunch and special (during which I went back outside with Haylee) then back outside until 2:00, inside for cookie cake for a birthday, then finally packup and dismissal at 2:40.
It was fun, though, and I know the kids enjoyed it…

That was on Friday…

On Saturday, Chris had a soccer game, and since he thought that our lives weren’t crazy enough, managed to bang up his foot/ankle pretty well. He tried his own methods of icing, wrapping and elevating it Saturday afternoon and evening, but woke up this morning unable to walk on it and with it quite swollen and grotesque (sorry, honey!)
Soooo, off to the wonderful ER we went. The prognosis ended up being a possible torn ligament which meant a sprain. It’s splinted/casted/wrapped up now, and he is hobbling around on crutches and pretty much NOT letting me help him! The doc prescribed one of those wonderfully attractive orthopedic boots, so once we can manage to find one (so far, no luck), he will ditch the splint/wrap and opt for the more convenient and oh-so-attractive boot.

My poor fallen knight! :)

It’s been two visits to the ER in two weeks. I’m a bit nervous to see who’ll be taking us there next week. :) Hopefully, the near future will be uneventful… well, as uneventful as the Holiday season can be, that is. :)
5 Responses to Seriously? It’s November?
  1. Ellen
    November 10, 2008 | 12:08 am

    I know… Seriously?? It’s November?! I can’t believe it either. :)

    Sounds like things are going well your way, despite a few bumps in the road… (Sorry about Chris!) -I’ve been there and totally understand… did the same to my knee in high school. Not fun.

    You are so funny in your rant — so, what did the teacher do? LOL.

    Hope things continue to go well. Wade is growing and changing so much! :)

  2. Renee
    November 10, 2008 | 12:14 am

    Haylee’s teacher didn’t do anything! She’s great. Sorry, I guess that was a tad misleading. My rant had more to do with my experiences on the receiving end of teacher critiquing. :) I just don’t see the point of most complaints made. I better stop before I really get going! :)

  3. Danny, Sherri, Sammi & Lawrie
    November 10, 2008 | 4:06 am

    Busy, busy! I feel ya there… Sounds like things are going great though, er, well… except for Chris!!!

    He & Eli should get together to keep each other company while they're invalids! LOL!

  4. Heather
    November 11, 2008 | 4:45 am

    Wow! You sure know how to fit a lot of events in one blog! Very talented I must say! :) Wade is as cute as ever and I am sure you are happy that Haylee is such a good, compilable student. I can’t believe all the ER trips among all these people! It’s crazy! Let’s cross our fingers that this little pattern has ended!

  5. Leah
    November 11, 2008 | 8:51 pm

    It’s crazy how fast time is flying by. I wish Emma-Grace was more of a teacher pleaser. she is a friend pleaser. So she would rather talk to her friends and not make them mad than listen to her teacher. hmmmm….
    Wade us such a cutie. Those little cheeks!
    Way to go, Chris. I get the not letting you help. Fred is that way. Drives you crazy. Well, here’s hoping your next few months are not hospital ridden.