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Rockin’ Times…

The other night I snapped a picture of Wade in Nana’s rocker that she keeps out on her porch, and I remembered that I had a similar shot of Haylee around his same age.  
Sept to Dec 2005 059  My sweet little Haylee 10/23/05 about 2.5 years old…


My wild Wadester 8/6/10 about 2.5 years old…
I know everyone says it all the time, but really I can’t believe that my little girl is SEVEN… going on twenty.  It really does seem like yesterday that she was the little blondie in the rocking chair. Now she has abandonded the cutesy toddler phase and is officially a kid.  She is reading chapter books which makes her ultra bookworm mom so proud! She does still love to pretend and make believe, but she also is infatuated with the Disney channel… 
Wade is growing like a weed too, and is currently obsessed with Dora.  Should we be worried that his favorite show is about a girl? The other day this obsession  was demonstrated when Chris announced, “Let’s go!” and Wade responded excitedly while running to the door, “¡Vámonos!”
For those not so in tune with Dora lingo… “¡Vámonos! Let’s go!” is what Dora sings to her faithful followers every episode.
We looked at each other and said, “Did he just say, ‘Vamonos?’”
Kids definitely keep life interesting!
One Response to Rockin’ Times…
  1. Ellen
    September 4, 2010 | 12:57 am

    What an ADORABLE post! I love the pics of the kids in the same chair. I have something similar, with the girls wearing a German dress that I wore, that my mom wore. I don't know why, … it's just a "thing" in our family. (And it's carefully packed away for the next generation… ha ha.) You'll have to snap a pic of little Davis in the very same chair. Haylee is so, SO cute in this pic. Love it. I've been feeling incredibly sentimental myself lately… ;)

Rockin’ Times…

The other night I snapped a picture of Wade in Nana’s rocker that she keeps out on her porch, and I remembered that I had a similar shot of Haylee around his same age.  
Sept to Dec 2005 059  My sweet little Haylee 10/23/05 about 2.5 years old…


My wild Wadester 8/6/10 about 2.5 years old…
I know everyone says it all the time, but really I can’t believe that my little girl is SEVEN… going on twenty.  It really does seem like yesterday that she was the little blondie in the rocking chair. Now she has abandonded the cutesy toddler phase and is officially a kid.  She is reading chapter books which makes her ultra bookworm mom so proud! She does still love to pretend and make believe, but she also is infatuated with the Disney channel… 
Wade is growing like a weed too, and is currently obsessed with Dora.  Should we be worried that his favorite show is about a girl? The other day this obsession  was demonstrated when Chris announced, “Let’s go!” and Wade responded excitedly while running to the door, “¡Vámonos!”
For those not so in tune with Dora lingo… “¡Vámonos! Let’s go!” is what Dora sings to her faithful followers every episode.
We looked at each other and said, “Did he just say, ‘Vamonos?’”
Kids definitely keep life interesting!
One Response to Rockin’ Times…
  1. Ellen
    September 4, 2010 | 12:57 am

    What an ADORABLE post! I love the pics of the kids in the same chair. I have something similar, with the girls wearing a German dress that I wore, that my mom wore. I don't know why, … it's just a "thing" in our family. (And it's carefully packed away for the next generation… ha ha.) You'll have to snap a pic of little Davis in the very same chair. Haylee is so, SO cute in this pic. Love it. I've been feeling incredibly sentimental myself lately… ;)