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RIP Gilmores…

Sniff, sniff… I watched Gilmore Girl’s final episode this afternoon. I recorded it, since my other half is not the avid fan that I am. I waited until Haylee went down for her nap in order to give my undivided attention to this momentous occasion.

To relish the moment, I didn’t even fast forward the opening song-credits thing. I watched as that great song played and the characters flashed by. It was like saying good bye to each one.

I was sadly depressed after it was over. The finale did not give me the fulfillment I desired for the characters. They did give us a Luke-Lorelai kiss, but it was a kiss with no real talking after. Just the intense we-don’t-need-words-to-express-our-love staring.

Maybe I can hold out hope for a Return to Gilmore TV Movie… :)

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RIP Gilmores…

Sniff, sniff… I watched Gilmore Girl’s final episode this afternoon. I recorded it, since my other half is not the avid fan that I am. I waited until Haylee went down for her nap in order to give my undivided attention to this momentous occasion.

To relish the moment, I didn’t even fast forward the opening song-credits thing. I watched as that great song played and the characters flashed by. It was like saying good bye to each one.

I was sadly depressed after it was over. The finale did not give me the fulfillment I desired for the characters. They did give us a Luke-Lorelai kiss, but it was a kiss with no real talking after. Just the intense we-don’t-need-words-to-express-our-love staring.

Maybe I can hold out hope for a Return to Gilmore TV Movie… :)

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