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Reading Challenge Recap… Stretching the Brain!

I am SO happy that I have checked TWO BOOKS off my 2012 Reading Challenge!


Somewhere along the middle of February I realized I was going to have to really buckle down and make time for this reading thing, if I really wanted to reach this goal.  With three kids there isn’t  a whole lot of extra time for leisurely reading, but just like anything else… you MAKE time for what you’ve deemed important.  

I found that it really doesn’t take THAT long to just read a chapter every weekday. 

And as a bonus, I like to tell myself that I somehow am prolonging my inevitable dementia by exercising my brain.  :) 

So, I made it a priority and finished my first book… Give Them Grace by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson. 

give them grace

This was a very good book with some revolutionary thinking about how we as Christians should parent our children. 

It was so revolutionary that I often found it hard to grasp practically.  It’s just SO different from what I’ve been taught, what I’ve read, and what I’ve seen modeled.

Her favorite phrase she mentioned repeatedly was that we should strive to continually DAZZLE our kids with the love of Jesus.  We must constantly, at every opportunity, show them and tell them of Christ’s love and sacrifice for them.

It is all about presenting your children with the gospel in every circumstance possible. In times of discipline, focus on their sin and God’s gift of grace instead of ‘This was the rule and you broke it’ or the opposite but wrong philosophy ‘You followed the rule, so you are a good girl.’

This was very different thinking about taking every opportunity to present grace and the life changing Gospel INSTEAD OF a focus on rules and rewards for our kids.  It is the sense that we need less charts and stickers and “Suzy, you are such a GOOD girl.”  Because, really.  None of us are good.

Instead we need more focus on the grace and gifts from God that empowered them… or, that can provide the encouragement when they’ve sinned.

The authors included lots of day to day examples of dialogue to strive for in those life training moments as most situations will require a rethinking on our part if we’re to handle every moment as a chance to present Christ and his love and work to our children. 

I think this is a great book… an asset to parents that are desperately seeking to bring up children who love God and know that He loves them.  

Especially so, when all around us we have repeatedly seen “good” Christian kids who are growing up without being dazzled by Christ’s love. 

I highly recommend it, so go grab yours!

When I was approaching the end of February, I realized I was NOT going to be able to finish the other book I had started, 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, since Chris and I are reading it together.  It has been hard for both of us to logistically get it done!  We were trying to take turns with the book, but our current plan is to read it aloud together.  It may take us until December that way, but hey, at least we are trying, right?

Since that book wasn’t happening, I decided to grab another book off my list and see if I could get it done with the little time I had left. 

I picked The Cross Centered Life by CJ Mahaney.  If you remember, I chose this one for my list based on the amazingly HIGH recommendation by Kristi.  

cross centered life

It was going to be tough for any book to live up to that rave of a review.  :)

This is a little book packed FULL of deep theology yet is VERY easy to read.  You could almost read it in one setting.  That is if you don’t have wild maniacal children running around like at my house. 

I have to say that {surprisingly} I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with Kristi.  This book is phenomenal.   I love that it is so short and to the point but says so many things that ring true in how I am wrongly thinking and acting.

The core of this book is the thought that Christ should be the very Center of our lives! If we dwell on this thought continually that Christ died for our sins, it will change how we live our lives and how we treat others.

It is easy to relax into a legalistic mentality about your Christian life.  You subconsciously check things off your Christian to do list… Bible reading, prayer, church attendance, service and ministry, etc.  And in doing so we can confuse our sanctification with our justification.

We are justified before God because Christ paid the penalty for our sins.  Completing a list of good Christian things does NOTHING to make me more pleasing in God’s sight

All of those things are good and are beneficial to me as a Christian, but they have nothing to do with Christ’s measure of love and my justification.  His love is boundless and amazing… regardless of how well I’ve been living.

Please read this book!  It will do good things to change your thinking about your daily Christian walk!


Because I thought these books were so great, I contacted the authors and asked if they would be willing to offer a GIVEAWAY!! 

It is true what they say that it never hurts to ask, because they both awesomely said yes!!!  


I’ll be giving away one copy of each of these great books, so that means TWO lucky winners!


Click through to view the post and enter!!  Giveaway ends next Wednesday, the 14th, at midnight!  

This is my first time trying out Rafflecopter, but I have used it on other blogs.  It is very easy. :) Just follow the instructions!  You have three ways to enter!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

feelscript sig smiley




*Disclosure… All opinions are my own.  I received no compensation for this post, and I even paid for my own books!  

29 Responses to Reading Challenge Recap… Stretching the Brain!
  1. Bette
    March 7, 2012 | 7:10 am

    Can’t wait to read both of these! Need to follow your advice of reading one chapter a day – good goal to have.

  2. Rachel J
    March 7, 2012 | 7:39 am

    Renee, Thanks for the encouragement to take the time to read despite having kids. I would love to have either of these books, but I think Give them Grace sounds the most interesting. I don’t know if I’ve ever commented on your blog before, but I read it every day. I feel like I know you, despite having never met you before. You see, I stumbled across your blog–I can’t even remember how–several months ago, and months later, you were blogging about your church and I realized I must live across town from you! I have recently started a blog about things I do to stay sane, and I have used your blogging tips too. Love your blog!

  3. Kim
    March 7, 2012 | 8:16 am

    Great reviews! Can’t wait to read them! :)

  4. Melissa P
    March 7, 2012 | 9:38 am

    Thank you so much for the great reviews. Both books sound amazing and I cant wait to read them. Hugs!

  5. Shirley@motivatedmommyoftwo
    March 7, 2012 | 10:01 am

    Those sound like two really good reads. And I totally understand about not having enough time to read. I have a pile of books that I need to get to and trying to find the time has been really hard. Glad you were able to get two out of the way.

  6. Jessica Baker
    March 7, 2012 | 10:11 am

    I love books and these sound amazing.

  7. Jessica Baker
    March 7, 2012 | 10:13 am

    That Rafflecopter feature was really cool. I like how you can get all the entries right there w/o having to go to a bunch of different websites.

  8. Paige
    March 7, 2012 | 10:36 am

    Those sound like good books; I’ll definately be reading them. Thanks for the give away!

  9. Beth Anne
    March 7, 2012 | 10:43 am


    Sounds like you read two winners. I’d love to read The Cross Centered Life!!

  10. Laine
    March 7, 2012 | 11:01 am

    Awesome! I hope I win…would love to read these books!

  11. Holly
    March 7, 2012 | 1:00 pm

    Wow, these both sound amazing!! I’ve heard of both, but wasn’t sure about how practical they’d be, especially the 2nd one. Thanks for great reviews!

  12. Amanda
    March 7, 2012 | 2:51 pm

    Thanks for the reccomendations! I’m always looking for new and good books to read and add to our library!

  13. Laura
    March 7, 2012 | 5:12 pm

    Sound like great books!

  14. Ashleigh
    March 7, 2012 | 7:51 pm

    I am currently reading Give Them Grace and loving it. It is so much different from any other book I have read on parenting.
    I am also a Mahaney Family fan, following his wife and daughters blog at and would love to read The Cross Centered Life. Hope to get a copy!

  15. Robyn
    March 7, 2012 | 8:06 pm

    These both sound like really great books.. the first one I really wouldn’t read as I wasn’t lucky enough to have children but it reminded of raising my nephews and niece and how it’s so different from what you wrote about.. Wish I knew about this book then.. I do however REALLY like the review of the second one.. I’ll have to pick up a copy.. Thanks again for the great reviews :)

  16. Barb McLaughlin
    March 7, 2012 | 9:40 pm

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’m always looking for new books to read.

  17. Christa @ BrownSugarToast
    March 7, 2012 | 10:06 pm

    Oooohhh…I have read Cross Centered Life and I have Give Them Grace (as you saw on my reading list!!) but I have to wait to read it because my book study group is going through it in a couple months!!! Grrr…Don’t tell – I may read it in advance. ;)

  18. Sarah
    March 7, 2012 | 11:09 pm

    I really appreciate your reviews on these books. I am currently living in Japan (military orders) and am not in the loop of what’s around in Christian resources. I have been enjoying your blog for a few months now. You inspired me to do the meal planning thing. It’s been wonderful! Both of these books look great.

  19. Christina @ The Frugal Homemaker
    March 8, 2012 | 12:48 am

    oooh, WOW! Yay for a giveaway! I have really got to work on reading too – behind already on my goals and having a hard time finding a time in my schedule to fit it in.

    Would love to read “The Cross Centered Life” – your review sounds really good! and you are not the only one that has reviewed it and said they loved it. :)

  20. Nicole
    March 8, 2012 | 1:28 pm

    I too am plugging away at my book reading goals for this year! I would love to read The Cross Centered Life – it sounds fantastic! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  21. Heather @ Thrifty Stories
    March 8, 2012 | 1:49 pm

    Both of these books sound great. Hubs and I are trying to do more reading and it is definitely something that you have to MAKE time for. Love the reviews and will look into these even if I don’t win (but I hope that I do!). We are in charge of our church’s bookstore and are always looking for good material. Thanks.

  22. Rachel
    March 8, 2012 | 3:08 pm

    I’ve been wanting to read “Give them Grace” (It’s on my list for this year) and since I haven’t purchased my own copy yet…it would work out perfectly to win one! ;) (though I’m not holding my breath since I just one a giveaway at Christina’s blog–slim chances to winning! )=)

  23. Debi (Totman) Martin
    March 8, 2012 | 6:04 pm

    I would like to read The Cross Centered Life by CJ Mahaney – I’ve heard many good things about it.

  24. Stacey
    March 10, 2012 | 10:18 am

    I have ” Give Them Grace” saved in my Amazon wish list and would love to win it and the other one. I too have been trying to ready 12 in 2012 after seeing you blog about it. Thanks for this giveway!

  25. Karla Meachem
    March 10, 2012 | 11:22 am

    Love contests! LOVE books! Win; win!!!

    Both of these books ound like exceptional reads ~ thanks for the entry!

  26. Kristi
    March 10, 2012 | 8:44 pm

    GREAT reviews, Renee!!! I agree, both were revolutionary for me. We actually gave our Mahaney book to someone and never got it back, and I can’t remember who it was, so I would gladly accept a free copy. :) And the parenting book I have on my kindle but I would love a hard copy to be able to share and keep on my shelf. Anyway, congrats on the giveaway! That’s awesome!

  27. Emily P
    March 12, 2012 | 10:00 am

    I would love to read both of these books–they are both on my list of books to check out some time. Thanks for the reviews, I love to know a little more about a book before I purchase them :)

  28. Susana C.
    March 14, 2012 | 6:13 pm

    I have 5 books on my list to read as well. This encouraged to keep on trying at least. :)
    Hope I win the Grace/Parenting one. Heard lots of good things about it!

  29. video humour youtube
    May 14, 2014 | 8:36 pm

    Timothée, celui qui sourit tout le temps, a sorti la guitare pour
    s’accompagner sur No Surprises de Radiohead (et faire chavirer le coeur
    des filles). Bon, il a pas trop souri sur ce coup, et semblait même
    un peu apeuré – mais en fait je crois
    que c’est son regard normal quand il ne sourit pas.
    Résultat, 4 rouges. J’ai envie de le prendre dans mes bras le pauvre chou.
    Paul, attention, tu chantes l’une de mes chansons préférées, Foule Sentimentale de Souchon.
    Je serai donc intransigeante. 4 bleus du jury, auquel s’ajoute le mien
    (oui, j’aime bien faire comme si mon avis comptait).

Reading Challenge Recap… Stretching the Brain!

I am SO happy that I have checked TWO BOOKS off my 2012 Reading Challenge!


Somewhere along the middle of February I realized I was going to have to really buckle down and make time for this reading thing, if I really wanted to reach this goal.  With three kids there isn’t  a whole lot of extra time for leisurely reading, but just like anything else… you MAKE time for what you’ve deemed important.  

I found that it really doesn’t take THAT long to just read a chapter every weekday. 

And as a bonus, I like to tell myself that I somehow am prolonging my inevitable dementia by exercising my brain.  :) 

So, I made it a priority and finished my first book… Give Them Grace by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson. 

give them grace

This was a very good book with some revolutionary thinking about how we as Christians should parent our children. 

It was so revolutionary that I often found it hard to grasp practically.  It’s just SO different from what I’ve been taught, what I’ve read, and what I’ve seen modeled.

Her favorite phrase she mentioned repeatedly was that we should strive to continually DAZZLE our kids with the love of Jesus.  We must constantly, at every opportunity, show them and tell them of Christ’s love and sacrifice for them.

It is all about presenting your children with the gospel in every circumstance possible. In times of discipline, focus on their sin and God’s gift of grace instead of ‘This was the rule and you broke it’ or the opposite but wrong philosophy ‘You followed the rule, so you are a good girl.’

This was very different thinking about taking every opportunity to present grace and the life changing Gospel INSTEAD OF a focus on rules and rewards for our kids.  It is the sense that we need less charts and stickers and “Suzy, you are such a GOOD girl.”  Because, really.  None of us are good.

Instead we need more focus on the grace and gifts from God that empowered them… or, that can provide the encouragement when they’ve sinned.

The authors included lots of day to day examples of dialogue to strive for in those life training moments as most situations will require a rethinking on our part if we’re to handle every moment as a chance to present Christ and his love and work to our children. 

I think this is a great book… an asset to parents that are desperately seeking to bring up children who love God and know that He loves them.  

Especially so, when all around us we have repeatedly seen “good” Christian kids who are growing up without being dazzled by Christ’s love. 

I highly recommend it, so go grab yours!

When I was approaching the end of February, I realized I was NOT going to be able to finish the other book I had started, 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, since Chris and I are reading it together.  It has been hard for both of us to logistically get it done!  We were trying to take turns with the book, but our current plan is to read it aloud together.  It may take us until December that way, but hey, at least we are trying, right?

Since that book wasn’t happening, I decided to grab another book off my list and see if I could get it done with the little time I had left. 

I picked The Cross Centered Life by CJ Mahaney.  If you remember, I chose this one for my list based on the amazingly HIGH recommendation by Kristi.  

cross centered life

It was going to be tough for any book to live up to that rave of a review.  :)

This is a little book packed FULL of deep theology yet is VERY easy to read.  You could almost read it in one setting.  That is if you don’t have wild maniacal children running around like at my house. 

I have to say that {surprisingly} I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with Kristi.  This book is phenomenal.   I love that it is so short and to the point but says so many things that ring true in how I am wrongly thinking and acting.

The core of this book is the thought that Christ should be the very Center of our lives! If we dwell on this thought continually that Christ died for our sins, it will change how we live our lives and how we treat others.

It is easy to relax into a legalistic mentality about your Christian life.  You subconsciously check things off your Christian to do list… Bible reading, prayer, church attendance, service and ministry, etc.  And in doing so we can confuse our sanctification with our justification.

We are justified before God because Christ paid the penalty for our sins.  Completing a list of good Christian things does NOTHING to make me more pleasing in God’s sight

All of those things are good and are beneficial to me as a Christian, but they have nothing to do with Christ’s measure of love and my justification.  His love is boundless and amazing… regardless of how well I’ve been living.

Please read this book!  It will do good things to change your thinking about your daily Christian walk!


Because I thought these books were so great, I contacted the authors and asked if they would be willing to offer a GIVEAWAY!! 

It is true what they say that it never hurts to ask, because they both awesomely said yes!!!  


I’ll be giving away one copy of each of these great books, so that means TWO lucky winners!


Click through to view the post and enter!!  Giveaway ends next Wednesday, the 14th, at midnight!  

This is my first time trying out Rafflecopter, but I have used it on other blogs.  It is very easy. :) Just follow the instructions!  You have three ways to enter!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

feelscript sig smiley




*Disclosure… All opinions are my own.  I received no compensation for this post, and I even paid for my own books!  

29 Responses to Reading Challenge Recap… Stretching the Brain!
  1. Bette
    March 7, 2012 | 7:10 am

    Can’t wait to read both of these! Need to follow your advice of reading one chapter a day – good goal to have.

  2. Rachel J
    March 7, 2012 | 7:39 am

    Renee, Thanks for the encouragement to take the time to read despite having kids. I would love to have either of these books, but I think Give them Grace sounds the most interesting. I don’t know if I’ve ever commented on your blog before, but I read it every day. I feel like I know you, despite having never met you before. You see, I stumbled across your blog–I can’t even remember how–several months ago, and months later, you were blogging about your church and I realized I must live across town from you! I have recently started a blog about things I do to stay sane, and I have used your blogging tips too. Love your blog!

  3. Kim
    March 7, 2012 | 8:16 am

    Great reviews! Can’t wait to read them! :)

  4. Melissa P
    March 7, 2012 | 9:38 am

    Thank you so much for the great reviews. Both books sound amazing and I cant wait to read them. Hugs!

  5. Shirley@motivatedmommyoftwo
    March 7, 2012 | 10:01 am

    Those sound like two really good reads. And I totally understand about not having enough time to read. I have a pile of books that I need to get to and trying to find the time has been really hard. Glad you were able to get two out of the way.

  6. Jessica Baker
    March 7, 2012 | 10:11 am

    I love books and these sound amazing.

  7. Jessica Baker
    March 7, 2012 | 10:13 am

    That Rafflecopter feature was really cool. I like how you can get all the entries right there w/o having to go to a bunch of different websites.

  8. Paige
    March 7, 2012 | 10:36 am

    Those sound like good books; I’ll definately be reading them. Thanks for the give away!

  9. Beth Anne
    March 7, 2012 | 10:43 am


    Sounds like you read two winners. I’d love to read The Cross Centered Life!!

  10. Laine
    March 7, 2012 | 11:01 am

    Awesome! I hope I win…would love to read these books!

  11. Holly
    March 7, 2012 | 1:00 pm

    Wow, these both sound amazing!! I’ve heard of both, but wasn’t sure about how practical they’d be, especially the 2nd one. Thanks for great reviews!

  12. Amanda
    March 7, 2012 | 2:51 pm

    Thanks for the reccomendations! I’m always looking for new and good books to read and add to our library!

  13. Laura
    March 7, 2012 | 5:12 pm

    Sound like great books!

  14. Ashleigh
    March 7, 2012 | 7:51 pm

    I am currently reading Give Them Grace and loving it. It is so much different from any other book I have read on parenting.
    I am also a Mahaney Family fan, following his wife and daughters blog at and would love to read The Cross Centered Life. Hope to get a copy!

  15. Robyn
    March 7, 2012 | 8:06 pm

    These both sound like really great books.. the first one I really wouldn’t read as I wasn’t lucky enough to have children but it reminded of raising my nephews and niece and how it’s so different from what you wrote about.. Wish I knew about this book then.. I do however REALLY like the review of the second one.. I’ll have to pick up a copy.. Thanks again for the great reviews :)

  16. Barb McLaughlin
    March 7, 2012 | 9:40 pm

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’m always looking for new books to read.

  17. Christa @ BrownSugarToast
    March 7, 2012 | 10:06 pm

    Oooohhh…I have read Cross Centered Life and I have Give Them Grace (as you saw on my reading list!!) but I have to wait to read it because my book study group is going through it in a couple months!!! Grrr…Don’t tell – I may read it in advance. ;)

  18. Sarah
    March 7, 2012 | 11:09 pm

    I really appreciate your reviews on these books. I am currently living in Japan (military orders) and am not in the loop of what’s around in Christian resources. I have been enjoying your blog for a few months now. You inspired me to do the meal planning thing. It’s been wonderful! Both of these books look great.

  19. Christina @ The Frugal Homemaker
    March 8, 2012 | 12:48 am

    oooh, WOW! Yay for a giveaway! I have really got to work on reading too – behind already on my goals and having a hard time finding a time in my schedule to fit it in.

    Would love to read “The Cross Centered Life” – your review sounds really good! and you are not the only one that has reviewed it and said they loved it. :)

  20. Nicole
    March 8, 2012 | 1:28 pm

    I too am plugging away at my book reading goals for this year! I would love to read The Cross Centered Life – it sounds fantastic! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  21. Heather @ Thrifty Stories
    March 8, 2012 | 1:49 pm

    Both of these books sound great. Hubs and I are trying to do more reading and it is definitely something that you have to MAKE time for. Love the reviews and will look into these even if I don’t win (but I hope that I do!). We are in charge of our church’s bookstore and are always looking for good material. Thanks.

  22. Rachel
    March 8, 2012 | 3:08 pm

    I’ve been wanting to read “Give them Grace” (It’s on my list for this year) and since I haven’t purchased my own copy yet…it would work out perfectly to win one! ;) (though I’m not holding my breath since I just one a giveaway at Christina’s blog–slim chances to winning! )=)

  23. Debi (Totman) Martin
    March 8, 2012 | 6:04 pm

    I would like to read The Cross Centered Life by CJ Mahaney – I’ve heard many good things about it.

  24. Stacey
    March 10, 2012 | 10:18 am

    I have ” Give Them Grace” saved in my Amazon wish list and would love to win it and the other one. I too have been trying to ready 12 in 2012 after seeing you blog about it. Thanks for this giveway!

  25. Karla Meachem
    March 10, 2012 | 11:22 am

    Love contests! LOVE books! Win; win!!!

    Both of these books ound like exceptional reads ~ thanks for the entry!

  26. Kristi
    March 10, 2012 | 8:44 pm

    GREAT reviews, Renee!!! I agree, both were revolutionary for me. We actually gave our Mahaney book to someone and never got it back, and I can’t remember who it was, so I would gladly accept a free copy. :) And the parenting book I have on my kindle but I would love a hard copy to be able to share and keep on my shelf. Anyway, congrats on the giveaway! That’s awesome!

  27. Emily P
    March 12, 2012 | 10:00 am

    I would love to read both of these books–they are both on my list of books to check out some time. Thanks for the reviews, I love to know a little more about a book before I purchase them :)

  28. Susana C.
    March 14, 2012 | 6:13 pm

    I have 5 books on my list to read as well. This encouraged to keep on trying at least. :)
    Hope I win the Grace/Parenting one. Heard lots of good things about it!

  29. video humour youtube
    May 14, 2014 | 8:36 pm

    Timothée, celui qui sourit tout le temps, a sorti la guitare pour
    s’accompagner sur No Surprises de Radiohead (et faire chavirer le coeur
    des filles). Bon, il a pas trop souri sur ce coup, et semblait même
    un peu apeuré – mais en fait je crois
    que c’est son regard normal quand il ne sourit pas.
    Résultat, 4 rouges. J’ai envie de le prendre dans mes bras le pauvre chou.
    Paul, attention, tu chantes l’une de mes chansons préférées, Foule Sentimentale de Souchon.
    Je serai donc intransigeante. 4 bleus du jury, auquel s’ajoute le mien
    (oui, j’aime bien faire comme si mon avis comptait).