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Put your hands together now… Y-M-C-A…

April was “no joiner fee” month for the Y, so we decided to take the plunge into the gym world. Since Saturday, we have experienced the treadmills, the weight room, group class, and the pool. At least we’re starting out on the right foot. Maybe I can get back to my figure of long ago. :) I doubt it, but at least I can make a valiant effort! Haylee is enjoying going to the Child Watch to play, but her most favorite activity is definitely the pool. She had a blast and is constantly asking if we can go back.
Hopefully, we can keep it up…

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Put your hands together now… Y-M-C-A…

April was “no joiner fee” month for the Y, so we decided to take the plunge into the gym world. Since Saturday, we have experienced the treadmills, the weight room, group class, and the pool. At least we’re starting out on the right foot. Maybe I can get back to my figure of long ago. :) I doubt it, but at least I can make a valiant effort! Haylee is enjoying going to the Child Watch to play, but her most favorite activity is definitely the pool. She had a blast and is constantly asking if we can go back.
Hopefully, we can keep it up…

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