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Punkin Patch

My facebook newsfeed has been FILLED with friends taking their little ones to Pumpkin Patches everywhere!  I don’t remember ever going before… even as a kid.  Do they grow pumpkins in Florida??
So on Chris’s day off, we finally made it to a real, live Pumpkin Patch.  We decided on Lineburger mostly because it was pretty close and I halfway knew where it was, though driving by it a hundred times, I never knew it had all this stuff to do, or was that big.
We got there about an hour before it closed so we didn’t have a ton of time, but the kids had a blast.
I told Chris you could definitely tell we were in Gastonia since everywhere you looked on the playground was some piece of hand crafted or modified equipment. That is putting it nicely.  They went crazy with pvc pipe and welding metals even to create this special redneck haven.  Oh, and I can’t forget the random plastic pile of preschool toys thrown in the sandbox.  :) Not that the kids noticed or enjoyed it any less…  They probably enjoyed it even more than the normal, boring, {safe} playgrounds they are used to.  :)
Wade had fun in the the trike track, though he had us cracking up when he tried to drag the big thing out of the fence!  He sat on his little bottom and pulled the rope up with one hand while he determinedly tried to pull the bike free with his other hand!  This kid definitely keeps life interesting. 
It was sooo sunny out and therefore very hard to get a decent picture. Boo.
This is my attempt at blocking the sun so Wade will smile at me… Fail.
Happy Fall, Ya’ll!  Here’s some Pumpkin Patch Picture Spam…  Consider yourself warned.
This was the best shot out of 5 or 10 or 100 takes.  For the life of me, I cannot get my 2nd born child to SMILE and LOOK at the camera at the SAME TIME!  ARGHH!  Not to mention his “cheese!” usually ends up more like a horrid look of pain.  It’s only going to get more fun when I get to start trying to get TWO little boys to look and smile.  Maybe at that point, I’ll just give up and sweet talk my sis into photoshopping some smiles.  :)
Here’s proof that Baby Davis was indeed there with us.  As you can see he wasn’t extremely impressed with the pumpkins. 
There’s always next year!!

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Punkin Patch

My facebook newsfeed has been FILLED with friends taking their little ones to Pumpkin Patches everywhere!  I don’t remember ever going before… even as a kid.  Do they grow pumpkins in Florida??
So on Chris’s day off, we finally made it to a real, live Pumpkin Patch.  We decided on Lineburger mostly because it was pretty close and I halfway knew where it was, though driving by it a hundred times, I never knew it had all this stuff to do, or was that big.
We got there about an hour before it closed so we didn’t have a ton of time, but the kids had a blast.
I told Chris you could definitely tell we were in Gastonia since everywhere you looked on the playground was some piece of hand crafted or modified equipment. That is putting it nicely.  They went crazy with pvc pipe and welding metals even to create this special redneck haven.  Oh, and I can’t forget the random plastic pile of preschool toys thrown in the sandbox.  :) Not that the kids noticed or enjoyed it any less…  They probably enjoyed it even more than the normal, boring, {safe} playgrounds they are used to.  :)
Wade had fun in the the trike track, though he had us cracking up when he tried to drag the big thing out of the fence!  He sat on his little bottom and pulled the rope up with one hand while he determinedly tried to pull the bike free with his other hand!  This kid definitely keeps life interesting. 
It was sooo sunny out and therefore very hard to get a decent picture. Boo.
This is my attempt at blocking the sun so Wade will smile at me… Fail.
Happy Fall, Ya’ll!  Here’s some Pumpkin Patch Picture Spam…  Consider yourself warned.
This was the best shot out of 5 or 10 or 100 takes.  For the life of me, I cannot get my 2nd born child to SMILE and LOOK at the camera at the SAME TIME!  ARGHH!  Not to mention his “cheese!” usually ends up more like a horrid look of pain.  It’s only going to get more fun when I get to start trying to get TWO little boys to look and smile.  Maybe at that point, I’ll just give up and sweet talk my sis into photoshopping some smiles.  :)
Here’s proof that Baby Davis was indeed there with us.  As you can see he wasn’t extremely impressed with the pumpkins. 
There’s always next year!!

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