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Presidents List [Free Printable!]

Presidents List

Monday was President’s Day and some of you lucky ducks got the day off! We were at school plugging away, since we are, you know, dedicated like that. I thought this would be a good week to share this cute printable to help with learning the U.S. Presidents in order. We’ve been learning them for…

Menu Monday

    Teriyaki BBQ Chicken Legs  via Eat at Home     Chicken Tetrazinni via Shugary Sweets           Pizza Night       Do you wanna take a stab at a stress free dinnertime?  Click for more info on how on earth I do it.   {Did I mention I ♥ it?} If your recipe was…

Classroom Library

Classroom Library

One of the best projects I did for my classroom this summer was setting up an ORGANIZED classroom library! It was SO simple and has made it SO easy for the kids to be responsible for keeping it organized!  I got the inspiration for my labels from the amazing Ladybug Teacher Files! I already shared…

Menu Monday & the House Hunt

    Teriyaki BBQ Chicken Legs  via Eat at Home     Shrimp Scampi Bake via All Recipes     From the Freezer… Slow Cooked Steak via Make 5 Dinners in 1 Hour        Pizza Night   Don’t those Teriyaki BBQ Chicken Legs look delish? I’m going to try this one with boneless tenders instead of legs and see…

Movin’ on up.

It’s true. Small spaces can make your family close. We have lived in our <1000 square feet house with our growing family for SIX years. When we found out that our third little crazy one was on the way, I was SURE, as in ABSOLUTELY positive, that we HAD to find something bigger. But then…

Menu Monday

    Foil Baked Salmon image via CrossfitBC     {image via Queens Bee Hive} Lemon Chicken via Sensitive & Centsible         PIZZA NIGHT   Ah, life is just so crazy busy, isn’t it?  Being a working mama adds this layer of ultra busy that keeps you constantly dashing around to keep your head above water!  I…

Menu Monday

        Spaghetti & Meatballs!  via  Make 5 Dinners in 1 Hour        Trader Joe’s fabulous Orange Chicken via {Recipe Diaries}          Pizza! I was feeling very uninspired at meal planning time, so I enlisted the family for meal requests. Does that ever happen to you? I somehow feel like I…

The 100th Day of School!

100th Day of School

Isn’t it fun to take every chance to celebrate? We are celebrating our 100th day of School, Friday, February 2nd. I’ve been checking Pinterest for 100 days ideas and thought it would be fun to do round-up of super awesome and easy 100 Day Ideas! Here we go!   1.) 100 Days Free Printable Bull Horn…

Menu Monday

    Easy Meatball Subs via Eat at Home     {image via Queens Bee Hive} Lemon Chicken via Sensitive & Centsible         Pizza!   Do you wanna take a stab at a stress free dinnertime?  Click for more info on how on earth I do it.   {Did I mention I ♥ it?} If your recipe was featured today, feel free…

Parent Teacher Conference Forms {Free Printables}

It might be time for some you to be getting ready for more Parent Teacher Conferences. Conferences can be a great opportunity to connect with parents and it’s a great opportunity to share important information about your students with their parents. Here is a form on dropbox and on TPT a colleague and I modified to…

Presidents List [Free Printable!]

Presidents List

Monday was President’s Day and some of you lucky ducks got the day off! We were at school plugging away, since we are, you know, dedicated like that. I thought this would be a good week to share this cute printable to help with learning the U.S. Presidents in order. We’ve been learning them for…

Menu Monday

    Teriyaki BBQ Chicken Legs  via Eat at Home     Chicken Tetrazinni via Shugary Sweets           Pizza Night       Do you wanna take a stab at a stress free dinnertime?  Click for more info on how on earth I do it.   {Did I mention I ♥ it?} If your recipe was…

Classroom Library

Classroom Library

One of the best projects I did for my classroom this summer was setting up an ORGANIZED classroom library! It was SO simple and has made it SO easy for the kids to be responsible for keeping it organized!  I got the inspiration for my labels from the amazing Ladybug Teacher Files! I already shared…

Menu Monday & the House Hunt

    Teriyaki BBQ Chicken Legs  via Eat at Home     Shrimp Scampi Bake via All Recipes     From the Freezer… Slow Cooked Steak via Make 5 Dinners in 1 Hour        Pizza Night   Don’t those Teriyaki BBQ Chicken Legs look delish? I’m going to try this one with boneless tenders instead of legs and see…

Movin’ on up.

It’s true. Small spaces can make your family close. We have lived in our <1000 square feet house with our growing family for SIX years. When we found out that our third little crazy one was on the way, I was SURE, as in ABSOLUTELY positive, that we HAD to find something bigger. But then…

Menu Monday

    Foil Baked Salmon image via CrossfitBC     {image via Queens Bee Hive} Lemon Chicken via Sensitive & Centsible         PIZZA NIGHT   Ah, life is just so crazy busy, isn’t it?  Being a working mama adds this layer of ultra busy that keeps you constantly dashing around to keep your head above water!  I…

Menu Monday

        Spaghetti & Meatballs!  via  Make 5 Dinners in 1 Hour        Trader Joe’s fabulous Orange Chicken via {Recipe Diaries}          Pizza! I was feeling very uninspired at meal planning time, so I enlisted the family for meal requests. Does that ever happen to you? I somehow feel like I…

The 100th Day of School!

100th Day of School

Isn’t it fun to take every chance to celebrate? We are celebrating our 100th day of School, Friday, February 2nd. I’ve been checking Pinterest for 100 days ideas and thought it would be fun to do round-up of super awesome and easy 100 Day Ideas! Here we go!   1.) 100 Days Free Printable Bull Horn…

Menu Monday

    Easy Meatball Subs via Eat at Home     {image via Queens Bee Hive} Lemon Chicken via Sensitive & Centsible         Pizza!   Do you wanna take a stab at a stress free dinnertime?  Click for more info on how on earth I do it.   {Did I mention I ♥ it?} If your recipe was featured today, feel free…

Parent Teacher Conference Forms {Free Printables}

It might be time for some you to be getting ready for more Parent Teacher Conferences. Conferences can be a great opportunity to connect with parents and it’s a great opportunity to share important information about your students with their parents. Here is a form on dropbox and on TPT a colleague and I modified to…