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Doll Doctor…add that to my resume!

Haylee’s ginormous doll, “Johnny” had a bit of an accident last week. We’re not sure how he was dis-membered, poor guy, but Haylee was distressed to discover his hand hanging on by a thread! It wasn’t long before the hand was officially a “goner.” Being the not-so-crafty mama that I am, used the ever reliable…

CVS Free Photos & Wgreens Drama

Just a Frugal Tip for all you out there that love to save some $$$ and get stuff for free or cheap! From now until May 17th, you can get a free 5×7 and 8×10 at CVS. Just upload your photos online and select 5×7 and 8×10. Then enter the code “enlarge” to get the…

2 Month Milestone

Our Wade is now 2 months old and the time has flown by. He is such a big boy now and is actually sleeping in his crib! He had his checkup and shots on Monday and is now 11 lbs 11 oz and 23 and 1/4 inches long. He has been a bit fussy since…

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

Saturday was more Birthday celebrating as Bette Anne’s gift to me was a Spa package! She told me not to expect this caliber of gift in the future as this was a milestone birthday being my 30th and all. :)She and Heather and I set out for our day of relaxation early that morning, and…

Weekly Memory Verse… Ps. 36:7

Psalm 36:7 How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.

Surprise, Surprise!

This birthday of mine has kept going and going and going. :) That’s the way I like them to be of course! Bette Anne is in town for a wedding this week and she and Heather came over this weekend for some laughs. They were both there to see my HUGE belated birthday gift from…

A Warehouse full of Teachers + a Bargain = Craziness!

Thursday was bonding day for mom and me at the Carson-Dellosa Warehouse Sale in Greensboro. It’s been an annual event for mom for almost the last 10 years. The first year I went with her in ’99 when I was about to embark on my first ever year of teaching. I don’t remember all the…

Funny Faces

A few funny pics of Haylee and Wade… Wade… our future opera star! :) I’m so proud of our little man. Last night, he went his longest stretch yet… 9 pm to about 3:15 am… over 6 hours. Then he went another 4 hour stretch until after 7 am! Wowzers! :) Haylee’s hairdo… she got…

The Buzz around here…

It’s been a “hot five” (as my rad friend Heather would say!) since I’ve posted, I know. Life happens sometimes which can hinder my blogging life. :) I will often check facebook and email etc while I am feeding or holding Wade which I am able to semi-successfully do one handed. Typing a short email…

Weekly Memory Verse

Ephesians 2:4-5But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),

Doll Doctor…add that to my resume!

Haylee’s ginormous doll, “Johnny” had a bit of an accident last week. We’re not sure how he was dis-membered, poor guy, but Haylee was distressed to discover his hand hanging on by a thread! It wasn’t long before the hand was officially a “goner.” Being the not-so-crafty mama that I am, used the ever reliable…

CVS Free Photos & Wgreens Drama

Just a Frugal Tip for all you out there that love to save some $$$ and get stuff for free or cheap! From now until May 17th, you can get a free 5×7 and 8×10 at CVS. Just upload your photos online and select 5×7 and 8×10. Then enter the code “enlarge” to get the…

2 Month Milestone

Our Wade is now 2 months old and the time has flown by. He is such a big boy now and is actually sleeping in his crib! He had his checkup and shots on Monday and is now 11 lbs 11 oz and 23 and 1/4 inches long. He has been a bit fussy since…

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

Saturday was more Birthday celebrating as Bette Anne’s gift to me was a Spa package! She told me not to expect this caliber of gift in the future as this was a milestone birthday being my 30th and all. :)She and Heather and I set out for our day of relaxation early that morning, and…

Weekly Memory Verse… Ps. 36:7

Psalm 36:7 How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.

Surprise, Surprise!

This birthday of mine has kept going and going and going. :) That’s the way I like them to be of course! Bette Anne is in town for a wedding this week and she and Heather came over this weekend for some laughs. They were both there to see my HUGE belated birthday gift from…

A Warehouse full of Teachers + a Bargain = Craziness!

Thursday was bonding day for mom and me at the Carson-Dellosa Warehouse Sale in Greensboro. It’s been an annual event for mom for almost the last 10 years. The first year I went with her in ’99 when I was about to embark on my first ever year of teaching. I don’t remember all the…

Funny Faces

A few funny pics of Haylee and Wade… Wade… our future opera star! :) I’m so proud of our little man. Last night, he went his longest stretch yet… 9 pm to about 3:15 am… over 6 hours. Then he went another 4 hour stretch until after 7 am! Wowzers! :) Haylee’s hairdo… she got…

The Buzz around here…

It’s been a “hot five” (as my rad friend Heather would say!) since I’ve posted, I know. Life happens sometimes which can hinder my blogging life. :) I will often check facebook and email etc while I am feeding or holding Wade which I am able to semi-successfully do one handed. Typing a short email…

Weekly Memory Verse

Ephesians 2:4-5But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),