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Changing Times

I don’t know if you’ve noticed a few changes going round this blog, but I stumbled upon a helpful blog recently that is so cool. She gives tutorials and simple explanations to tweaking and improving your blog… all for free! She does also offer blog makeovers for a fee as well, but as of this…

Grocery Game Challenge

I thought this was pretty funny… a Grocery Gamer against a frugal shopper. It doesn’t look like the FS is using any coupons, but I can’t tell… Part OnePart Two Part Three I know it’s annoying to have to follow the links, but I couldn’t find the code to embed it in the post for…

Happy Memorial Day!

Memorial Day was a nice, relaxing day with Chris home from work and nothing really to do! We spent the day being lazy and then grilled some burgers with Heather and Chris’s bud, Larry. Wade and Haylee enjoyed being outside for a bit this afternoon, although it was actually pretty warm today. After we all…

My Favorite Hobby?

I am seriously addicted in a sad, sad way to popping packing bubbles. There is something about them that calls out to me. It is an undeniable urge to pop each and every last bubble, and to even begrudge by own daughter popping privileges at times to satisfy my own selfish cravings. :) We just…

Miss Priss

Haylee’s teacher, the wonderful Mrs. Dehart, emailed me to invite Haylee to their Summer Birthday Bash where they celebrate all the children’s summer birthdays. So yesterday, we made the trek to school and Haylee had a blast being the long lost superstar once again. The day was filled with playing on the playground, watching a…

It’s a sad, sad thing

I finally cleaned out my expired coupons, believe it or not, with most categories containing Q’s dating back to November of ’07. A few categories shockingly were holding coupons expired in July of ’07! Wow! It’s somewhat disheartening to see this ginormous (I used that word for you, Sam!) mountain and realize that I had…

Our Big Boy

Wade is growing lightning fast, and it is hard to believe that he is already 12 weeks old. He slept through the night a few times as a big tease and then regressed almost to newborn stage of eating every four or so hours at night. He gave us our freedom and then took it…

More Grocery Gaming… Triple Style

Today both Bilo and Harris Teeter are tripling coupons! AHHH! It’s crazy enough doing triples for one store, let alone two. But, alas, I braved the grocery shopping experience once again and headed out for my deals. Here are my stats… HARRIS TEETER… Shelf Price: $21.62OOP: $1.33Savings: $20.29 Details… Cottonelle wipe refills= $.50, Tabasco sauce=…

The Game we call Grocery

Yesterday was grocery shopping day which has become such an ordeal with the arrival of the Wadester. Shopping has to be carefully planned and executed with precision around his feedings. Not to mention that you can’t find a grocery cart that the infant carrier will fit into anymore. Harris Teeter just changed their carts on…

The Great Toybox Purge of ’08

Room is, shall we say, tight, especially in the kid’s room, so it seems I am constantly sorting through things, purging and organizing what I can. Haylee’s birthday is coming up the end of this month, and her toybox was once again overflowing. I bravely decided to send her into her room to get started…

Changing Times

I don’t know if you’ve noticed a few changes going round this blog, but I stumbled upon a helpful blog recently that is so cool. She gives tutorials and simple explanations to tweaking and improving your blog… all for free! She does also offer blog makeovers for a fee as well, but as of this…

Grocery Game Challenge

I thought this was pretty funny… a Grocery Gamer against a frugal shopper. It doesn’t look like the FS is using any coupons, but I can’t tell… Part OnePart Two Part Three I know it’s annoying to have to follow the links, but I couldn’t find the code to embed it in the post for…

Happy Memorial Day!

Memorial Day was a nice, relaxing day with Chris home from work and nothing really to do! We spent the day being lazy and then grilled some burgers with Heather and Chris’s bud, Larry. Wade and Haylee enjoyed being outside for a bit this afternoon, although it was actually pretty warm today. After we all…

My Favorite Hobby?

I am seriously addicted in a sad, sad way to popping packing bubbles. There is something about them that calls out to me. It is an undeniable urge to pop each and every last bubble, and to even begrudge by own daughter popping privileges at times to satisfy my own selfish cravings. :) We just…

Miss Priss

Haylee’s teacher, the wonderful Mrs. Dehart, emailed me to invite Haylee to their Summer Birthday Bash where they celebrate all the children’s summer birthdays. So yesterday, we made the trek to school and Haylee had a blast being the long lost superstar once again. The day was filled with playing on the playground, watching a…

It’s a sad, sad thing

I finally cleaned out my expired coupons, believe it or not, with most categories containing Q’s dating back to November of ’07. A few categories shockingly were holding coupons expired in July of ’07! Wow! It’s somewhat disheartening to see this ginormous (I used that word for you, Sam!) mountain and realize that I had…

Our Big Boy

Wade is growing lightning fast, and it is hard to believe that he is already 12 weeks old. He slept through the night a few times as a big tease and then regressed almost to newborn stage of eating every four or so hours at night. He gave us our freedom and then took it…

More Grocery Gaming… Triple Style

Today both Bilo and Harris Teeter are tripling coupons! AHHH! It’s crazy enough doing triples for one store, let alone two. But, alas, I braved the grocery shopping experience once again and headed out for my deals. Here are my stats… HARRIS TEETER… Shelf Price: $21.62OOP: $1.33Savings: $20.29 Details… Cottonelle wipe refills= $.50, Tabasco sauce=…

The Game we call Grocery

Yesterday was grocery shopping day which has become such an ordeal with the arrival of the Wadester. Shopping has to be carefully planned and executed with precision around his feedings. Not to mention that you can’t find a grocery cart that the infant carrier will fit into anymore. Harris Teeter just changed their carts on…

The Great Toybox Purge of ’08

Room is, shall we say, tight, especially in the kid’s room, so it seems I am constantly sorting through things, purging and organizing what I can. Haylee’s birthday is coming up the end of this month, and her toybox was once again overflowing. I bravely decided to send her into her room to get started…