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Gas is such a Killer!

Amy sent me this link where you can enter your zip code and it will show you the cheapest gas prices in your vicinity. I figured we ALL could use any help possible on all the $$ we are putting in our gas tanks. We spent over $400 in gas alone on our NY trip!…

Happy Father’s Day!

Father’s Day is coming up on Sunday, and if the men in your life are anything like the ones in mine, they are often, shall we say, “difficult” to shop for! A lot of times, when there is something they see that they want, they just decide to get it for themselves! I recently told…

My Tribute to Grandma Bunts

My Grandma Bunts turned 90 years old yesterday. She is the most amazing 90 year old that I know. She really is unbelievable, and I’m not just saying that because I’m her granddaughter. She does not live her life like you would think a 90 year old would be forced to. She lives alone in…

Home Again, Home Again…

We left on our Roadtrip at the sad and late hour of 9 am on Friday, and 13 hours later we finally arrived in New York… exhausted, emotional (to be honest, I was the only emotional one…), and hungry. We stopped several times along the way, and it really seemed that we were the travelling…


Chris made it back to me finally… Whew! And we leave this morning sometime for our big roadtrip! I’m up now (4 am) feeding Wade and trying to convince myself to stay up after he’s done. That’s pretty much the only way we’ll make it with a fairly early departure. I’m hoping for 7 or…

Home Alone…

So the kiddos and I are officially home alone. Chris left for Pennsylvania for some new software training Sunday afternoon, and I headed to mom’s for a day or two. Mom, B & Eli fly out tomorrow morning for New York, so Haylee, Wade & I all loaded up the car and headed back to…

Fussbudget of the Year

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner for Fussbudget of the Year! Okay, let me preface this by saying he’s really not that bad. I’m sure there are many, many others that have it way worse with a colicky baby that spends a few hours a day screaming. BUT, Wade often just likes to fuss…

Spreading the Word

My sister in law, Kelly is starting a new business that I wanted to help her promote…. Check it out and see how cute her diaper cake is. I just helped her set up her own blog about a week or so ago, so it’s just in its beginning stages… Designer Diapers She probably wouldn’t…

Birthday Bash

We had a fabulous day yesterday, although it was EXHAUSTING, but birthday bashes usually are, aren’t they? We went to get Haylee’s ears pierced before the party and used some numbing cream Wade’s doctor gave us to use for his shots. (You put a dot on a bandaid and apply to his thighs thirty minutes…

A New Era

A new era is beginning in our Family. We are about to be the parents of a school aged child. Haylee turns FIVE tomorrow and is set to start Kindergarten in the Fall. She is incredibly excited to be going to kindergarten and actually went yesterday for some testing. She was a bit worried going…

Gas is such a Killer!

Amy sent me this link where you can enter your zip code and it will show you the cheapest gas prices in your vicinity. I figured we ALL could use any help possible on all the $$ we are putting in our gas tanks. We spent over $400 in gas alone on our NY trip!…

Happy Father’s Day!

Father’s Day is coming up on Sunday, and if the men in your life are anything like the ones in mine, they are often, shall we say, “difficult” to shop for! A lot of times, when there is something they see that they want, they just decide to get it for themselves! I recently told…

My Tribute to Grandma Bunts

My Grandma Bunts turned 90 years old yesterday. She is the most amazing 90 year old that I know. She really is unbelievable, and I’m not just saying that because I’m her granddaughter. She does not live her life like you would think a 90 year old would be forced to. She lives alone in…

Home Again, Home Again…

We left on our Roadtrip at the sad and late hour of 9 am on Friday, and 13 hours later we finally arrived in New York… exhausted, emotional (to be honest, I was the only emotional one…), and hungry. We stopped several times along the way, and it really seemed that we were the travelling…


Chris made it back to me finally… Whew! And we leave this morning sometime for our big roadtrip! I’m up now (4 am) feeding Wade and trying to convince myself to stay up after he’s done. That’s pretty much the only way we’ll make it with a fairly early departure. I’m hoping for 7 or…

Home Alone…

So the kiddos and I are officially home alone. Chris left for Pennsylvania for some new software training Sunday afternoon, and I headed to mom’s for a day or two. Mom, B & Eli fly out tomorrow morning for New York, so Haylee, Wade & I all loaded up the car and headed back to…

Fussbudget of the Year

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner for Fussbudget of the Year! Okay, let me preface this by saying he’s really not that bad. I’m sure there are many, many others that have it way worse with a colicky baby that spends a few hours a day screaming. BUT, Wade often just likes to fuss…

Spreading the Word

My sister in law, Kelly is starting a new business that I wanted to help her promote…. Check it out and see how cute her diaper cake is. I just helped her set up her own blog about a week or so ago, so it’s just in its beginning stages… Designer Diapers She probably wouldn’t…

Birthday Bash

We had a fabulous day yesterday, although it was EXHAUSTING, but birthday bashes usually are, aren’t they? We went to get Haylee’s ears pierced before the party and used some numbing cream Wade’s doctor gave us to use for his shots. (You put a dot on a bandaid and apply to his thighs thirty minutes…

A New Era

A new era is beginning in our Family. We are about to be the parents of a school aged child. Haylee turns FIVE tomorrow and is set to start Kindergarten in the Fall. She is incredibly excited to be going to kindergarten and actually went yesterday for some testing. She was a bit worried going…