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Some Outdoor Fun…

The other night we decided to enjoy the beautiful evening by spending some time outdoors. Haylee rode her bike in the street while we strolled along. We ended up on the deck feeding Wade while Haylee took pictures of anything and everything. She did a pretty good job, though we were cracking up when she…

Sweet Smiles…

After church Sunday, I thought Chris and Wade looked so cute together, I had to take their picture. My two boys… Haylee got in on the fun too…. Wade is four months old today! It’s hard to believe that four months have passed since our little one made his way into the world. He is…

My New ‘Do

Getting a haircut is almost impossible to manage these days. It’s what drives me to letting Chris do it… although he does do a pretty good job! ;) I had been longing for one for a while now, and finally was able to make it happen this weekend. The family plus Sam drove to Carolina…

Haylee… The Early Years…

I used to use a Babies Online website to update with pics and little tidbits about Haylee and her funny antics and things. It’s kind of an obsolete concept now – at least in my opinion. You can only have a few pics on the actual page, and obviously I’m better at updating on blogspot…

Entertain Me…

Out of desperation today, I dragged Haylee’s humongous exersaucer from the attic as well as the “new” bumbo seat in hopes of finding a magical remedy to produce Happy Wade. He already has every “activity” imaginable all stuffed in our living room. We’re beginning to look like the church nursery. It’s getting a bit ridiculous…

Better Late than Never…

I thought I would finally get around to posting our Father’s Day Projects… Haylee absolutely loves anything arts and craftsy so she had lots of fun coloring this for Daddy. I got a bit creative on the back and traced Haylee and Wade’s hands. I thought it turned out cute! Getting Wade’s was interesting, as…

Some deals

I got some fabulous deals last night on my sweet treat run to Food Lion. I got all this stuff for about a $1. You can get all the coupons I used here, and get these steals yourself. You do have to hurry though, because the sale ends today. $2 off Digorno… the small ones…

Growing and Growing

It’s been a while since I posted some Wade spam, so I thought I would share some pics I took today… He will be four months old next Tuesday and was 14 lbs last time I weighed him. He is still my little fussbudget, although he thankfully does have his adorable moments where he melts…

Blast from the Past

I’m a big facebooker. It’s seriously such a fun way to keep up with old and new friends, and provides an easy, non-threatening way to communicate. If you are a social person, and would like to reconnect with your old buds, you should think about trying out facebook. It has been crazy on there lately…

Funny Stuff

Sometimes the things your kids say is just hilarious. I wish I could remember half the stuff that Haylee cracks us up with. It’s so fun seeing things through a little one’s perspective. On the way home from Eli’s birthday party the other night, Chris and I were trying to show Haylee the beautiful “full”…

Some Outdoor Fun…

The other night we decided to enjoy the beautiful evening by spending some time outdoors. Haylee rode her bike in the street while we strolled along. We ended up on the deck feeding Wade while Haylee took pictures of anything and everything. She did a pretty good job, though we were cracking up when she…

Sweet Smiles…

After church Sunday, I thought Chris and Wade looked so cute together, I had to take their picture. My two boys… Haylee got in on the fun too…. Wade is four months old today! It’s hard to believe that four months have passed since our little one made his way into the world. He is…

My New ‘Do

Getting a haircut is almost impossible to manage these days. It’s what drives me to letting Chris do it… although he does do a pretty good job! ;) I had been longing for one for a while now, and finally was able to make it happen this weekend. The family plus Sam drove to Carolina…

Haylee… The Early Years…

I used to use a Babies Online website to update with pics and little tidbits about Haylee and her funny antics and things. It’s kind of an obsolete concept now – at least in my opinion. You can only have a few pics on the actual page, and obviously I’m better at updating on blogspot…

Entertain Me…

Out of desperation today, I dragged Haylee’s humongous exersaucer from the attic as well as the “new” bumbo seat in hopes of finding a magical remedy to produce Happy Wade. He already has every “activity” imaginable all stuffed in our living room. We’re beginning to look like the church nursery. It’s getting a bit ridiculous…

Better Late than Never…

I thought I would finally get around to posting our Father’s Day Projects… Haylee absolutely loves anything arts and craftsy so she had lots of fun coloring this for Daddy. I got a bit creative on the back and traced Haylee and Wade’s hands. I thought it turned out cute! Getting Wade’s was interesting, as…

Some deals

I got some fabulous deals last night on my sweet treat run to Food Lion. I got all this stuff for about a $1. You can get all the coupons I used here, and get these steals yourself. You do have to hurry though, because the sale ends today. $2 off Digorno… the small ones…

Growing and Growing

It’s been a while since I posted some Wade spam, so I thought I would share some pics I took today… He will be four months old next Tuesday and was 14 lbs last time I weighed him. He is still my little fussbudget, although he thankfully does have his adorable moments where he melts…

Blast from the Past

I’m a big facebooker. It’s seriously such a fun way to keep up with old and new friends, and provides an easy, non-threatening way to communicate. If you are a social person, and would like to reconnect with your old buds, you should think about trying out facebook. It has been crazy on there lately…

Funny Stuff

Sometimes the things your kids say is just hilarious. I wish I could remember half the stuff that Haylee cracks us up with. It’s so fun seeing things through a little one’s perspective. On the way home from Eli’s birthday party the other night, Chris and I were trying to show Haylee the beautiful “full”…