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Get Ready. They’re Coming!

Harris Teeter Triples that is. You can go here and here and here for a list of what things may be good buys and what coupons to use! I’m hoping to get up and be at HT at 6 am while Chris and the kiddos are still in bed. I think I’ll have enough time…

Dressing up…

Here are some funny pics of Haylee dressing up in my wedding veil… She even has her “wig” on too. The crazy girl actually asked for a wig for her birthday! Not even sure where she got that idea in her head. (I think it could be stemming from the fact that she sometimes says…

Tagged…Six Memories

Okay. I’ve been tagged. Six things about me… Hmmm… Okay, so I’ve done the “things about you” tag already, so I thought I would do a theme on this tag… Six Memories from my Childhood… 1. I was not allowed to wear sleeveless shirts. I think that started once I got to junior high. That…

Baked Spaghetti… Yum,yum!

Earlier this week, I tried out a new recipe for Baked Spaghetti from Kraft. (I love their site, btw. I think I’ve mentioned that before, though!) This is what we ate when Sam and Heather came over for our last episode of Lost! (I repeat: I am so sad we have to wait until FEBRUARY!)…

My Sawyer Nickname

We just finished watching our last episode of season four of Lost with Sam and Heather the other night, and it was so very sad. Sad that it was over, that is. We had been saving the episodes until Sam got home from Kuwait (cuz we’re awesome like that!). Now, we have to wait until…

Some Stupendous Steals

Office Depot has a few items on sale this week for only 1 penny! You just can’t beat a PENNY! Two pocket folders with prongs (limit 20) 12 pack eraser pencils (limit 5) Ruler (limit 5) Protractor (limit 5) Quantities are limited, and at my visit yesterday they were out of the erasers and rulers…

One year has flown by…

One year ago July 6th we found out our big news that our loooong road of infertility was finally coming to a close. It’s hard to believe that was a year ago. (I still have the pregnancy test. Is that too gross?) In some ways it seems a lifetime ago, and in others it seems…

Where Did the Summer Go??

It’s hard to believe that Wade is already four months old and that I only have 4 weeks left until I have to go back to school! Where, oh where did the summer go? Like every other teacher on the planet, I had BIG plans. At this point, I’ve formed a new plan. I’m going…

Family Fun on the Fourth at the Forge

I know that’s a really cheesy title, but there’s something appealing about alliteration to me. :) We are back home now and recovering from vacation… We had no convenient access to the world wide web, which meant I went a shocking 4 plus days without getting online! Truly amazing for an internet addict such as…

More Outdoor Fun?

Chris had a softball game last night at church, so we loaded up the family and headed out. Last week we nearly baked in the direct sun of the bleachers, so we decided to be “smart” and bring our chairs to stay cool in the shade. Things went fine until a pop up foul ball…

Get Ready. They’re Coming!

Harris Teeter Triples that is. You can go here and here and here for a list of what things may be good buys and what coupons to use! I’m hoping to get up and be at HT at 6 am while Chris and the kiddos are still in bed. I think I’ll have enough time…

Dressing up…

Here are some funny pics of Haylee dressing up in my wedding veil… She even has her “wig” on too. The crazy girl actually asked for a wig for her birthday! Not even sure where she got that idea in her head. (I think it could be stemming from the fact that she sometimes says…

Tagged…Six Memories

Okay. I’ve been tagged. Six things about me… Hmmm… Okay, so I’ve done the “things about you” tag already, so I thought I would do a theme on this tag… Six Memories from my Childhood… 1. I was not allowed to wear sleeveless shirts. I think that started once I got to junior high. That…

Baked Spaghetti… Yum,yum!

Earlier this week, I tried out a new recipe for Baked Spaghetti from Kraft. (I love their site, btw. I think I’ve mentioned that before, though!) This is what we ate when Sam and Heather came over for our last episode of Lost! (I repeat: I am so sad we have to wait until FEBRUARY!)…

My Sawyer Nickname

We just finished watching our last episode of season four of Lost with Sam and Heather the other night, and it was so very sad. Sad that it was over, that is. We had been saving the episodes until Sam got home from Kuwait (cuz we’re awesome like that!). Now, we have to wait until…

Some Stupendous Steals

Office Depot has a few items on sale this week for only 1 penny! You just can’t beat a PENNY! Two pocket folders with prongs (limit 20) 12 pack eraser pencils (limit 5) Ruler (limit 5) Protractor (limit 5) Quantities are limited, and at my visit yesterday they were out of the erasers and rulers…

One year has flown by…

One year ago July 6th we found out our big news that our loooong road of infertility was finally coming to a close. It’s hard to believe that was a year ago. (I still have the pregnancy test. Is that too gross?) In some ways it seems a lifetime ago, and in others it seems…

Where Did the Summer Go??

It’s hard to believe that Wade is already four months old and that I only have 4 weeks left until I have to go back to school! Where, oh where did the summer go? Like every other teacher on the planet, I had BIG plans. At this point, I’ve formed a new plan. I’m going…

Family Fun on the Fourth at the Forge

I know that’s a really cheesy title, but there’s something appealing about alliteration to me. :) We are back home now and recovering from vacation… We had no convenient access to the world wide web, which meant I went a shocking 4 plus days without getting online! Truly amazing for an internet addict such as…

More Outdoor Fun?

Chris had a softball game last night at church, so we loaded up the family and headed out. Last week we nearly baked in the direct sun of the bleachers, so we decided to be “smart” and bring our chairs to stay cool in the shade. Things went fine until a pop up foul ball…