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So…very… B-U-S-Y!!!

This week is teacher in service training, and I am “going, going, going” like the little Energizer Bunny! Too bad I can’t do all my craziness and still look as fab and glam as Doris Day! It is always like this at the beginning of the year getting things set up how you want them,…

You might be a Fundamentalist…

Growing up a fundamentalist had many unique traits that only someone with the same background could truly relate with and understand! Someone sent me a link to very funny thread on this message board called, “You might be a fundamentalist if…” They are soooo funny! Here are a few of my favorites!! You might be…

Seriously? Five Months ALREADY?

My sweetie is FIVE MONTHS old today, believe it or not! I can’t believe he has reached this milestone soooo quickly and therefore signaling my return to school. I have just under ONE WEEK left. Don’t get me wrong. I am excited to be getting back, and I feel the rush and adrenaline of the…

OCD and Pretty in Pink!

So, I changed my blog background again! Do you like it?? My ocd nature just couldn’t handle the fact that my former background and header just didn’t match… regardless of how much I tried to make it be okay in my mind! I got it from the totally fabulous and FREE site… www. thecutestblogontheblock ….

The Splendor of School Shopping!

I have had such fun shopping for Haylee’s school supplies, lol! You would think I were the one about to start school! Here is her list… I think that we just about have everything minus a few items like the plastic baggies (I have some stockpiled, and I just have to check and see if…

All Decked Out…

In case you haven’t been paying attention to this momma’s broken record… my baby is starting kindergarten in just a few weeks, and I can hardly believe it. Wade will be in the baby room of the preschool, and I also hardly believe that. We went Friday and checked out the baby room, talked with…

Savings by the Cup Full, Don’t YOU want Some?

I’m an avid Grocery Gamer…. I know you all know that, but my mom has recently gotten me into A Full Cup, a FREE site that looks to be an excellent and user-friendly source for finding the super-fabulous deals available combining coupons with great sales. Mom is the amazing Guru of Extreme Couponing. Her HT…

Hunting for National Treasure

We had a National Treasure Movie Marathon the other night, and it was so fun. It wasn’t very frugal, seeing as we ordered through Time Warner’s movies on demand. (At least we didn’t use any gas getting to the video store, though!) The first movie was only $1.99 and the second one was $3.99. We…


Believe it or not, folks. This old girl dragged herself out of bed in the dark but amazingly quiet and chilly morning to make it to Harris Teeter Triple Sale. I got there way before they opened at 6am hoping they would open the doors early. I was the second car in the parking lot,…

Fun but Educational! Yay.

Just what you always loved your teacher or mother to say, right? When you heard of a fun but educational game or even worse a video! there were groans heard all over the room! Well these are some educational games that challenge your geography knowledge, and I found the challenge quite fun, myself. Perhaps you…

So…very… B-U-S-Y!!!

This week is teacher in service training, and I am “going, going, going” like the little Energizer Bunny! Too bad I can’t do all my craziness and still look as fab and glam as Doris Day! It is always like this at the beginning of the year getting things set up how you want them,…

You might be a Fundamentalist…

Growing up a fundamentalist had many unique traits that only someone with the same background could truly relate with and understand! Someone sent me a link to very funny thread on this message board called, “You might be a fundamentalist if…” They are soooo funny! Here are a few of my favorites!! You might be…

Seriously? Five Months ALREADY?

My sweetie is FIVE MONTHS old today, believe it or not! I can’t believe he has reached this milestone soooo quickly and therefore signaling my return to school. I have just under ONE WEEK left. Don’t get me wrong. I am excited to be getting back, and I feel the rush and adrenaline of the…

OCD and Pretty in Pink!

So, I changed my blog background again! Do you like it?? My ocd nature just couldn’t handle the fact that my former background and header just didn’t match… regardless of how much I tried to make it be okay in my mind! I got it from the totally fabulous and FREE site… www. thecutestblogontheblock ….

The Splendor of School Shopping!

I have had such fun shopping for Haylee’s school supplies, lol! You would think I were the one about to start school! Here is her list… I think that we just about have everything minus a few items like the plastic baggies (I have some stockpiled, and I just have to check and see if…

All Decked Out…

In case you haven’t been paying attention to this momma’s broken record… my baby is starting kindergarten in just a few weeks, and I can hardly believe it. Wade will be in the baby room of the preschool, and I also hardly believe that. We went Friday and checked out the baby room, talked with…

Savings by the Cup Full, Don’t YOU want Some?

I’m an avid Grocery Gamer…. I know you all know that, but my mom has recently gotten me into A Full Cup, a FREE site that looks to be an excellent and user-friendly source for finding the super-fabulous deals available combining coupons with great sales. Mom is the amazing Guru of Extreme Couponing. Her HT…

Hunting for National Treasure

We had a National Treasure Movie Marathon the other night, and it was so fun. It wasn’t very frugal, seeing as we ordered through Time Warner’s movies on demand. (At least we didn’t use any gas getting to the video store, though!) The first movie was only $1.99 and the second one was $3.99. We…


Believe it or not, folks. This old girl dragged herself out of bed in the dark but amazingly quiet and chilly morning to make it to Harris Teeter Triple Sale. I got there way before they opened at 6am hoping they would open the doors early. I was the second car in the parking lot,…

Fun but Educational! Yay.

Just what you always loved your teacher or mother to say, right? When you heard of a fun but educational game or even worse a video! there were groans heard all over the room! Well these are some educational games that challenge your geography knowledge, and I found the challenge quite fun, myself. Perhaps you…