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The View from the Other Side

Thought it would be funny to share some pics of me taken from my student’s viewpoint… reading to the class… Collecting papers… I don’t claim to have the best method, but if it’s something that we’re all finishing at the same time (like a timed quiz or assignment) then I call them up in number…

Big News!

We had an Awards Chapel on Tuesday and I was so happy to see that Haylee was chosen as Christian Character award for her class. (One girl and one boy are chosen from each class.) She got to go stand up on the platform with all the other winners and get a round of applause….

Seriously? It’s November?

I cannot believe that it’s November already. There are only 2 & 1/2 weeks until Thanksgiving and a mere 6 & 1/2 weeks until Christmas! I know it always has a way of creeping up on us, but seriously. Wade is now a whopping 8 months old and cracking us up as always. He is…

Our Little Punkins

Our Fairy Princess Fairy Princess and Lion Family at the Pumpkin Patch Our punkins at the pumpkin patch… Check out some more pics if you dare… or care…. :)

Park Pics

B is in town this week and the whole gang headed our way Thursday night for some fellowship. We went to Stowe Park in Belmont for a grandkids photo shoot. It was a little chilly, but we survived. :) One day someone (like Mack, since he never gets too involved in the craziness) needs to…

Time flies…

February 2005 Haylee 20 mo’s & Jared 13 mo’s October 2008 Haylee 5 & Jared 4 Where has the time gone??

Happy Fall Ya’ll!

I don’t think you would believe me if I told you how crazy life is right now. Does the craziness that is my life excuse my gross lack of blogging? I do enjoy blogging so much, but something has to give or my little ole brain will just explode I think. Speaking of my brain…

Fun Run

Haylee’s class getting ready to go outside It was a bit chilly that morning! (Haylee’s in the bottom left corner.) Singing the National Anthem Running through the tunnel…. Getting ready to start! Haylee’s teacher is Mrs. Baldwin. She’s the second one from the right. It was so hard checking off the kids’ laps as they…

Yum, Yum!

Wade is pushing 7 months old, but just had his first bite of cereal yesterday! He was sick September 1st, so we decided to wait. He is still congested, but we started anyway… Ready for my first bite! It’s amazing those fat rolls fit into his Bumbo Seat! :) He liked the spoon! The first…


I’m still here, believe it or not! I guess I am not going to be able to keep up my blogging like I would like to. :( I find it hard to summon the energy to post after a long day! Wade and Haylee are doing well… crazy as normal. Haylee is still loving school,…

The View from the Other Side

Thought it would be funny to share some pics of me taken from my student’s viewpoint… reading to the class… Collecting papers… I don’t claim to have the best method, but if it’s something that we’re all finishing at the same time (like a timed quiz or assignment) then I call them up in number…

Big News!

We had an Awards Chapel on Tuesday and I was so happy to see that Haylee was chosen as Christian Character award for her class. (One girl and one boy are chosen from each class.) She got to go stand up on the platform with all the other winners and get a round of applause….

Seriously? It’s November?

I cannot believe that it’s November already. There are only 2 & 1/2 weeks until Thanksgiving and a mere 6 & 1/2 weeks until Christmas! I know it always has a way of creeping up on us, but seriously. Wade is now a whopping 8 months old and cracking us up as always. He is…

Our Little Punkins

Our Fairy Princess Fairy Princess and Lion Family at the Pumpkin Patch Our punkins at the pumpkin patch… Check out some more pics if you dare… or care…. :)

Park Pics

B is in town this week and the whole gang headed our way Thursday night for some fellowship. We went to Stowe Park in Belmont for a grandkids photo shoot. It was a little chilly, but we survived. :) One day someone (like Mack, since he never gets too involved in the craziness) needs to…

Time flies…

February 2005 Haylee 20 mo’s & Jared 13 mo’s October 2008 Haylee 5 & Jared 4 Where has the time gone??

Happy Fall Ya’ll!

I don’t think you would believe me if I told you how crazy life is right now. Does the craziness that is my life excuse my gross lack of blogging? I do enjoy blogging so much, but something has to give or my little ole brain will just explode I think. Speaking of my brain…

Fun Run

Haylee’s class getting ready to go outside It was a bit chilly that morning! (Haylee’s in the bottom left corner.) Singing the National Anthem Running through the tunnel…. Getting ready to start! Haylee’s teacher is Mrs. Baldwin. She’s the second one from the right. It was so hard checking off the kids’ laps as they…

Yum, Yum!

Wade is pushing 7 months old, but just had his first bite of cereal yesterday! He was sick September 1st, so we decided to wait. He is still congested, but we started anyway… Ready for my first bite! It’s amazing those fat rolls fit into his Bumbo Seat! :) He liked the spoon! The first…


I’m still here, believe it or not! I guess I am not going to be able to keep up my blogging like I would like to. :( I find it hard to summon the energy to post after a long day! Wade and Haylee are doing well… crazy as normal. Haylee is still loving school,…