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Can I think of 25 Random things about ME?

The rules are list 25 random things about yourself… Can I really do that? I don’t know, but I’ll try… 1. I grew up in sunny Florida where you got to wear your “rare” sweater and/or jacket a few times during the year, and that was only in the morning on the way to school….

Ten Months and Counting…

Wade is now 10 mo’s old. He is only a couple months short of that illustrious one year milestone. Of course, it’s once again hard to believe we could already be in the two digit months. He is clapping and giving “high fives” and was in a “no” phase for a while where he would…

Grocery Goals

It’s a new year and with the new year comes new goals! The craziness of teaching full time combined with doubling my children this year has put my couponing somewhat on the back burner. My goal this year is simple… Spend less! According to Chris’s most fabulous, mind blowing Budget spreadsheet, we spent an average…

Good News and Bad News

So the good news is I saw this great stroller of Natalie’s forever ago and I really loved the design and set up. It seemed perfect for our situation… We got one similar to hers last weekend at Concord Mills for a great price… Ours is brown like this first pic… But I wanted to…

The Urge to "Chop, Chop" Strikes Again!

So the urge to chop it all off struck again, and this time I headed to the professionals. A lot of people did ask me if Chris did it this time too! :) It is quite a bit shorter than I was really thinking, although the stylist did exactly what I told her. Chris did…

The Great Sugar Cookie Extravaganza of ’08! ☺

We had to carry on the tradition we started last year of making sugar cookies. It is something that B and I would always do with Mom when we were little. It is such a hassle, takes forever and makes a collosal mess, but it is all worth it to see Haylee having such a…

Christmas Fun

Wade’s first Christmas! Haylee’s Light Bright! We left this off in the other pic, so we had to take a special one just with it! Wade the Present! I just loved his Christmas shirt. It says, “Santa’s Sidekick.” MawMaw & PawPaw Howard with all the great grandkids minus one… I stole this pic from Amy!…

Family Photo… My how we’ve grown…

What a night this was… We headed over to Chris’s parents to attempt a “Family pic.” Chris was feeling horrid, and it was getting later and later on a school night which is not a good thing. Right after Thanksgiving, Chris was actually out of work on short term disability for almost 2 weeks for…

Giving Thanks

It’s Thanksgiving. We all know what that means. Christmas is right around the corner! I got Wednesday through Friday off which was a nice break. Wednesday was jam-packed, however with all sorts of things being accomplished. We started the morning getting Wade’s 9 month check up. He is 27 and 3/4 inches long and weighs…

Wordless Wednesday… on Thursday ha ha!

Can I think of 25 Random things about ME?

The rules are list 25 random things about yourself… Can I really do that? I don’t know, but I’ll try… 1. I grew up in sunny Florida where you got to wear your “rare” sweater and/or jacket a few times during the year, and that was only in the morning on the way to school….

Ten Months and Counting…

Wade is now 10 mo’s old. He is only a couple months short of that illustrious one year milestone. Of course, it’s once again hard to believe we could already be in the two digit months. He is clapping and giving “high fives” and was in a “no” phase for a while where he would…

Grocery Goals

It’s a new year and with the new year comes new goals! The craziness of teaching full time combined with doubling my children this year has put my couponing somewhat on the back burner. My goal this year is simple… Spend less! According to Chris’s most fabulous, mind blowing Budget spreadsheet, we spent an average…

Good News and Bad News

So the good news is I saw this great stroller of Natalie’s forever ago and I really loved the design and set up. It seemed perfect for our situation… We got one similar to hers last weekend at Concord Mills for a great price… Ours is brown like this first pic… But I wanted to…

The Urge to "Chop, Chop" Strikes Again!

So the urge to chop it all off struck again, and this time I headed to the professionals. A lot of people did ask me if Chris did it this time too! :) It is quite a bit shorter than I was really thinking, although the stylist did exactly what I told her. Chris did…

The Great Sugar Cookie Extravaganza of ’08! ☺

We had to carry on the tradition we started last year of making sugar cookies. It is something that B and I would always do with Mom when we were little. It is such a hassle, takes forever and makes a collosal mess, but it is all worth it to see Haylee having such a…

Christmas Fun

Wade’s first Christmas! Haylee’s Light Bright! We left this off in the other pic, so we had to take a special one just with it! Wade the Present! I just loved his Christmas shirt. It says, “Santa’s Sidekick.” MawMaw & PawPaw Howard with all the great grandkids minus one… I stole this pic from Amy!…

Family Photo… My how we’ve grown…

What a night this was… We headed over to Chris’s parents to attempt a “Family pic.” Chris was feeling horrid, and it was getting later and later on a school night which is not a good thing. Right after Thanksgiving, Chris was actually out of work on short term disability for almost 2 weeks for…

Giving Thanks

It’s Thanksgiving. We all know what that means. Christmas is right around the corner! I got Wednesday through Friday off which was a nice break. Wednesday was jam-packed, however with all sorts of things being accomplished. We started the morning getting Wade’s 9 month check up. He is 27 and 3/4 inches long and weighs…

Wordless Wednesday… on Thursday ha ha!