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A month or so ago, we were in Walmart looking for shoes. Chris got a call and Haylee started playing around. Wade started cracking up at her antics… :) There is nothing like baby giggles!

Welcome to my Lab!

Here is my Lab Rules presentation I showed to each class the first week of school… This is the one with the photo of the family that snuck up on Haylee! :) My lab… didn’t quite achieve all the goals I had in mine for my room decor, but I think it turned out pretty…

Full Speed Ahead…

Haylee’s first day of FIRST GRADE! Our year is in full swing and things are rolling along at a swift pace. Haylee is thoroughly enjoying first grade, and I am adjusting fairly well to her more regular routine of nightly homework and real tests! It’s been nice having her right across the hall this year…

Death by PowerPoint!

We’ve all sat through mind numbing Power Point Presentations right? This guy has some hilarious yet very true insight into using presentations…

Behavior Rubric… feedback pretty please!

I need feedback puh-lease. I’m working on a rubric to be able to pass on to the classroom teacher about how well his/her class is doing behavior-wise in computer class. I’m basing the idea on another fab computer teacher’s system, but I don’t have hers with me… Any other suggestions for categories to be included…

Dum, Dum, Duh-Dum

Had to share this video I got in an email… Sooo funny. Would love to have been a guest at this wedding!

Computer Stuff!

This is a “Technology Alphabet” that another Tech Teacher shared that I adapted to fit our school… I plan to cut each sheet in half and then put up in the lab in lieu of a traditional alphabet. Tech AbCs View more documents from rcauth. This is a PowerPoint presentation that I’m working on for…


I made a very adventurous shopping trip yesterday to a few stores… though it’s always adventurous when I take the kiddos AND try to go to more than one place. :) We did manage to score the $2 markers at Walgreens which were $3.50 at Wal-mart btw! I was very disgusted with Target after making…

School Supply Must Haves for the week…

Well, the fourth of July has come and gone and stores have already ripped out the huge displays of “summer items” on the seasonal aisles and have stocked in its place multitudes of school supplies. The tell tale sign that summer is indeed over. :) We could either mourn its loss or focus on getting…


We went to the Columbia Zoo last Wednesday and had loads of fun. It was a little bit of a drive down there 1.5+ hours, but thankfully Wade slept on the way and back. Haylee was sooo excited about the trip… reminding me day by day that we were going to zoo on Wednesday. :)…


A month or so ago, we were in Walmart looking for shoes. Chris got a call and Haylee started playing around. Wade started cracking up at her antics… :) There is nothing like baby giggles!

Welcome to my Lab!

Here is my Lab Rules presentation I showed to each class the first week of school… This is the one with the photo of the family that snuck up on Haylee! :) My lab… didn’t quite achieve all the goals I had in mine for my room decor, but I think it turned out pretty…

Full Speed Ahead…

Haylee’s first day of FIRST GRADE! Our year is in full swing and things are rolling along at a swift pace. Haylee is thoroughly enjoying first grade, and I am adjusting fairly well to her more regular routine of nightly homework and real tests! It’s been nice having her right across the hall this year…

Death by PowerPoint!

We’ve all sat through mind numbing Power Point Presentations right? This guy has some hilarious yet very true insight into using presentations…

Behavior Rubric… feedback pretty please!

I need feedback puh-lease. I’m working on a rubric to be able to pass on to the classroom teacher about how well his/her class is doing behavior-wise in computer class. I’m basing the idea on another fab computer teacher’s system, but I don’t have hers with me… Any other suggestions for categories to be included…

Dum, Dum, Duh-Dum

Had to share this video I got in an email… Sooo funny. Would love to have been a guest at this wedding!

Computer Stuff!

This is a “Technology Alphabet” that another Tech Teacher shared that I adapted to fit our school… I plan to cut each sheet in half and then put up in the lab in lieu of a traditional alphabet. Tech AbCs View more documents from rcauth. This is a PowerPoint presentation that I’m working on for…


I made a very adventurous shopping trip yesterday to a few stores… though it’s always adventurous when I take the kiddos AND try to go to more than one place. :) We did manage to score the $2 markers at Walgreens which were $3.50 at Wal-mart btw! I was very disgusted with Target after making…

School Supply Must Haves for the week…

Well, the fourth of July has come and gone and stores have already ripped out the huge displays of “summer items” on the seasonal aisles and have stocked in its place multitudes of school supplies. The tell tale sign that summer is indeed over. :) We could either mourn its loss or focus on getting…


We went to the Columbia Zoo last Wednesday and had loads of fun. It was a little bit of a drive down there 1.5+ hours, but thankfully Wade slept on the way and back. Haylee was sooo excited about the trip… reminding me day by day that we were going to zoo on Wednesday. :)…