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Hooray… and other news…

So proud of my sweetie! Earned Principal’s list (straight A’s) this quarter and received the Good Conduct award for her class! Last year, they didn’t give out letter grades. The report card was more of a “mastered”, “not mastered” type thing which is fine, but that didn’t really translate concretely like A, B, etc. First…

Trick or Treat!

My little trick or treaters! I love my cuties! It was supposed to rain so we headed to the mall with B, Ryan, Eli and Reagan…. Wade was LOVING his sucker!! Every time he got a piece of candy in his bucket, we had to give it to Haylee to carry, because he tried to…

‘Fall’bulous, dahling!

Fall is here, and has found it’s way into my Computer Lab. I tried to do a good mix of fall type things along with Technology which was a bit of a challenge and of course something new for me this year… I added leaves to the CD’s on the door… (the cd’s have all…

Haylee and the Frog

The joys of 1st grade are fully upon us as this mommy realizes that the carefree days of Kindergarten are far, far gone. :) Haylee’s 1st project was due coincidentally one of the days she was out with the flu, but she was able to make it up upon her return… She had to pick…

Harvest Blog Party!

Sherri posted this link to the Harvest Blog Party and I thought I’d throw my hat in! :) You can too!!! 1. What is your favorite thing to snack on while you’re blogging?Hmmm… don’t really have a “blogging snack” but these days Sprite zero and something low cal… 2. What is one thing you wouldn’t…

Heavenly Harmony… Amazing!

Listen to this amazing 3 part harmony by a group called “Sisters.” I love Ladies trio harmony, and theirs is harmony at its best… might give you chills! I found out they have a Christmas CD coming out soon! :)

Spirit Week ’09

Monday was Tacky Day… Tuesday was Decade Day… Wednesday was Princess/Sports Day… Thursday was Cowboy Day… Friday was School Colors Day… Much fun was had by one and all….go Knights!

Happy Birthday!

Today is Mom’s 60th Birthday! Wish we could be there to help her celebrate, but since we can’t, we sent her our video Birthday wishes! We love you!

Marley & Me **** Warning! Spoiler Alert!****

If you know my husband at all, then you know of his unwavering love for dogs. He had several growing up, back when he was a cutie-patuty little youngster like this… …and we even had an amazing golden retriever, Abby, right after Haylee was born. She was the absolute best dog ever, so incredible with…


We recently booked a cruise for our 10th anniversary coming up in March! Woohoo! We’ve been talking about going on a cruise forever, so it seemed fitting to do something special like this for our 10th. Hard to believe it will be 10 years… Renee ♥’s Chris… 4ever! :)

Hooray… and other news…

So proud of my sweetie! Earned Principal’s list (straight A’s) this quarter and received the Good Conduct award for her class! Last year, they didn’t give out letter grades. The report card was more of a “mastered”, “not mastered” type thing which is fine, but that didn’t really translate concretely like A, B, etc. First…

Trick or Treat!

My little trick or treaters! I love my cuties! It was supposed to rain so we headed to the mall with B, Ryan, Eli and Reagan…. Wade was LOVING his sucker!! Every time he got a piece of candy in his bucket, we had to give it to Haylee to carry, because he tried to…

‘Fall’bulous, dahling!

Fall is here, and has found it’s way into my Computer Lab. I tried to do a good mix of fall type things along with Technology which was a bit of a challenge and of course something new for me this year… I added leaves to the CD’s on the door… (the cd’s have all…

Haylee and the Frog

The joys of 1st grade are fully upon us as this mommy realizes that the carefree days of Kindergarten are far, far gone. :) Haylee’s 1st project was due coincidentally one of the days she was out with the flu, but she was able to make it up upon her return… She had to pick…

Harvest Blog Party!

Sherri posted this link to the Harvest Blog Party and I thought I’d throw my hat in! :) You can too!!! 1. What is your favorite thing to snack on while you’re blogging?Hmmm… don’t really have a “blogging snack” but these days Sprite zero and something low cal… 2. What is one thing you wouldn’t…

Heavenly Harmony… Amazing!

Listen to this amazing 3 part harmony by a group called “Sisters.” I love Ladies trio harmony, and theirs is harmony at its best… might give you chills! I found out they have a Christmas CD coming out soon! :)

Spirit Week ’09

Monday was Tacky Day… Tuesday was Decade Day… Wednesday was Princess/Sports Day… Thursday was Cowboy Day… Friday was School Colors Day… Much fun was had by one and all….go Knights!

Happy Birthday!

Today is Mom’s 60th Birthday! Wish we could be there to help her celebrate, but since we can’t, we sent her our video Birthday wishes! We love you!

Marley & Me **** Warning! Spoiler Alert!****

If you know my husband at all, then you know of his unwavering love for dogs. He had several growing up, back when he was a cutie-patuty little youngster like this… …and we even had an amazing golden retriever, Abby, right after Haylee was born. She was the absolute best dog ever, so incredible with…


We recently booked a cruise for our 10th anniversary coming up in March! Woohoo! We’ve been talking about going on a cruise forever, so it seemed fitting to do something special like this for our 10th. Hard to believe it will be 10 years… Renee ♥’s Chris… 4ever! :)