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Christmas DAY!

Christmas day is always the craziest for us since we journey from house to house, family to family.  We start out getting up EAAAARLY and open gifts at our house.  Chris and I start out all alone and open our gifts to each other.  It sometimes seems to be our last serene moment of the…

It’s Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas…

…er, rather, at the time, it was.  Since I am late in posting as usual, this post finds us already into the new year.  But before I can talk about the New Year, I must finish the Christmas recounting.  Christmas Eve morning we woke up and headed over to Chris’s parents for our celebration with…

That Holly Jolly Time of Year…

Christmas is always CRAZINESS around here mainly because even though we don’t technically TRAVEL per se for the holidays, we definitely are travelling Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I love living close to our families though and I’m thankful that we are afforded the opportunity at least for the time being, to be able to…

Speaking of Christmas Card Cheer…

Since I love getting cards so much, that means I have to come up with a great and fabulous way to display them.  In past years I have scotch taped them around the window in our kitchen that looks into the living room.  I wanted to do something different this year, since I was inspired…

Christmas Card Cheer!

I LOVE checking the mail at Christmas time!  I don’t know why it is so thrilling to me to anticipate whose card I may be getting, but I do enjoy the sighting of non-junk mail in our box. I love the photo cards that are getting more and more popular these days… It seems that…

My Christmas Cuties!

The kiddos were just too cute in their Christmasy Sunday clothes, so I decided to try to get a pic of them together in front of the tree.  I really don’t know how mom’s of more than two kids manage to ever get decent pics of their chill’ns together.  This is speaking from experience trying…

Series of Unfortunate Events…

I have had quite the week.  It seems that the craziness of the season has sprung fully upon me this week… only I was not ready for IT.  Please allow me a minute or two to commiserate over my series of unfortunate events… Monday, I was feeling quite yucky with the most stubborn cold that…

Oooh, La, Laaah!

I have to add this pic of my front door complete with lights!  Whoo hoo!  It took some finagling, and I almost froze to death, but I managed to end up with this: I love, love, love it!  This will definitely be a new “tradition” for me. 

Bitten by the Christmas BUG!

You know that I am on a decorating kick, right? The result of said “kick” is that I’m in the Christmas decorating frenzy. There ARE a few roadblocks hindering me, however… 1) Wade… my 21 month old, one-man-destruction-crew. 2) Not enough “flat surfaces” (Chris lovingly told me soon after we were married that I had…

My new favorite blog…

Found this totally fabulous blog recently and I just love it! It’s My friend Christy recommended it, and I immediately added it to my blog reader. There are amazing ideas and creativity abounding, and she does it all for cheap… which I love! :) She has great decorating ideas and a lot of the…

Christmas DAY!

Christmas day is always the craziest for us since we journey from house to house, family to family.  We start out getting up EAAAARLY and open gifts at our house.  Chris and I start out all alone and open our gifts to each other.  It sometimes seems to be our last serene moment of the…

It’s Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas…

…er, rather, at the time, it was.  Since I am late in posting as usual, this post finds us already into the new year.  But before I can talk about the New Year, I must finish the Christmas recounting.  Christmas Eve morning we woke up and headed over to Chris’s parents for our celebration with…

That Holly Jolly Time of Year…

Christmas is always CRAZINESS around here mainly because even though we don’t technically TRAVEL per se for the holidays, we definitely are travelling Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I love living close to our families though and I’m thankful that we are afforded the opportunity at least for the time being, to be able to…

Speaking of Christmas Card Cheer…

Since I love getting cards so much, that means I have to come up with a great and fabulous way to display them.  In past years I have scotch taped them around the window in our kitchen that looks into the living room.  I wanted to do something different this year, since I was inspired…

Christmas Card Cheer!

I LOVE checking the mail at Christmas time!  I don’t know why it is so thrilling to me to anticipate whose card I may be getting, but I do enjoy the sighting of non-junk mail in our box. I love the photo cards that are getting more and more popular these days… It seems that…

My Christmas Cuties!

The kiddos were just too cute in their Christmasy Sunday clothes, so I decided to try to get a pic of them together in front of the tree.  I really don’t know how mom’s of more than two kids manage to ever get decent pics of their chill’ns together.  This is speaking from experience trying…

Series of Unfortunate Events…

I have had quite the week.  It seems that the craziness of the season has sprung fully upon me this week… only I was not ready for IT.  Please allow me a minute or two to commiserate over my series of unfortunate events… Monday, I was feeling quite yucky with the most stubborn cold that…

Oooh, La, Laaah!

I have to add this pic of my front door complete with lights!  Whoo hoo!  It took some finagling, and I almost froze to death, but I managed to end up with this: I love, love, love it!  This will definitely be a new “tradition” for me. 

Bitten by the Christmas BUG!

You know that I am on a decorating kick, right? The result of said “kick” is that I’m in the Christmas decorating frenzy. There ARE a few roadblocks hindering me, however… 1) Wade… my 21 month old, one-man-destruction-crew. 2) Not enough “flat surfaces” (Chris lovingly told me soon after we were married that I had…

My new favorite blog…

Found this totally fabulous blog recently and I just love it! It’s My friend Christy recommended it, and I immediately added it to my blog reader. There are amazing ideas and creativity abounding, and she does it all for cheap… which I love! :) She has great decorating ideas and a lot of the…