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Avoiding "Long Butt" aka "Mom Jeans"

Isn’t this LOVELY??   HAD to share this blog post that a friend passed on… If you don’t take the time to read it, at least check out the pictures of their “scientific research” showing how much pocket placement can affect the way your lovely derriere appears. I’m telling you… some of you… this could…

Snow Clips…

Window Movie Maker wouldn’t accept my iphone video clips… not sure what the deal is, but I thought I would try out Animoto. With the free version you can only have a 30 sec max video, but it seems pretty cool! Create your own video slideshow at What do you think of our redneck…

Fun in the Snow!

We enjoyed a rare treat this weekend… SNOW!  It started snowing before we left school Friday afternoon and it wasn’t long before the ground was covered!  Whoo hoo!  Love how pretty the white stuff looks!!  I can happily pass on getting out in it, however…  Isn’t it so much working FINDING the snow stuff, then…

Must share…

I must share a new site for Christian women that I found.  They have a new devotional every weekday and have the “email to your inbox” feature too which is nice. Check it out!!! I think it’s kind of crazy that they are actually local… out of Matthews I think.

The pile of perpetual papers…

In my mind, it’s a part of everyone’s house… right?? Well, it’s definitely a part of my house, and a constant thorn in my side.  Papers from every source possible threaten to overtake us. Haylee and Wade’s papers alone are enough to drive me batty. This is where my new love of decorating/organizing blogs comes…

Life Goes On

Our little man has gotten sick-0 on us again… He went to bed with a slight fever on Monday and woke up around midnight wheezing horribly.  He sounded awful.  :(  Chris got him back to sleep, but he was up again around 2 am again sounding just plain awful.  He got another breathing treatment, but…

I want to adopt a baby from Haiti…

  … can I, hunny?? A nurse feeds a quake-injured baby at the Israeli Field Hospital in Port-au-Prince on Monday. (Ricardo Arduengo/Associated Press Their situation is so desperate that the Catholic Church is suggesting that many be brought to America… Haitian orphans could be airlifted to Miami for resettlement | World news | The…

Too funny…

American Idol auditions are always entertaining, although logically you have to just accept the fact that the craziest, funniest, and most awful are allowed to audition before the judges solely for “good tv.”   I mean, how else would some of these people make it past the original screeners?  :) This season is supposed to be…

My Wild Man…

Our crazy little man rarely stops for a minute these days.  He is constantly on the go, in full out exploration mode.  The poor doll is barely hanging on there… He is talking more and more which provides great entertainment to one and all alike.  It seems especially funny when he mimics your words and…

A New Day, A New Year

We had fun New Year’s Eve hanging with the Cauthen Fam… There was lots and lots to munch on the whole evening long, mmmm, mmmm!  It was one of those times when there is just too many fantabulous looking things to choose from!  Chris had to work during the day for stinky Vanguard who NEVER…

Avoiding "Long Butt" aka "Mom Jeans"

Isn’t this LOVELY??   HAD to share this blog post that a friend passed on… If you don’t take the time to read it, at least check out the pictures of their “scientific research” showing how much pocket placement can affect the way your lovely derriere appears. I’m telling you… some of you… this could…

Snow Clips…

Window Movie Maker wouldn’t accept my iphone video clips… not sure what the deal is, but I thought I would try out Animoto. With the free version you can only have a 30 sec max video, but it seems pretty cool! Create your own video slideshow at What do you think of our redneck…

Fun in the Snow!

We enjoyed a rare treat this weekend… SNOW!  It started snowing before we left school Friday afternoon and it wasn’t long before the ground was covered!  Whoo hoo!  Love how pretty the white stuff looks!!  I can happily pass on getting out in it, however…  Isn’t it so much working FINDING the snow stuff, then…

Must share…

I must share a new site for Christian women that I found.  They have a new devotional every weekday and have the “email to your inbox” feature too which is nice. Check it out!!! I think it’s kind of crazy that they are actually local… out of Matthews I think.

The pile of perpetual papers…

In my mind, it’s a part of everyone’s house… right?? Well, it’s definitely a part of my house, and a constant thorn in my side.  Papers from every source possible threaten to overtake us. Haylee and Wade’s papers alone are enough to drive me batty. This is where my new love of decorating/organizing blogs comes…

Life Goes On

Our little man has gotten sick-0 on us again… He went to bed with a slight fever on Monday and woke up around midnight wheezing horribly.  He sounded awful.  :(  Chris got him back to sleep, but he was up again around 2 am again sounding just plain awful.  He got another breathing treatment, but…

I want to adopt a baby from Haiti…

  … can I, hunny?? A nurse feeds a quake-injured baby at the Israeli Field Hospital in Port-au-Prince on Monday. (Ricardo Arduengo/Associated Press Their situation is so desperate that the Catholic Church is suggesting that many be brought to America… Haitian orphans could be airlifted to Miami for resettlement | World news | The…

Too funny…

American Idol auditions are always entertaining, although logically you have to just accept the fact that the craziest, funniest, and most awful are allowed to audition before the judges solely for “good tv.”   I mean, how else would some of these people make it past the original screeners?  :) This season is supposed to be…

My Wild Man…

Our crazy little man rarely stops for a minute these days.  He is constantly on the go, in full out exploration mode.  The poor doll is barely hanging on there… He is talking more and more which provides great entertainment to one and all alike.  It seems especially funny when he mimics your words and…

A New Day, A New Year

We had fun New Year’s Eve hanging with the Cauthen Fam… There was lots and lots to munch on the whole evening long, mmmm, mmmm!  It was one of those times when there is just too many fantabulous looking things to choose from!  Chris had to work during the day for stinky Vanguard who NEVER…