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A Visit from a Fairy

Yes, apparently, there are fairies in our House.  Well, one, at least. He’s 6 feet tall and loves his little girl to pieces.  :) Haylee has been dying to lose her first tooth, ever since her kindergarten teacher had a chart up in the room where she would add the names of people who lost…

Nella’s Story… Grab a tissue

What a story  this is… I can’t even imagine.  I guess this is what the doctor (not my beloved Dr. Peach, of course) was trying to seriously scare me about.  This is the REASON they say to get the NT prenatal screening so you are prepared at delivery.  You have to read this amazing momma’s…

Belly Shots… Take one…

I’m now almost 13 weeks! (12 weeks 5 days) Here’s my first belly shot for Baby #3!    I know… I’m not really showing yet.  Since this is my third, I consider that a good thing.  :)   I can however manufacture a Good Belly Shot with what I call… “Bette Anne’s Preggo Pose”.  I…

Much Thanks…

Well, after my shocking news was revealed I feel so very loved at all the comments from everyone!  Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU to everyone for your comments and messages encouraging me that we can do this.  It’s nice to know that many of you have been where we are… in all of our…

Our Big Surprise… the Rest of the Story

So, are you ready to hear the “rest of the story?”  Let me start at the beginning by explaining that after Haylee we started having trouble in our attempts for a second baby.  We tried for about a year and a half, were devastated with a miscarriage, and tried another year and a half before…

Soooo… whaddya know…

It’s funny how life happens, isn’t it?  I’m a person who likes her life to be planned just so.  I know. I make most of you sick.  But planning things out makes me happy and feel centered and calm.  There are things in life that you just can’t always plan perfectly, however! Like…. pregnancy! Sometimes…

Poetry Contest!

This year Northside held a Poetry Contest for the Elementary with classroom winners going on to compete in Chapel.  I had put off working on Haylee’s poem with her because I knew she would not be too thrilled with having to get up in front of a large crowd and recite it!  I had forgotten…

Short but Sweet

Life has been crazy in our house the last two weeks.  Chris has been working more of a 2nd shift and we have decided… we don’t like it! The week before last he worked 2pm-10pm and last week was the horrid and dreadful 4pm-midnight! At least I was able to stay awake and see him…

Fun at CFA!!

Here are a few pics of our birthday dinner at CFA.  We RARELY eat inside so this was a nice treat for the kiddos to play and get some ice cream!    

My How Time Flies!

Happy TWO years to my little man!  Hard to believe it was just two years ago that we were finally welcoming our long awaited second treasure to our family.  Time has flown by, and he is now the family "menace" aka our very own "wrecking ball."  :)  He never seems to be afraid of anything…

A Visit from a Fairy

Yes, apparently, there are fairies in our House.  Well, one, at least. He’s 6 feet tall and loves his little girl to pieces.  :) Haylee has been dying to lose her first tooth, ever since her kindergarten teacher had a chart up in the room where she would add the names of people who lost…

Nella’s Story… Grab a tissue

What a story  this is… I can’t even imagine.  I guess this is what the doctor (not my beloved Dr. Peach, of course) was trying to seriously scare me about.  This is the REASON they say to get the NT prenatal screening so you are prepared at delivery.  You have to read this amazing momma’s…

Belly Shots… Take one…

I’m now almost 13 weeks! (12 weeks 5 days) Here’s my first belly shot for Baby #3!    I know… I’m not really showing yet.  Since this is my third, I consider that a good thing.  :)   I can however manufacture a Good Belly Shot with what I call… “Bette Anne’s Preggo Pose”.  I…

Much Thanks…

Well, after my shocking news was revealed I feel so very loved at all the comments from everyone!  Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU to everyone for your comments and messages encouraging me that we can do this.  It’s nice to know that many of you have been where we are… in all of our…

Our Big Surprise… the Rest of the Story

So, are you ready to hear the “rest of the story?”  Let me start at the beginning by explaining that after Haylee we started having trouble in our attempts for a second baby.  We tried for about a year and a half, were devastated with a miscarriage, and tried another year and a half before…

Soooo… whaddya know…

It’s funny how life happens, isn’t it?  I’m a person who likes her life to be planned just so.  I know. I make most of you sick.  But planning things out makes me happy and feel centered and calm.  There are things in life that you just can’t always plan perfectly, however! Like…. pregnancy! Sometimes…

Poetry Contest!

This year Northside held a Poetry Contest for the Elementary with classroom winners going on to compete in Chapel.  I had put off working on Haylee’s poem with her because I knew she would not be too thrilled with having to get up in front of a large crowd and recite it!  I had forgotten…

Short but Sweet

Life has been crazy in our house the last two weeks.  Chris has been working more of a 2nd shift and we have decided… we don’t like it! The week before last he worked 2pm-10pm and last week was the horrid and dreadful 4pm-midnight! At least I was able to stay awake and see him…

Fun at CFA!!

Here are a few pics of our birthday dinner at CFA.  We RARELY eat inside so this was a nice treat for the kiddos to play and get some ice cream!    

My How Time Flies!

Happy TWO years to my little man!  Hard to believe it was just two years ago that we were finally welcoming our long awaited second treasure to our family.  Time has flown by, and he is now the family "menace" aka our very own "wrecking ball."  :)  He never seems to be afraid of anything…