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We are so excited to be heading to the Bahamas tomorrow!  This is our very first cruise and there is alot of unknowns so I am hoping that we actually make it on the boat safely each time we’re supposed to.  :) I was online Sunday trying to fill out our “Funpass” and was shocked…

A Day with Dolly

Last Friday was the First Grade Wax Museum at school which meant picking a character from history, dressing up in full costume, and creating a poster displaying pictures and facts about their person. You know I am a party pooper when it comes to projects.  I am not a seamstress.  Not even close.  Somehow I…

The Coolest of Coolness Baby Gadgets…

I clicked and clicked and searched and searched the mighty world wide web for the latest and greatest of the new–or at least new to me–“baby gadgets” and started a list that I may wanna register for…  Boon Squirt… Baby Spoon that holds the food in it! Just squeeze and it will supposedly squirt out….

100 Days of School!

So somehow I neglected ever posting this, so let’s step back in time a month or two… Back in January, Haylee’s class celebrated 100 Days of School with everyone creating some sort of 3D project with 100 items for them to practice counting and assembling.  I’m such a bad mom when it comes to projects. …

Baby Names

So we are playing the Name Game again. Ugh. Double Ugh. One of the FIRST things Chris said when we got our BFP (Big Fat Positive on the Pregnancy Test) was “Oh, great! Now we get to talk about baby names again.”  It might really be considered a method of torture to him.  I have…


…the blog, that is!  Found this great blog with FREE templates with coordinating headers and sidebar buttons.  Love the buttons!!!  It also put some decorative element between your posts… And the best part?  Besides being free, of course, is that it was SO EASY to install! Seriously!  So easy. You scroll through the backgrounds and…

The BIG Two!

My little man is just not so little anymore.  :(  Just not sure how this has snuck up on me soooo very quickly.  We did have much fun celebrating his 2nd birthday with the fam at Monkey Joe’s.  We must have lost a bit of our minds, however, because we consciously, of our own free…

Our Big Night…

Our Big Ten Celebration started off with a bang with bacon and eggs for breakfast!  My usual morning meal is a pack of Entenmann’s muffins… mmm, mmm, right?  Stop it. I know you are judging me for my lack of “nutritional” breakfast especially in my current state.  I’m sorry, okay? So a bacon and egg…

Diaper Bag Heaven

So I’m a diaper bag junkie.  Seriously my BFP was a SHOCK, but I almost immediately started scouring the web for the latest bags. I’ve searched high and low and keep coming back to the boutique custom bags.  I know they are over the top cutesy but I can’t help but love ’em!  I bought…

Ten Years with the MOST Patient Man on Earth

10 Years Ago Today… my man serenaded me in front of our friends and family (and my sobbing sister),  and I said “I do!” to him!  It is hard for me to grasp the sound of that number.  TEN YEARS?? Incidentally, I still sometimes get a lil’ butterfly when I hear “I Will be Here.”…


We are so excited to be heading to the Bahamas tomorrow!  This is our very first cruise and there is alot of unknowns so I am hoping that we actually make it on the boat safely each time we’re supposed to.  :) I was online Sunday trying to fill out our “Funpass” and was shocked…

A Day with Dolly

Last Friday was the First Grade Wax Museum at school which meant picking a character from history, dressing up in full costume, and creating a poster displaying pictures and facts about their person. You know I am a party pooper when it comes to projects.  I am not a seamstress.  Not even close.  Somehow I…

The Coolest of Coolness Baby Gadgets…

I clicked and clicked and searched and searched the mighty world wide web for the latest and greatest of the new–or at least new to me–“baby gadgets” and started a list that I may wanna register for…  Boon Squirt… Baby Spoon that holds the food in it! Just squeeze and it will supposedly squirt out….

100 Days of School!

So somehow I neglected ever posting this, so let’s step back in time a month or two… Back in January, Haylee’s class celebrated 100 Days of School with everyone creating some sort of 3D project with 100 items for them to practice counting and assembling.  I’m such a bad mom when it comes to projects. …

Baby Names

So we are playing the Name Game again. Ugh. Double Ugh. One of the FIRST things Chris said when we got our BFP (Big Fat Positive on the Pregnancy Test) was “Oh, great! Now we get to talk about baby names again.”  It might really be considered a method of torture to him.  I have…


…the blog, that is!  Found this great blog with FREE templates with coordinating headers and sidebar buttons.  Love the buttons!!!  It also put some decorative element between your posts… And the best part?  Besides being free, of course, is that it was SO EASY to install! Seriously!  So easy. You scroll through the backgrounds and…

The BIG Two!

My little man is just not so little anymore.  :(  Just not sure how this has snuck up on me soooo very quickly.  We did have much fun celebrating his 2nd birthday with the fam at Monkey Joe’s.  We must have lost a bit of our minds, however, because we consciously, of our own free…

Our Big Night…

Our Big Ten Celebration started off with a bang with bacon and eggs for breakfast!  My usual morning meal is a pack of Entenmann’s muffins… mmm, mmm, right?  Stop it. I know you are judging me for my lack of “nutritional” breakfast especially in my current state.  I’m sorry, okay? So a bacon and egg…

Diaper Bag Heaven

So I’m a diaper bag junkie.  Seriously my BFP was a SHOCK, but I almost immediately started scouring the web for the latest bags. I’ve searched high and low and keep coming back to the boutique custom bags.  I know they are over the top cutesy but I can’t help but love ’em!  I bought…

Ten Years with the MOST Patient Man on Earth

10 Years Ago Today… my man serenaded me in front of our friends and family (and my sobbing sister),  and I said “I do!” to him!  It is hard for me to grasp the sound of that number.  TEN YEARS?? Incidentally, I still sometimes get a lil’ butterfly when I hear “I Will be Here.”…