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9-1-1 Sunday

Sunday, the 18th was Northside’s 19th year to host 9-1-1 Sunday where they honor the First Responders in the community.  It actually was pretty cool.  They had emergency vehicles spread out over the church parking lot with police and firemen milling about to talk with you and answer any questions. Wade was THRILLED since they…

Our First Baby Purchase!

Well,  I am now 18 weeks (and will be 19 wks on Monday), and we just made our first baby #3 purchase last week! Poor Baby #3 doesn’t get many new purchases unfortunately, though it would be fun to go out and buy all new everything!  :)  (Calm down, honey.  I’m just kidding.)    Our…

Cruising Capers… day 4

Day four dawned bright and early in the capital of the Bahamas… Nassau. I was pretty sunburned so most of our adventures had to consist of sunless activities… :(  Since we weren’t “tendering” debarking was quick and painless and basically consisted of riding the elevator down to the 3rd floor and showing our Sail and…

Netflix Neat-o

Chris subscribed us to Netflix several weeks ago for like $9/mo, but I wasn’t really that thrilled with  the idea.  At that point we had tons to watch on the DVR and never seemed or seem to have the time to watch everything as it is. I will admit that I was the complete Netflix…

Pregnancy Questions & Answers…

Pregnancy Questions & Answers: Q: Should I have a baby after 35? A: No, 35 children is enough. Q: I’m two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?A: With any luck, right after he finishes college. Q: What is the most reliable method to determine a baby’s sex? A: Childbirth. Q: My childbirth instructor…

Cruising Capers… Day 3

Day 3 of the Big Cruise began by docking at a private island Carnival called “Half Moon Cay,” but if you look it up on a map, it’s called “Little San Salvador.”  I had read online people saying this was the MOST beautiful island they had ever been to.  It truly was amazingly beautiful.  I…

Easter Pics by Nana and Pop

One sad thing about cruising over Easter meant we weren’t with our crazy kiddos Easter morning to do Easter baskets and get pics of them in their Easter duds. :( Nana and Pop made sure to get lots of pics for us, though, so we could see how cute they were!    Nana also spoiled…

17 weeks and Counting…

Time is ticking away steadily on the pregnancy calendar… somehow moving at a swift clip.  Faster than I remember my pregnancy with Wade moving. I had my 17 week appointment yesterday and things are going well.  :)  I have gained 5 lbs in all so far which isn’t too bad, though it’s more than I…

Wild Man Wade is the Big TWO!

 Aunt B was in town the week before our cruise, and she took Wade’s 2 year old pics while she was here.  He does not like to cooperate with picture taking endeavors and is especially ornery when Daddy is not there to make him mind. :) He was actually much better than our attempts in…

The Trip has BEGUN!

Well, we made it back from the Caribbean safe and sound, happy to be back on dry land and with the crazy kiddos again…  Here’s a recap of the beginning of our trip mostly written on the boat… Savannah and Day ONE & TWO… We left Friday afternoon for Savannah as our stopping point for…

9-1-1 Sunday

Sunday, the 18th was Northside’s 19th year to host 9-1-1 Sunday where they honor the First Responders in the community.  It actually was pretty cool.  They had emergency vehicles spread out over the church parking lot with police and firemen milling about to talk with you and answer any questions. Wade was THRILLED since they…

Our First Baby Purchase!

Well,  I am now 18 weeks (and will be 19 wks on Monday), and we just made our first baby #3 purchase last week! Poor Baby #3 doesn’t get many new purchases unfortunately, though it would be fun to go out and buy all new everything!  :)  (Calm down, honey.  I’m just kidding.)    Our…

Cruising Capers… day 4

Day four dawned bright and early in the capital of the Bahamas… Nassau. I was pretty sunburned so most of our adventures had to consist of sunless activities… :(  Since we weren’t “tendering” debarking was quick and painless and basically consisted of riding the elevator down to the 3rd floor and showing our Sail and…

Netflix Neat-o

Chris subscribed us to Netflix several weeks ago for like $9/mo, but I wasn’t really that thrilled with  the idea.  At that point we had tons to watch on the DVR and never seemed or seem to have the time to watch everything as it is. I will admit that I was the complete Netflix…

Pregnancy Questions & Answers…

Pregnancy Questions & Answers: Q: Should I have a baby after 35? A: No, 35 children is enough. Q: I’m two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?A: With any luck, right after he finishes college. Q: What is the most reliable method to determine a baby’s sex? A: Childbirth. Q: My childbirth instructor…

Cruising Capers… Day 3

Day 3 of the Big Cruise began by docking at a private island Carnival called “Half Moon Cay,” but if you look it up on a map, it’s called “Little San Salvador.”  I had read online people saying this was the MOST beautiful island they had ever been to.  It truly was amazingly beautiful.  I…

Easter Pics by Nana and Pop

One sad thing about cruising over Easter meant we weren’t with our crazy kiddos Easter morning to do Easter baskets and get pics of them in their Easter duds. :( Nana and Pop made sure to get lots of pics for us, though, so we could see how cute they were!    Nana also spoiled…

17 weeks and Counting…

Time is ticking away steadily on the pregnancy calendar… somehow moving at a swift clip.  Faster than I remember my pregnancy with Wade moving. I had my 17 week appointment yesterday and things are going well.  :)  I have gained 5 lbs in all so far which isn’t too bad, though it’s more than I…

Wild Man Wade is the Big TWO!

 Aunt B was in town the week before our cruise, and she took Wade’s 2 year old pics while she was here.  He does not like to cooperate with picture taking endeavors and is especially ornery when Daddy is not there to make him mind. :) He was actually much better than our attempts in…

The Trip has BEGUN!

Well, we made it back from the Caribbean safe and sound, happy to be back on dry land and with the crazy kiddos again…  Here’s a recap of the beginning of our trip mostly written on the boat… Savannah and Day ONE & TWO… We left Friday afternoon for Savannah as our stopping point for…